Burning flames!!

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"Sooooo yeah....this is my first ever fanfic dont judge me too hard!!!ENJOY!!!!"

By the way my main language is not English "

Story take place after  Eight Precepts of Death arc !!!!!"

Todoroki"s POV 

-BEEP !!!
-BEEP !!!
Yet another boring morning 

Todorokis thoughts were still blurry since he had just wake up !!!
But something he had noticed is that strange smell of something burning !!

So he get up fast get dressed and rush to the first floor !!!

In front of his eyes there was a scene of Uraraka and Momo trying ro cook pancakes 
-AHHH "Uraraka screamed as she burned her hand with an extremly hot fruing pan!!!
-Oh my god its so hot!!!Talking of something hot "as she turns to the Todoroki with a big smile "
-Good morning Todoroki !!!
-Yeah...Good morninig Uraraka......what were you to doing here i was afraid that something was burning !!
-Oh sorry "Momo replies " we just got burned some pancakes !!!

Then there were loud footsteps from the second floor .Sudennly a green haired boy appears in the kitchen 
-Good morning Deku-kun!!You look really tired Kirishima sad that yesterday you came back really late!!! "Uraraka jump to the Deku and asked "
-Good "yawn" morning,yes i was helping Mirio and Eri with some work yesterday !!
Midoriay looked really tired he was falling asleep on the go .Todoroki was really worried about him because he was his friend......... actually on of the closest !!
All of the sudden Midroya snaped his fingers and said!!
-Todoroki sorry a have forgotten that today we should go and help Mina with shopping !!!
-Yeah you right,i totally forget about that "Todoroki let out a small smile "


Todoroki"s POV

We were comig back from shopping i and Midorya were carrying very heavy bags with clothes
When all of the sudden something exploded behind our backs,but then a blast wave hit us 

I was knocked out everything was so blurry i cant see anything,even my ears i can hear only whistling in my ears !!!Everything was still blurry but i noticed a man with a big bag of cash running towards me !!I took every single bit of power left and tried to get up 
-My hands ...i cant feel them.....whats going on .......my legs are so heavy !!!
finally my vision started to get more clear ,and then i noticed a villian whicj looked like a porcupine !!His bsck was covered with needles !!!He started to run away u tried to use my quirk but i cant !!Why ?why ? Why ?But what is more important where"s Midoriya and Mina .AS soon as i thought about that i saw two blurred figures running towerds me ..... it was Midoriya and Mina!!!

I tried calling them but my voice wouldnt come out !!!And only then i noticed a huge needle in my chest !!The paint hit ..... i wanted to scream but i cant ........hands holding .........hands ...................Midoriya?.............And then i slowly fainted !!!!

Sooooooo thats it for chapter 1 Thank you for reading 

Flaming love ( Midoriya x fem Todoroki )Where stories live. Discover now