Dim, cold, 7:00am air filtered into my room from a crack, placed under my door.
If I could have it my way, the splashes of cold would be warm. But no, we weren't living in Hawaii anymore. So, according to my older bro Jess, I had to "deal". apparently the cool kid code.
Jess was 17, a year and a half older than me. he acted like it was the biggest deal in the world. Correction: he is stupid. true, his maturity level has definitely clicked into place since the time he was five, but really, i still think he's anything but mature.
a month ago, my parents decided we needed a change in climate. and a change in scenery. my parents didn't even take to mind that Jess and i were leaving behind everything we'd grown up with. in fact, lived with our whole lives. so to us, this was a huge deal.
pretty much the only people i knew so far was my next-store neighbor, but come to think of it, i didn't even know his name. yet.
"Kay, at least some toast. please? for me?" dad gave me bambi eyes as i trampled down the stairs, rotating my shirt so the tag wasn't sprung out (as if on springs) right in front of my face.
"dad", i said, trying to narrow my eyes so he would think i was serious. "i'm gonna go downtown after school, so i'll check in with you then." he rolled his eyes at me, and a smile escaped my lips, playing across my face.
"hey Kay? are you excited for you're first day?" he sounded so happy for me, i decided not to make a sarcastic remark about the way his face was twitching, like a mouse.
i rolled my eyes back at him, and exited the house, making sure to close the screen door behind me, so the multiple herds of flies didn't decide to lay eggs anywhere in my house. That would suck.
I entered the school building, ignoring the stares i was getting from quite a few people. i looked at the sheet of paper that supposedly lead me to my locker, number 18C.
i continued to stare at the piece of paper clutched tightly in my hands. number 18C, number 18C, number...- "thump!" i felt a rough hand reach out to stop me from falling on my butt. my, would that be embarrassing. i looked up into the face of the person i'd bumped into.
as i saw who it was, my mouth dropped open unatractively. it was the boy who'd left my class in 7th grade, and who i still dreamed about seeing one day.
"uh, hi!" i managed, suddenly feeling like such a dork in my plain, ripped, light jeans and faded v-neck t.
"um, hi....", he said, equally surprised.
"so," i began. "i thought you moved to california. change of plans?" i looked up at him again, examining his face.
"uh, yeah. sure. change of plans." he stared back at me. i could feel the back of my neck begin to tingle. holes were blazed into my back by his scorching eyes as i turned to go. you know, to find my locker.
something was different about him. maybe he was older? wiser (just like my brother! not.)?
as soon as i realized the bell must've rang, i was already pacing the 'pick-up/ drop-off' area. even though i was 15, mom still wouldn't allow me to walk home. an over protective parent? yes. my mother? maybe....... yes. annoying? yes. lovable? i'll get back to you on that.
i could see mom's peach-colored subaru in the background of everything else. except i was thinking. thinking about school, about how unwanted i felt here, and about how detailed the graffiti on the left side of the building was. i tend to notice stuff like that.
a honk. "kay, get in the damned car! i don't have all day!" jess had the window rolled down, and the music blasted.
"uh, jess? i thought mom was picking me up." i grumbled.
"nope!" he said, a smirk etched into his face. "she had to work late. and she is paying me to come to this....." he gestured with his hands at my school. "place" he finished.
i glared at him, sticking out my toungue. i know, childish. but it's not like anyone was watching.
"come on, kay! buckle up!" he said, checking his face for pimples in the rear-veiw mirror. he shot me a smile and sped off in search of home.
"god, jess! why do you have to stop at every damn coffee-shop-drivethrough? cant we just wait until we get home? i'm hungry!" yes, i know. i sounded like a toddler. but this guy (me bro) was seriously beginning to get on my nerves. i crossed my arms in front of my chest and shot him a death glare.
all he did was smile.
the front door opened, than closed. i could tell because it was slammed. a loud bang ecoed through the house.
"cheeldrin! i'm home!" a creepy old ladies voice called from the downstairs living room.
"mom?!?!" i asked, beggining to get a bit nerves.