Document 32.7.A

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Document 32.7.A

FILE # 665758


Filed January 3rd, 2018


December 22nd, 2017 

(Text message exchange between "Rebecca O. DeMeo" and "XXXX XXXXX")

Rebecca: Uber driver is insane. Keeps telling me about the Xmas break blizzard of '06 and how 3 planes went off the runway 🔪🔪😖 

XXXX: Good karma. You've got nine lives anyway. Lol 

Rebecca:  -700000000000000 stars for this guy.

XXXX: 😂😂

XXXX: You at airport?

Rebecca: Not yet. Traffic terrible.

XXXX: ?????

Rebecca: Sry. Y. Not sure I'm getting out. Storm is getting worse. Might close it down.

XXXX: 🤞 if not come back and we'll go out!

Rebecca: Boarded. Sitting on rnway. My dad's freaking out.

Rebecca: 57 minutes and counting... Not looking good... 


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Rebecca: World's loudest snorer...

XXXX: lol

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XXXX: lol

XXXX: Know I said I wouldn't bring it up again rly should tell him over break. He needs to know. Better to do it in person than over the phone or something. Sry, not trying to get into this again just think u can't pretend everything's ok when it's not.

XXXX: Sry, didn't mean that, I'm a mess about it and I don't know how to deal. Don't know how you do it, stay so centered and lvl headed, I'd b a puddle on the floor...Just think about it. Either way I've got your back.

XXXX: Your flight make it out ok?

XXXX: ?????????

Rebecca: Hey. Yeah. Sry for the late response. Dozed off. Wiped from treatment. 2 hour delay but last ones out bfore they closed airport. 🤟🙄

XXXX: Glad you made it. Get some rest. Call me when ur settled.


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