I'm Warning You

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The video above belongs to Salted Voices.  Prepear yourselves for total cuteness.

Enjoy :


Tweek's Pov :

I'm not tired.

I can't sleep and that is why I am awake at 3:07 in the morning,  drinking coffee and doing my Geography homework.

I dread the thought of me going to school today. Because he's going to be there and I don't want to deal with his bullshit anymore.

I could stay at home, pretend I'm sick like I did last week but Kenny's right. It's not fair on me if I stay here, in my comfort zone, just because Craig  will be at school.

If I want to get out of this town when I'm 18, I need to get a good education  and a degree, that way I'll be out of here in a blink of an eye.

Besides, I can't keep on avoiding him for the rest of my life. Or can I?

I gently closed my notebook and slid it in my bag. I never realised how well I'm doing at school, with grades and stuff. I mean, I didn't get God knows what amazing scores but pretty decent ones that will, hopefully, help me in the future.

I'll try going back to bed now, even though I doubt I will be able to sleep.

Craig's Pov:

"I'm glad we could sort something out, Craigy boy!" Kevin Stoley smirked while shaking my hand.

"Don't call me that. What do you want me to do anyway?" I knew exactly what he wanted, but knowing Kevin, he'd probably change our plan over night.

"Just go over to the dumb spaz and teach him a lesson." Kevin pointed at a specific twitchy, blonde boy who was having a quiet chat with Butters.

"I'm not hurting him." I stated , raising my hands in the air.

Kevin raised an eyebrow "Why not?"

I shrugged " I hate fighting, I'm a pacifist, haven't you noticed?" I said sarcastically "I know him, I'm not gonna harm someone I know just for your benefit."

"You're still harming him."

"Yeah but not physically. It's better that way ." I remained calm , Kevin silently thinking to himself.

"Alright, I'll have Cartman do it." He turned around at the Fatass,  who was eating a chocolate bar.

"I'm occupied at the minute , asshole." Cartman shoved the mars bar into his mouth and walked away.

"Or not." Kevin sighed, frustration clearly showing in his voice. "I'll do it then. Me and the rest of the gang. Which you'll be very soon, a part of."

"I'm only doing this for my social status." I replied , not moving an inch.

"You'll see how better it feels when you start Craig. Taking your anger out on someone else. " Kevin laughed.

"I'm not angry."

"You are , believe me, we all are."

"Stop being so philosophical, it's annoying as fuck." I snapped , raising my voice a bit.

Kevin shook his head "Go over there, and do your job."

I flipped him off and without waiting to see his reply , I walked towards Tweek.

Let's hope I'm not gonna end in a hospital

Tweek's Pov :

Shit, I should've stayed at home , why didn't I stay at home?

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