Lilith Returns

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It's been a long day at Drovers Run. Stevie, Rose, Charlotte and Alexander are taking a walk across the fields. Charlotte is now 16 and Alexander is now 11, Rose now being 29 (rough guessing from the seasons).

"So Rose, when are you going to have a baby?" Charlotte asked excitedly. "Hey! Watch it!" Rose replied giving Charlotte a nudge. Xander smiled up at Charlotte. Stevie is looking in the distance and notices a strange car, Rose looks in the same direction. "Who is that?" Rose asked. They all went over to greet the young lady. "Hello, I'm Stevie Hall, how can I help you?" Stevie said and held out her hand to shake. "I'm Lilith Rose McLeod," Lili replied and shook Stevie's hand. Stevie's eyes widened. "Umm, my father is Alex, but I took mum's name. They were great friends as kids. I know, I turn up out of the blue but because they were kids when they had me, mum decided to give me to her friend's family, she's been writing to me, well up until she died that is." Lili said. "Lilith Rosavelt  McLeod! How grown up you are! The last time I saw you was when you were just a baby! Tiny little thing. You look just like Claire." Said, Stevie. Rose decided that she'd show Lily around. 

"What is it like not knowing who your mother was until now?" She asked. "Actually, it's really hard to explain. Mum, Claire. She had me when she was 21 years old, but she decided that she was too young to raise me, she saw my future in the city, she gave me away to her friends family, her best friends family, they kept my name Lilith Rosavelt McLeod Foster, I always though McLeod was my second middle name, my friends call me Lili Rose. When my family realised how much I loved horses and working with them, they decided to own and run a barn. But mum decided to leave some stuff about me on her bed and made the mistake of taking the laundry in. I found letters to me from Claire that mum never showed me due to her and Claire falling out. I was screaming top to bottom at her, I hated her for not telling me I was adopted, I wanted to find mum, but she died. I also found letters from Alex, Alex is my dad, for the first 3 years I got to see Alex, I knew he was my father and I always been a daddy's girl. I begged to see him again at 14 years old and they allowed me. Finding out my daddy died made me want to find my half-brother so bad, and finding out I have a half-sister too." Lili replied. "Oh, Lili. I'm so sorry. You know that's funny if you and Xander are related by the same father, and me and Xander are related by the same mother, that means you and I are related too. And that means I'm related to Charlotte in a way." Rose said. "The thing is, how do I tell Charlotte? She's 15 now, Stevie will probably tell Xander, but not Charlotte. Will you come with me?" Lili said dragging Rose with her to find Charlotte. "Wowah!" Rose said in shock and looked at Stevie. Stevie laughed at Rose. 

Lili and Rose found Charlotte and Xander talking about love. Rose was about to walk in but Lili pulled her back. "What?" Rose asked. "Shh, let's listen to what they are saying," Lili replied. "So do you think Rose and Lili will end up being together?" Xander asked. "You think our sisters are in love?" Charlotte replied. "Duh!" Xander said sarcastically. "Well now that you mention it, Rose and Lili were exchanging lovey-dovey eyes the first time Lili visited the farm," Charlotte said. "So you were the girl who had been visiting the farm in secret while I was visiting my mum!" Rose whispered. "Umm......hehe......lots of explaining to do," Lili said. 

Later that day everyone had gathered around for dinner. "Everyone, I would like you all to welcome Lilith Rosavelt McLeod. Some of you may remember her from around the farm a few years ago before Alex died." Stevie said. "Tell us the story mum," Rose said. "Many years ago, maybe about 24 years ago, Claire and Alex were in love, Claire was about 21 years old when they had Lilith. Claire, however, was so depressed after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, she didn't see Lilith working on Drovers Run, she saw her life in the City and working as a famous model. This beautiful young lady, blond hair, grey eyes, looks just like her mother and father. Claire gave Lilith to her friend and her family in Sydney where she knew Lilith would have a better life, Claire had been writing letters to Lili but 4 days before Claire's death, her and her friend had fallen out, Lilith's adoptive mother Sonia made the mistake of leaving those letters on the bed, and asked Lilith to take the washing in and Lili had found them. And now she's here." Stevie said. "Well I was angry at mum, I ran away to find where my true home is and it's here," Lilith said. "Lili used to come and visit Alex all the time when she was little," Stevie added. 

Lilith walked over to the house Alex used to live in. She knocked on the door and nobody answered. "Hello? Anybody there?" She called out and pushed the door open. She walked through the house. "What are you doing here?" Rose asked startling Lilith. "Oh! Rose it's you!" Lilith answered. "I remember this place, this is where I used to come and visit my dad....." Lilith paused for a second and then ran down the corridor. "This room here....well it was my room and it's still the exact same as it was when I was little, they haven't changed a thing about this house," Lilith said. Lilith and Rose looked around in silence taking everything in. Lilith sat on her bed holding one of the bears that her father gave her. "Want to know the story?" She asked as Rose sat down beside her. "Sure!" Rose said putting her arm around Lilith.

Lilith took out all the letters from her mother reading out the whole story to Rose, as she read she had thoughts of what it was like. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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