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3 am on a Monday in Greenlake, Michigan I had already been on patrol since 6 pm and my supervisor was not letting me go home until I reached my quota of arrests. I was already extremely tired but my Lieutenant was tired of being over the zone with the highest crime rate but lowest arrests. Lt told all the officers they had to have at least 10 arrests before they got off duty. I only had 9, being the rookie on the night shift I guess he had to make an example out of me. All I could think about was warm my bed was as I started to doze off in the parking lot of the Gate gas station. I snapped out of it and finally went inside to get the largest cup of coffee they had. Although it was beyond overpriced, I needed something to keep me up for at least 3 more hours.­­­­

The clerk greeted me with the usual "Good Morning Officer" and then yawned loudly. I chuckled and said that I felt the same way. Checking out, I drank over half of the cup before I even left the parking lot. I shook off the sudden sugar rush and drove south on whatever street this was, too tired to notice. I made a left on Hardey Street as dispatch started calling out information. "Any two available units please respond, Burglary alarm, possible weapons involved. 1396 West Main Street. Any two available units please respond code 2." Hesitating, I thought about if I had the energy to effectively search for a suspect or did I feel like going and falling asleep in an empty parking lot. Interrupting my thoughts, the radio came back on, "13 Bravo-Charlie 10 responding code 2, 1396 West Main Street." It was then decided, one of the sexiest officers in the department, my closest friend was responding. I figured if anyone could keep me up she could."13 Adam 6 responding code 2, 1396 West Main Street" I said quickly before anyone else could respond. "Copy that 13 Adam 6, 13 Bravo-Charlie 10. Proceed with caution." I turned on the lights and sirens, made a quick U-turn, and sped to the address. Me and Kendra, well Officer Jamison arrived at the newly built Apple Store at the same time.

The Apple district manager beat us there. He told us that he didn't see anything suspicious and that all the doors were still locked. Department protocol required us to still make entry and verify that everything was secure. After doing a perimeter search, we got the manager to unlock the door to secure the inside. After the thorough search, we both agreed that nothing was disturbed. It was most likely a system error with the alarm. The manager agreed and drove away, informing us that if anything was missing, he would file a report during normal business hours.

Kendra and I drove to an empty parking lot and talked a little since we haven't seen each other in forever. Talking about everything from supervisor changes to different calls we got to new restaurants in town, it seemed as if we were there for hours. I had started to flirt when both of our radios went off. Interrupting our conversation, dispatch said "13 Adam 6 Trespassing 1147 Avis drive. Do you copy?" "I copy dispatch," I responded quickly. "Teenage black male holding unknown object on Michelle Obama High School football field, proceed with caution." "Copy dispatch, 1147 Avis Drive, suspicious male on the field, responding no code." I gave Kendra a hug stealing a quick kiss before walking away to my car. Smiling as she stood there stunned. "Next time you do that, I will taze you," she yelled out after me, snapping out of her daze.

I could feel the adrenaline rush that came from searching the Apple store running out as I got to the high school. It was now 7 am, and I could see someone running up and down the football field. I drank the last of my coffee like a shot of Whiskey. Stepping out of the car, I told dispatch I had arrived. Walking towards the subject, I could see that he was wearing jogging pants, a plain t-shirt, and the new Nike running shoes. Carrying a brown object that I could only identify as a small version of Stewie Griffin's head. I couldn't help but think that I was too tired for this shit as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Its 7 in the morning, why is this kid not in bed like this isn't the worst part of town. "Hey kid, come here let me talk to you for a minute," I called out. Apparently, I was too far away for the kid to hear me because he kept running away. Watching him, I realized he wasn't running toward the end zone anymore. He was running toward the exit gate on the other end of the field. Is this mother fucker really about to make me chase him? Son of a bih- "13 Adam 6, I need backup and a supervisor to 1147 Avis drive. I got one black teen male wearing gray jogging pants, plain white tee, and gray and white running shoes running from me." Dispatch repeated all the right information to me and told me that help was on the way. Adrenaline coursed through my body and I took off full speed after the subject. He really wasn't that fast, I could tell he needed to train more because I caught up quickly. "GREENLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT, STOP RUNNING!" He must've thought this was a game because he continued to run. Was he gaining speed or was it that I was getting tired? Fuck, I can feel the coffee making me cramp up. I fought through the pain and fell back from the subject a little. He had just crossed the 30-yard line, but I was only 15 feet away. "POLICE, STOP WHERE YOU ARE, IM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN!"

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