The young murderer

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"Allein, get dressed! We're leaving at exactly around 5 o'clock!!!" A voice echoed, startling a young teenage girl in her room as she immediately dressed herself into her grey shirt. Buttoning it up as she fixed her darkish-brownish hair on the mirror.

"HOLD THE FREAK UP TITA MERLEY!!!!" She yelled in frustration. Which made it worse as she heard her aunt, or "tita" yell at her saying, "You better fix that tone of yours ,young lady! Meet me at the car NOW! Allein Romero Tan! Do you hear me?!"

"I GET IT, I GET IT!!!!"

Before putting her headphones on, she adjusted the ears above her headset. Giggling to the cuteness and creativeness she displayed over her headphone. She grabbed her bag and plugged the cord of her headphones on her phone within her bag. Allein rushed down the stairs, opened the door and closed it shut and jumped through the window of the car her aunt was in. Causing the car to rock back and forth, her aunt yelped and glared at the young lady behind her. "Allein- what did I tell you about doing stunts at my house?..." She raised a brow, tapping her fingernails at the wheel waiting for a response.

Allein rolled her eyes and pouted, "To NOT do it while you're around..." she crossed her arms and began to play her favourite lists of songs while her aunt drives her to school. Aunt Merley adjusted the rear-view mirror which allowed her to check on her teenage grand daughter before sighing and asked, "Today's your graduation day and your last day! Sooo tell me, what are your plans for today?" Smiling sweetly, she waited for Allein to respond once more.

Only to receiving a harsh mumble as she curls up to the side, bopping her head to the beat of her music.

Allein didn't exactly liked the life she had. Even though she lived with a rich family. She was always spoiled and bratty, always asking for more and demanding more. She knew that she didn't belong to the country she grew up since she was truly born in the Philippines, she kinda liked the place but hated the fowl smell produced around her. At the age of 5 her and her mother booked a flight to stay at California, where she spent her whole life in for the past 13. Knowing that her mom was a drug dealer and a famous gambler at some casinos, she always thought living a life like that would be "awesome" to her definition. Being free? Doing whatever the hell you want?! Totally in it! Her life changed when her mom went into a car accident after taking ecstacy in a party on her way back home to get her famous bottle of rum for her pals. So in result, Allein was left with her older sister, Aunt Merley. Who she calls "Tita Merley" since she still has some filipina side in her that came from her father. She never met him but ignored the fact that he just came into her mother's life for sex and kids and ran off with another woman who's willing to have sex with him as a daily routine. Sucks to be her, ey?...

By the time they arrived at her school, Allein immediately opened the door and ran inside the school campus. She heard a faint "I love you!" which tempted her to turn around. But she shook it off and slammed the door close.

Three Hours Later...

It was lunch time, and Allein was sitting down on a table occupied with her so-called "friends". Though to other people, they would be described as "delinquents", "disrespectful children" and even sluts!

"Hey Allei," one of her friends bumped Allein on the shoulder. "Got any of the "magic" we ordered?" Using a certain code word, Allein took out her purse and slammed 5 packs of "Razzling Berry" drugs she made on the table. Allein posed with both of her hands on her wait proudly as she replied, "Ooof course! It was damn hard to make these shits without lettin' tita know 'bout this!"

A guy wearing a red cap and denim jacket looked at the group of people before taking one pack of the drug in his jacket, and one by one around the table they got the drugs they desired. They all gave Allein the amount of money that was worth for the drugs, 1,000 dollars. Allein stacked the cash and kept it in her purse. She sat back down with one elbow on the table as she smirked and fixed her scarf.

"How'd y'all get this much money?~" she asked slyly. They each answered to her.

"Stole it from my mom's credit card."


"Gave some guy a fun time~"


Allein grinned, stetting her hands on her lap as she nodded. "Well thats amazeballs!... Now c'mon, lets dig in-Or if ya want, one of y'all can get wasted!..."

Aunt Merley never knew about this but Allein had been selling drugs ever since the sixth grade! She wanted to follow into her mother's footsteps but sadly her aunt would always interfere with her dreams. Though she managed to convince her aunt about the money. She lied to her about having a job as an artist. She was pretty good at drawing, though very shy to show it to other people besides her friends. And thanks to her famous "Razzling berry" she got enough money to spoil herself with. She didn't bother to buy anything for her aunt not her friends. Allein truly is a spoiled brat. Worse in truth.

Three Years Later...

"Why haven't you told me about this?... WHY?!?!?!" Allein, being a young adult now was facing through a grave secret exposed to her aunt. She was in her house the day she found out how Allein REALLY got the money.

Allein growled at her "pathetic" tita as she answered her, "CAUSE YOU DONT GIVE SHIT ABOUT CRAP LIKE THAT!" She yelled, causing her aunt to toss the bag of drugs onto the ground. She pointed a finger at the young lady and began to scold her. "I can't believe this is how you earned all that money! You never shared any of them with me! And you used to hang out with those terrible people?! They'll never be your true friends!!! They're just using you for your drugs! This is the biggest sin a woman such as yourself committed!"

"I don't give a damn about bein' a sinner!!! And those people are my friends! You're lying!!!" Allein protested, getting up and pushing the older woman in front of her.

"You'll never have friends! You know why? ITS BECAUSE OF THAT DAMN ATTITUDE YOU HAVE!!!! I can't believe I lived with a disrespectful devil for all these years!," Allein clenched her fist, gritting her teeth as tears streamed over her eyes. "I just wish you were better than your mother! She was the devil's work! And now look at what those friends and influences did to you! And your drawings? Your DAMN PORN DRAWINGS OF YOUR CRUSHES?! Grow up Allein- GROW UP YOU HEAR M-"

Merley was cut off as Allein landed a punch directly onto her face. She tripped over and plunged onto the floor. The young woman went on top of her aunt and started beating the poor old woman up. Screams echoed through the house, Allein's shrieks of anger and Merley's screams of pain both were in sync as Allein grabbed a nearby brick and held it beside her. She caught her aunt by the neck, digging her nails into her fragile neck. Merley looked up at her and stopped struggling as she shivered in fear on what her granddaughter was about to do to her...

"A-Allein.... please... Don't!-" Allein looked back at her and gave her a sinister grin. Making Merley cry, "NO!!! ALLEIN I LOVE YOU PLEASE DO-"


Allein swung the brick onto her aunt's face. Smashing it and covering herself with the blood of a loved one. After a few beat ups, her world soon came back to her as she looked down to see the horror she has done. She dropped the brick and started to tear up, looking at her blood stained gloves, her blood stained shirt, and her face. She sobbed violently, holding her aunt closer to her. Ignoring the fowl smell as she whispered, "I-I love y-y-you too Tita..." she let go of her body and immediately began to hide all the evidence. She brought the brick with her to avoid from letting anyone know it was her who caused the crime.

After so, she got into her car and drove off. From the rear-view mirror, she saw her house shrink down into the distance. She finally committed a crime... it felt..... Thrilling.... it felt... good!... So this is what being a criminal is? Like her mother? Was it worth it though?... Allein didn't want to bother answering that question as she drove back to another house she now lives in next to her college.

"Well.... once a criminal... gotta be one..." she turned the air conditioner off and stared at her reflection beside her tinted windowns. She smiled and got out of the car and went into the lone house. 

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