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Hoang Anh Tuan is a weight-lifting athlete excellence.

He was born February 12, 1985 in Que Vo, Bac Ninh. He had a miserable childhood. Since small, he had emotional deprivation of his father when he was entangled with the law for selling" drug ". Mrs. Lai Thi Bay, Tuan's mother, who lives in Bac Ninh and do business, his mother love him so much. Tuan said that weight-lifting has taught he many lessons about people and life, helped him to not give up. In the 56kg weight class, Tuan has many championships Vietnam. However, he was all attention after consecutive medals at the Asian championships and the world. In the furure, he wants to be a weight-lifting coach

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 01, 2010 ⏰

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