Her life. [1]

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Her life.

There everyone was in the funeral, tryna remember memories they shared with him. Him being my dad. Most of the people here didn't even know him when he was alive. Some were family that didn't want to know him when he was here with us. And then there was me. His only daughter. I couldn't even believe my dad was gone. My only dad, although i have a step dad he could never be the same like my dad. My dad was caring, funny etc. You name it. He was my role model because he got to fulfil his dream before he passed away. This was publishing his own book. My dad was the only person i was close to in my whole family. I didn't talk to my mum, brother or step dad. My mum's side hated my dad which meant they hated me which didn't make any sense. And my dads side is a different story, they just come like knowing you when you have money. But my Nan i loved her with a passion. She took me in when the lady i call mum picked her husband over me. I thought I could trust her. Pssht i guess i thought wrong. And my innocent little brother is stuck in the middle of this. I am not allowed to have any contact with him, not even see him for 5 minutes after school. I hate my mum; i never use the word 'hate' regularly. I only use it when i actually mean it.

My name is Shauna McKenzie. I am light skin with very light brown eyes. I have an hour glass figure and i am ½ English and ½ Jamaican. And this is how my life changed when my dad went.

I was very bored at home seeing as i haven't been going school for a month and a couple weeks. I looked at my laptop then logged on facebook. I had so many notifications, when i checked then it said they all wrote on my wall. As i looked at my profile, i instantly saw messages there staring back at me.

'R.I.P Jay'

'R.I.P your dad am here if you wanna talk'

'Sorry bout your loss'

'Am very sorry for your loss, ring me when you can'


Those were the things i saw as i looked on my facebook account. Some of the people i didn't even know. Some were people that didn't even like me. Some were just simply copying the others. As i saw this my eyes started watering up. I had that feeling in my throat, that i wanted to cry. I took the cuff of my long sleeve top and dabbed it on my eyes gently. I don't understand why my dad went. Now i only had my Nan and my good friend Lakesha. I really was missing school, so i decided that tomorrow that i would go in.


Shawtay imma only tall you this once you the illest ba ba ad dado.(8)

That was my alarm. I put it on snooze then 10 minutes later it started playing again so i got out of bed then went to the bathroom to bath, brush my teeth etc. I came back to my room then creamed and got dressed. Sigh. I wonder what's gonna happen today. I walked downstairs to find my Nan sitting at the table eating her toast.

'You don't have to go in babes' she said gently

'No! I want to'

I grabbed a piece of toast that was on her plate and headed for the door. Hmmm. Should i take bus, train or walk today? I decided to walk because I needed the fresh air. As i took a step out my house, the wind attacked my legs and i loved it. I walked for approximately 10 minutes then came to a halt as i reached my destination. I took a big deep breath in then entered the building. I went to the place were my year chills and saw no one. I guess they were going to be late. I took a seat on the wooden bench and closed my eyes gently. I was thinking about my dad. I remember the good old days when it was just me, my mum and dad. My little brother Romeo wasn't born yet, because my mum hadn't met my step dad yet. I remember the times when my dad use to take me park every day after school and would buy me anything i wished. After 5 minutes of thinking to myself I felt people sitting around me so that caused me to open my eyes. Err here comes the name callings. I counted to 10 ten and no one still said anything. I grabbed my bag and felt a tap on my shoulder; i turned around and saw Kyle looking back at me. I raised my eyebrow to think why he was touching me. KMT.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2010 ⏰

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