The Point Is...

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"Hwi!" The said man turned around from where he was standing and in his vision, he saw a guy smiling too much with his hands flailing around.

He raised his hand to wave but Taeyang has already engulfed him into a hug before he can do anything else. "I missed you."

"You were only gone for 2 months."

"So you dont miss me?" Taeyang pouted cutely and stared into Hwiyoung's eyes with his own glossy ones.

"Its not like that..." He looks away, shyly.

Taeyang tightened his hug again again. "I dont know how you dont miss me but I really did miss you. It was only two months but I cant help but feel that you were gone for eternity. I couldnt wait to have you in my arms again even though its only for a week. I couldnt wait to have you with me again." Taeyang burries his head on Hwi's broad shoulders, rumbling on his own. "I love you Hwi."

Hwiyoung ruffles the hair of the man in his arms. "I love you too, idiot."

"So you missed me?"

He nodded.

Taeyang smiled again.

"Lets just go now. I want to make good memories with you, Hwi. Because Im gonna leave again by the end of this week." He sighed before pulling him away from the train station.



They went to the cafe, the arcade, the park, the trampoline land, everywhere. And soon the day before Taeyang is about to leave again came.

They were both on Hwiyoung's bed, holding each other's hands and leaning on each other. Only silence was heard until Taeyang heaved a sigh.

"Hwi. I dont want to leave you."

Hwiyoung stayed silent.

"Sometimes I worry that when I leave, youll find someone else. That when I leave, youll forget about me. That when I leave youll love someone else. And--"

"Tae. You know I wont do that. You know that I only love you."

"But I cant help it!" Taeyang shot up and faced Hwiyoung with watery eyes. "Youre just--Perfect... I feel like im sinning when I keep you to myself. I want to always be with you. I want to make happy memories with you but Im always like this..." He places his head on his shoulder, frustrated.

Hwiyoung rubs his hand on his back.

"Hwi...Why do I want to make good memories with you...?" He sounded so weak.

He felt his shoulder get wet. "Why do I want to make good memories when I just feel sad when I think of them...?"

Taeyang silently cries. Hwiyoung bit his lip, trying hard not to tear up but he failed anyway as soon as it rained from his eyes. He wipes them away and pushed Taeyang off him, facing his flushed face.


He looks away.

"Tae, face me."

He shook his head.

"Tae!" Hwiyoung grabs both his cheeks and turned him to his way. "Listen."

He inhales deeply before starting. "Tae, youre not the only one who has these worries. At times, i think that what if you find someone else. Someone better." Taeyang opens his mouth. "But I know you wont."

"You wanna know why we make happy memories when we feel lonely as we think of them? Its because we love each other Tae. We miss each other that much. A week, A month, A Year... Nothing is enough Tae.." Hwiyoung interlocked their hands. "I want you to be with me, not just Forever, not just infinity, stay with me longer than what measurement can take."

"Hwi..." Taeyang lets out a small smile. "Im leaving tomorrow. Why do you have to make me feel this way? It makes it harder."

"Then stay, Tae."

"But, I cant---"

He tightened his hold, looking at his eyes intently. "Please?"

Taeyang looks at the side, hesitating. He looks back to Hwiyoung who has red puffy eyes and face wearing a pout. Taeyang sighs, defeated. "Maybe I can stay after all..."

Hwiyoung lights up and quickly hugged him. He keeps that gummy smile on until it turned into a frown. "Wouldnt your students question why you werent there?"

"My students can wait."

"But still, wasnt teaching dance your passion?"

"Dance can wait."

"Also, your parents---"

"Hwi. My point is-- I want to stay with you too. My students can wait. Dancing can wait. My parents can wait. Anything can wait, as long as you want me with you." Taeyang ruffles his hair. "And as long as I want you with me."

"Sunshine..." he let out a giggle. "I can never beat you." He never stopped his smile that almost reaches his ears.

"Youre so beautiful." Hwiyoung turns red, hitting Taeyang's shoulder lightly.

"As beautiful as who my husband will be." Hwiyoung let out an embarrassed noise before burying his face into Taeyang's sleeve. "Shut up."

"Its a yes, right?" Taeyang was grinning from ear to ear. Hwiyoung looks at him for a moment before smiling lovingly. He lets out a sigh before kissing Taeyang to the cheek.

"You need a ring, idiot."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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