Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! You may have read my previous version of this, a fanfiction titled Bloodstained. I enjoyed writing it a lot, and it seemed a lot of you liked it, so I was going to continue it- But my writing has improved and changed quite a bit, so I decided to rewrite it so my old writing style wouldn't bother me anymore or prevent any new readers from starting it. Hopefully I can provide a higher quality of writing, along with longer chapters and more frequent updates! Thank you all for your support, and I hope you'll enjoy reading this!

Makoto's eyes scanned over the stack of cash Monokuma had presented to the surviving students, his expression one of deep thought as he argued with himself in his head. His job- the one that got him into Hopes Peak Academy in the first place- put him in a similar situation on quite the regular basis. Take someone's life and earn more money than any normal job could pay you, risk being caught and put to death... Or simply walk away. Although in this case the circumstances were a bit more dire, being trapped in a game of "mutual killing" and all... It wasn't like he could just ignore the request and go back to his ordinary life. The longer he stayed here, the more likely it was that he would be the victim. He was confident in his abilities, both to kill and to seem innocent, however one thing was holding him back: The rest of the students. They would all be executed if he got away with it, right? He'd made a few friends within this group, so to see them all die because of him... Right, what is he thinking? It would be better to just wait until the police get here and get them out of this awful "school". It wasn't worth it. He had plenty of money from his previous jobs, anyways...

Standing a couple feet away, Byakuya Togami took notice of that look of contemplation on the brunettes face. It was odd, considering he had never reacted this way to any of the other motives- He never seemed to even consider the other motives, so the way he was looking the money up and down seemed so out of character for him. Was he really considering murder? It was hard for him to believe that- In the short time he had known Naegi, he had always seemed too soft-hearted and... Kind to do such a thing. Then again, being so far above him in terms of status (and in Byakuya's mind, worth), he had never spoken much to him. It was entirely possible there was a different side to him, a side that valued money over the lives of others. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Monokuma dismissed them, and with a sigh he made his way back towards the library. He had taken quite some interest in the files kept within the archives, even aside from the case of Genocider Syo there were many other case files kept tucked away in that dim room that he had yet to look into.

He steps into the archives once more, eyes flicking over the various folders until he settles upon one, pulling it out and reading the title. There were quite a few names for this particular case, but the most commonly used one was 'Hope Murders'. It was certainly a strange title, however that only piqued the heirs interest as he brought it to a table in the library, sitting down and beginning to read the report. A brief summary was on the first page, describing a series of rather suspicious murders. All the victims had someone in their lives who would want them dead- an angry ex who had been cheated on, disgruntled employees of their corrupt business, the reasons varied but most were the typical motives- However there was nothing else tying said people to the crime. Even more interesting was the notes left at each crime scene; no two were exactly the same, however all of them contained two similarities: a line referring to this as 'work', or a 'job', and a message to the family of victim to 'not lose hope', earning the murders their name. Every note has been written with different handwriting, however the investigators believe this is just a tactic the sole killer is using to evade capture. Along with the notion of this being 'work' for the killer, most who have looked into the case believe that rather than simply being a serial killer, they're a hitman or assassin of sorts.

An interesting case indeed, one that was never officially solved. Looking into the other contents of the folder, there were several photographs included. Crime scenes- notably less gruesome than the work of Syo- and even some pictures taken from security cameras of suspicious people, although each and every one looked different. Different hair color and length, different heights, different genders, even different eye colors... The only thing they really had in common in terms of appearance was that they were Japanese, but considering these all took place in Japan, that wasn't at all helpful to narrowing down suspects. 'Some theorize that these are all disguises the killer used on the night of the murders', the report read. They certainly seemed to put a lot of effort into their costumes, whoever this murderer was.

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