Broken Trust- Part 1

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Unedited- Sorry for any mistakes!

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Lucy sat on her bed at the windowsill, her window wide open, and glass of wine on and Lucid dreams playing in the background on her bluetooth speaker.

In a world of magic, demons, monsters, a world where everything is possible, they still didn't want her. They had seen most things people could never imagine, they had been to hell and back, yet, they still refused to be with her- to be together because they were scared of the looks, the whispers, the hushed rumours.

Now, as a Fairy Tail mage, Lucy was taught that things like that didn't matter, not as long as what you were doing was making you happy and wasn't affecting your health or anyone else's. As a Fairy Tail mage, she knew her family, their friends, wouldn't judge them, they'd support them, be by their side, all as long as they were happy and healthy.

They knew this to, but yet, they were still afraid. Lucy, finding this hard to believe,turned to self pity and the bottle of a wine glass in hopes of drowning her sorrow and dowsing the fire of rejection that continued to sting and burn.

Frowning bitterly at the nearly empty glass of wine, the blonde downed the last bits of red liquid in the glass, before reaching behind her trying to grab the half full bottle of wine off of the small night desk beside her bed.

For tonight she would wallow in her self pity, tomorrow she would pick herself back up- albeit with a hangover but she'd stop weeping, stop going after people who don't want her, she'd put a smile on her face and move on from them, but for tonight, just tonight, she'll drink, she'll have fun, she'll cry, she'll hate, she'll curse but most importantly she'll start to move on.

Because at the end of the day, no matter what, no matter how much you love a person, if all your doing is hurting yourself while going after that person there becomes a point where you sit and ask yourself and I mean really truly ask yourself for an honest answer, 'is it worth it? Are they worth it? I'm just getting hurt, is this what I want for myself? For my future?'.

Well Lucy got her answer. If they came back to her, if they wanted to be together, no matter the stares, the whispers, the rumors, she'd wholeheartedly take them back without a minutes thought. But...she wasn't going to go after them, she wasn't going to hang onto people who didn't care enough about her to want to be with her only to claim they love her. She wasn't going to get hurt by watching them rip into each other because they were scared other people would judge them for being bisexual and pansexual. She wasn't going to keep hurting herself for them.

With a sigh, Lucy finished pouring herself another glass. Taking a sip, the blonde turned her head so she could face down the road, she only did this because she thought she saw a glint of white light. Shaking her head, looking at the glass in her hand, she chalked the white light up to the alcohol affecting her.

Laying her head down on her arms on the outside of the windowsill, the blonde closed her eyes, letting an involuntary shake rule her body as a huge gust if wind blew through the cold night air.

"You're going to catch a cold" Almost jumping out of the window the heartbroken Heartfilia whipped her head around to face one of the very people she was sad, mad, heartbroken, desperately in lov- well you get the picture.

"What are you doing here?" Lucy didn't mean for her words to hold so much venom but right now, she wasn't really in control, her angrier inner thoughts were being given the confidence to be voiced. She should really of laid back on the drinking a bit.

Rogue frowned at her words, choosing to sit down on the furious blonde's bed instead of answering her question. He couldn't answer her question even if he wanted to, because in truth, he really didn't know why he was here.

As the shadow dragon slayer sat there staring into the glistening, from both tears and alcohol, eyes of the girl he loved, he felt another presence enter the room. Looking to the side, towards the living room, Rogue spotted a glint of white light, which he knew to be Sting's earring.

"Sting?" His voice sounded different, he didn't even recognise his own voice, this voice, HIS voice, sounded weak, fragile and like he was on the verge of tears. Which he would deny to the day he dies but not only do Sting and Lucy know was a lie but also himself.

As Sting stepped into the bedroom the moonlight giving him a luminescent glow as it shot through the peak in the curtains, Rogue saw him open his mouth a few times,just to close it again struggling to find the right words, the words that would fix this. The words that would fix what he and Sting broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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