Murder Of The Cat Gang Epsode Two: The Return

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Jinny: (off view, narrating) Oh boy, this place really takes me back. Waay back, this was not gonna be just any normal day, and this all started because of that... Crazy legend... That turned out to be real... Maybe even... A little bit... Too real.. But, let's get to the introductions. Shall we? Hi, I'm Jinny Alice Cattails! And I'll be the narrator for today! And this, is our story! James Cattails: (running, does a flip, and then lands down on the ground, holding a little bag, looks back a bit) whew, I gotta say. I've still got it. And as for this, heh. She didn't even know it was gone. (stands back up, thinks) Strange... There were none of those weird zombie guards protecting it. (shrugs) Oh well. At least I got it, and she didn't even know I took it, hmph! Nice going James. (smile smirk) Haunting Female Voice: (from a far in the woods) FOOLISH CAT MORTAL! YOU DARE STEAL FROM ME?! I SHALL SMITE YOU! AND THEN I SHALL KILL YOU! (Fires black-hot balls at James) James: (doges all of them) Gah! (thinks, running) Damn! She noticed it was gone quicker than I thought! (keeps running) Gods if I only had my daughters claws right about now! (jumps up) Keep calm James, just keep calm. Jinny: (off view again, still narrating) You guys know who that is? That's James, or also known as my Dad. He's the one who has something very important that'll change everything, forever. James: (swings on a vine over to the other side, and lands on the ground, looks up, and sees that She's got the bag now) Oh no! Godress: (standing, floating, and hovering off the ground in front of him) Jameson.. I'm very impressed on how you manged to take this artifact away from me without my knowledge or permission. Now, I wish to know your reasoning for stealing my little important pendant? (messes with Her fur, getting a little mad and impatient) You know it's not nice to steal. James: (mad look up at Her) Well.. It's payback... (punches Her and then catches the bag) For what stolen from me! That was for my wife you murderer! (turns around and is about to run off again) blood splotch two! James: (looks at his right arm, gasps at the fact that it's bleeding) Wha-what?! Godress: (thinking pose, sigh look, one paw behind her back, one big paw/claw upward) That, was just a little warning. If you refuse to give me back that artifact right now. I will make the punishment much more... Severe. James: (holding his bleeding right arm, worried, thinks) She-She busted my arm.. Without even moving an inch or a claw! Just who or what is this woman?! ... (starts running again) Godress: (sighs, bored look) Another annoying chase of Mouse and Cat. James: (still running, then stops at the edge of the cliff and looks down at the water below) Crap! It's a dead end! Godress: (floating and getting closer) Jameson? It's only a little, tiny choice, just pick one. (holds out Her big paw, demands) Give me the bag back. Now. Or meet your fate by escaping. James: (looks down at the water, then looks at Her, thinks) .... (jumps in it) Water Splash! Godress: (watches him from up high on the small cliff) So? You've decided to sacrifice yourself and let the world slowly end eh? Very well then, I must thank you very much Jameson. Because of your own sacrifice to save yourself, and in the hopes to protect you pitiful furry and human mortals. You have chosen to let this pitiful, impurrfect world to end in explosions, blood and Death. All of you useless mortals will come to an end. And you'll be there to watch, no one, can stop The Dark Goddess! (evilly laughs, it echos) the ground starts cracking open James: (still swimming away) ... Jinny: She was right. Little did my Dad know.. That the spark that he had started... Would turn into big a storm of flames, but, how could his sacrifice, affect the whole world? I mean, it won't end because of the world because of that, will it? Big music plays and title Episode Two: The Return Jinny: Now, let's change the pace and attitude a little bit, shall we? Let's talk about me. A non-purrfectionist. Who really needed to find herself a boyfriend. Not like I'll ever get one. Anyways, I was just riding along, going into a town to find and talk to, her old pals, singing all the way. Jinny: (riding on a piece of wood and humming different songs to herself) 🎵Cause baby you're a firework!🎵Come on let your colors burn!🎵Boom! Boom! Boom!🎵Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon!🎵Cause God makes no mistakes!🎵I'm on the right track baby!🎵I was born this way!🎵Oo, they're ain't no other way!🎵Baby I was born this way!🎵Baby I was born this way!🎵Ain't no stoppin us now!🎵whoo! We're on the move!🎵Ain't no stoppin us now!🎵whoo! We got the groove!🎵Don't believe me, just watch!🎵come on!🎵 (stops and stares down at the town below her, feels the wind in her fur and hair) mm, that feels good. (happy sighs) It's so good to be home, I'm sure everyone missed me, and I can't wait to see them again. (thinks) Ah Furville. The City Of Shops. Here, there's a shop for something and has anything everyone needs. (in town, walking around) The furries and humans who live here, also have shops, and some have to live in their shops, heh. A lot of people are happy here now that Evil Shadow, Werehog, Mephiles, and Scourge have been destroyed. But... That was almost... 3 years ago. It's still hard to believe it, even for me and my friends. Since we used to fight them, but now we don't have to worry about them anymore. Now, we can live joyous and happy lives. But I'm on a mission to find my friends. I know that Pikachu, Dad, and Manic are living here somewhere. But, I don't where. Hmm? (walks past a store, then stops, walks back and looks at it) Wait a sec! This is where Pikachu is at? (smiles) Wellp. Guess I found him. That was easy. (about to walk in but thinks and scratches the back of her head) But wait! What do I say? I can't just waltz in there and say.. "Oh hey buddy! I'm back and sorry for not visiting in the last six years!" (facepalm) Ugh! (brave look) Well, I'll just have to make it work. (opens the door and walks over to the desk, and also looks around, thinks) Wow. This place gives me the creeps, there's almost nothing here. I had no ideas Pikachu live in a place like this. (now over by the desk, waiting) Sunk Girl: (reading a book and then lowers it down and looks up at her with a bored look) Can I help you? Jinny: (talks to her, kinda fast) Hey! The names Jinny Alice Cattails, sure you've heard of me! Anyways! (then slows down the talking) You know where I can find a Pokemon named Pikachu here? Sunk Girl: (points to the right with her tail) He's in the back. You'll find his lab, just keep going straight. Jinny: Oh! (smiles) Thanks! (about to walk back there) Sunk Girl: (points out) Hold up girl, one more thing. Jinny: (looks at her and corrects her) It's Jinny. Sunk Girl: (bored and doesn't care look at her) Guzuntight. Cat Girl? Look, just whatever you do, please don't just piss off the guy. He's been really extra worked up and extra busy lately. Jinny: (thumbs up, smiles) Oh don't worry! Pikachu and I go way back! We're best friends! So I'm sure that he'll warm up to me! Meanwhile, in Pikachu's lab. Pikachu: (using a flame thrower to finish up something, lifts up his fire protection helmet) There. I'm almost done with this... Jinny: (knocks on the door) Pikachu: (not looking at the door, mad) Go away! I'm too busy! Jinny: (peeks in and smiles) Too busy to even kick out your old best friend? Pikachu: (turns around and looks up at her, shocked, surprised and can't believe it) Ji-Jinny?! Jinny: (comes into the room and smiles, winks and waves down at him) yup heh, it's really me buddy, I'm back. Both: .... Pikachu: (throws a wrench at her, really mad) get outta my lab Jinn! Your the last furry I wanna see right now! Jinny: (doges it) Woah! Pikachu?! What's wrong with you?! Pikachu: (looks up at her still mad) what's wrong with me?! (points) What's wrong with you?! Your the one who left us for six years! And you don't see anything wrong with that! Jinny: (ears flop down, rubs her left arm) yeah, I know.. Pikachu: (still looking up at her mad) besides, you don't know how much everything's changed. Jinny: (getting upset, trying to talk) But Pikachu! Just listen I was!.. Pikachu: (looks away, arms crossed) Forget it Jinny! I'm not interested in anything you have to say! (looks back up at her mad face still) Besides, everyone's changed now, and moved on. I've changed, Silver's changed, hell! Even Manic's changed! It took him months to get over you and move on. Jinny: (still a little upset) After six years, and your not even that happy to see me. Pikachu: (shakes his head, still mad) No. Jinny: (still upset, rubs right arm) What about my Dad? Pikachu: (looks down) He... He'd always, knew you'd come back. He never doubted like the rest of us did. So he might understand if you tell him. But me? (scoffs, mad still) Sorry. But I won't be. So, whatever you need to say, you can just forget it, cause I'm not listening to you. Jinny: (sad look) .... (sighs, walks over to the door) Alright Pikachu, I understand, you wanna be left alone, if that's it then?.. I'll leave. (smiles) See ya around, Pikapal. (leaves and closes the door) Pikachu: .... (sits on the floor, and starts crying because in truth, he really missed her) Jinny: (outside his door, sighs) at least I tried. (walks down the hall, past the desk with the Sunk Girl, waves at her) see you again too. Sunk Girl: (not looking at her, nose in her book) good day. Jinny: (walking around town again, thinking) I should probably buy a gift for Dad while I'm here, but.. I don't really know what he likes. (stops and sees this one male-related store) Hmm, maybe this store will have something for Dad. (walks in and looks around) Uuh, hello? Anyone here? Manic: (smiles and then turns around) oh, hello dude or dudette, and welcome to The!... (gasps) Jinny: (surprised look) no way! (thinks) It's him!... Manic The Hedgehog! Manic: (surprised, can't believe it) Jinn-Jinny?! (now really mad) what the hell are you like, doing in my store dudette?! In fact, you shouldn't be even allowed in this town, get outta here! Jinny: (still surprised, pointing) Wait a sec! Your store?! But I thought you didn't like this kinda male stuff?! Manic: (arms crossed) Well, things changed around here dudette! Now like I said before, get out! Jinny: (ears flop down again) But Manic please, I could really use your help. Manic: (arms still crossed, still mad) help you out? With what? Jinny: (pleads, puts her paws together) I need to find my Dad, has he been through here at all? Manic: (looks away, mad face still) Well then! I'm not telling you! Jinny: (sad look a bit still) What?! Why not?! Manic: (looks at her, still mad) Because! I only help customers, not jerkettes! (turns back around) Jinny: (now getting mad) Manic, are you even hearing yourself?! This isn't you! Both: (look down, sad and mad) ..... Jinny: (still mad) what happened to that rockstar I knew and loved?! Manic: (looks up, gasps) !! Jinny: (covers her mouth) Uhh, I mean!.. Manic: (turns around again, looking at her surprised) did you just say lo?... Jinny: (scratches the back of her head, smiles, still slightly blushing) That I knew and cared for?! Yes, that's what I meant to say! Manic: (smiles, slightly blushes too) alright, I guess I'll tell you where your Dad is. Jinny: (surprised look, still slightly blushing) Later, in the forest, Jinny is leaning up against a tree, waiting for her Dad. Flashback Manic: (tells her look) Your Dad stopped by to visit, and said that he'll be in the forest near by, good luck Jinn. Jinny: (facepalm, sighs) Nice going Cattails, you screwed things up again. Great, just great. James: (comes out from behind another tree) Jinny? Jinny: (gasps, surprised look) Dad? Both: (look at each other and then run up and hug) Jinny! Dad! James: Mmm, oh, it's so good to see you. (looks at her, smiles) My little kitten? (about to cry) Your all grown up, and you look beautiful. (Moves some hair out her face) Just like your mother. Oh, she'd be so proud of you. Jinny: (chuckles, moves some hair out her face too) Thanks Dad. James: (looks at her more, but also looks at her bandaged paws) So, what happened to you? Jinny: (looks at him) I was gonna ask you the same thing? Why are you all wet? You hate water. James: (smiles) What? (Scratches the back of his neck) Just took a little dip, besides. You know a little water never hurt anyfurry, and it's certainly not gonna hurt little old me. Jinny: (chuckles) Your right about that Dad. James: so? Where have you been? I mean, I'd always knew you'd come back, so tell me, what happened? Jinny: (nervous look away) Well... Do you really wanna know? James: (waiting, smiles, nods his head) Yes, go ahead, I'm all ears. Jinny: (sighing look) Okay... (takes a deep breath, looks at him, ears flop down a bit) The President said that I served all my six years, so he let me go. Flashback of her back in the Humane Society. President: (looks down at a Little Jinny) Clean yourself up kit, your going home. Flashback over, and back to present day. James: (looks at her, surprised and shocked, can't believe it) lLt you go? You mean, you forced into doing their orders? Jinny: (looks away from him, kinda grumpy face) Yes. It explains why I haven't called or visited you in the last six years. James: (hugs her, worried look) Oh my little Jinzy, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Jinny: (hugs him back, smiles) Heh heh, it's okay now Dad. Now I get to spend more time with you. James: (keeps hugging her and then smiles) Yeah!.. Ah! (let's go of her and holds his right arm again) Ah. Jinny: (looks at him, gets worried) Dad! Are you okay? James: (looks up) Huh? (smiles) Oh yeah I'm fine heh, don't worry about me. Jinny: (looks at his right bleeding arm) Dad! Oh my! Dad your hurt! Did you scratch your arm while swimming? It looks pretty bad. James: (nervous smile, sweat drop) Uhh.. (smiles) Yeah! That's it! I accidentally scratched it while swimming! Jinny: (worried look) Oh Dad. (remembers) Hold on! I think I have some bandages in my pocket! James: Okay. (sighs in relief, thinks to himself) Good thing I thought of something quick. She probably wouldn't believe me if I did tell her the whole truth, sorry Jinny, it's the only way I can protect you. Godress: (voice echos) Jameson?... Jameson?... It seems that you have forgotten about something very important. James: (shocked look) Wha-what?!... Godress: (voice echos more) It's time for you, to finally meet your fate... James: (feeling a bad pain and holding his head) Ahh! Get out of my head! Rragh! Jinny: (finishing rapping up his right arm and looks at him) Dad?! What's wrong?! Are you okay?! James: (looks at her, worried look) Jinny! Listen to me, whatever you do, make sure that SHE doesn't get this! (puts the small bag in her bandaged paws) Jinny: (holds the small bag in her left paw) She?! Who's She?! Dad! What's going on with you?! James: no time to explain, just run! Jinny: (getting a bit scared) What? James: (worried look, starting to light up) Jinny!... I said!... RUN! Go! Now! Jinny: (still scared look, but backs off, away from him) Haunting Female Voice/James: (lifted up in the air, glowing) THIS!... Is only The Beginning! Of The End! (disappears) Jinny: (uncovers her eyes and looks shocked, surprised and confused) did my Dad just?.. Disappear? Dad? ... Dad?! Where are you? .. (starts looking around) Da-Dad?! ..... (starts getting a bit scared) Dad-Daddy? Daddy where are you? .... This isn't funny anymore! Please come out! Dad! Dad... (staring to cry a little, but then hears something) Huh?! (Ears perk up) What was that sound? (turns around) Huh? Someone: (zooms by really fast) gotta hurry! Jinny: (surprised gasp) Hey! It's Silver?! (Jumps over the bush and runs to catch up with him) Hey Silver! Wait! (Runs besides him, smiles) Hey Silv?! What's the rush pal? Silver: (still flying, serious look) No time to explain Jinny! I've gotta save the people of Furville before things get worse! (stops flying and looks at her clearly) Jinn-Jinny?! Your-your alive?! Jinny: (looks confused) Uhh yeah? Why wouldn't I be? Silver: (scratches the back of his quills) Well, it's just that, you've been gone for... Jinny: (looks away, smug look) Six years I know, I know. You don't have to rub it in. Silver: (surprised) Woah six years? I didn't know it was that long. (hugs her) I'm sure you felt all alone. Trust me, I know how that feels. Jinny: (hugs him back) Yeah I know. But I'm back now and that's all that matters. Silver: (let's go of her, brave look) Right. Both: (hear screams of panic) Jinny: (brave look too) So? Whaddy ya say we go save the people of Furville together old pal? (fist bump paw out) Silver: Yeah! let's do it to it! (fist paw bumps her back) Both: (run and fly back to Furville) The ground starts to crack open. Meanwhile somewhere far with Godress and her Soulless followers, along with James. Soulless Fox Boy: (bows down) Mistress. The ground has started to explode. And the green glowing energy will be going haywire in less than an hour. (fades away) Aah!! Godress: (sitting on a throne, big claw up) Purrfect. My purrfect plan is already started to take shape, and there is no one on this pathetic planet Earth who will be able to stop your Dark Goddess. We all watch this pathetic little world end in doom, blood, and Death. And all will fear and adore me. James: (behind the crowd, mad look) You bitch. Godress: (looks at him, very mad, teeth showing) You dare say something like that to your Dark Goddess? Your ruler?! You dare go against my plans?! James: (still mad look up at Her) There will be someone to stop you. When my daughter finds out about you. She'll send you straight to hell! Godress: (walks up to him and touches his chin) Well, Jameson?.. I think your flame has burned long enough. Besides, you seem like you could be of some use to me after all. James: (looks at Her, still mad) Do your worst. Godress: (moves her big claw out, taking part of his soul, walks back up to the front of her Soulless followers) James: (standing there, X symbol on his left paw, eyes glowing purple) Godress: (claws up, back up the stairs) This is only the glorious beginning, of a great deathful end. Once I take Control of her pity-full little friends, and destroy the other four little kittens. There will be absolutely no one left in this world to stop me, I will live on forever, and you, will follow my every order. Long Live Your Dark Goddess! Soullessess: All Hail To You! My Mistress! Meanwhile, back in Furville, the whole town was in a panic from the explosions happening all around. Country Pony: (screams, gets swooped up off the ground before it explodes under her) Ahhh!!! Jinny: (has her in her arms) Hi! Jinny your saver here, to the rescue! Country Pony: (looks surprised) Oh my hay! They're now safe on a tall hill. Jinny: (puts her down) Any more Silver? Silver: (thinks) No, not all of them, there's a still few more left to save, and I think we're missing... Both: (hear a guy scream) Jinny: (recognized that scream) Wait.. That sounds like... Both: (look at each other, gasps) Manic!! Jinny: (about to run off) I've gotta go save him! I'll be right back! (runs off) Silver: (looks back and shouts) Okay, I'll keep saving the others. Hurry back and be careful! Jinny( looks back, keeps running) I will! Manic: (getting crushed by rocks and wood, crying a lot) Ah. Ah.. Ugh.. Mph... Nnng... Jin... Jinny.... Help... Me... Dudette... (slowly closes his eyes) ... Murder Of The Cat Gang End of Episode Two: The Return Episode Three: Ghost Cats Polie: (serious look, eyes glowing and open) It's time Fluffs. Fluffy: (brave look, smiles) I'm ready big broleo! Hehehe! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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