The beginning of this bs

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(Shade's Pov)

Shade sighed, she and her partners were tracking down the infamous Slenderman. The three were in the forest, their bodies shivered in the cold autumn night, Adam shouted in surprise, he had found them...

Shade gasps in fear, trying to shake the feeling someone was watching her, the dream still fresh in her mind. She looks over at the sleeping people beside her, watching the rise and fall of the others chests. 'Brie and Adam are still asleep, they're still was just a dream' Getting up the girl smiled, she knew that the others would want her to get breakfast ready for the three of them. She grabbed the waffle maker, and the mix for said fluffy food. She planned to make her "Special Waffle Breakfast" for the others.

(Brie's POV)

Brie felt the bed shift, she opened her eyes and looked around. Adams here, Shade is gone though. she smelled waffles, 'She must be making her "Special Waffle Breakfast" for everyone.' the brown haired girl thought. She got up put on her glasses and walked to the kitchen. "Heya Shadow." she said using the nickname she made for her. She saw Shade jump and spin around. "Awwe, i wanted it to be a surprise" she exclaimed pouting. Brie smiled lightly. "Hey are you ok, you usually know when i'm walking?" Shade shifted in her spot "W-what, no i'm fine!" Brie saw right through her and put on her stern face. " Tell. Me. What's. Wrong." she said punctuating every word.

(Shade's POV)

Shade looked at her feet, hiding her face from the brown haired girl. "I-I...I saw him." she softly whispered, hoping the other wouldn't hear her. "I'm a-alright now...Don't worry, J-just go set t-the table." She quickly replied before Brie could answer, leaving her more confused. "Shade." Brie growled slightly, she seemed to do this when she was concerned, or needed answers. Shade could feel the shivers go up her spine. "Tell Me now!" Shade squeaked. "I...I saw you a-and Adam...h-he took you away from me..." The duel haired girl started to cry, tears streaming down her face. Brie started to wipe the tears from Shade's face. "I-I'm sorry don't worry about m-me..." She smiled weakly at Brie. Turning around to finish the waffles. The dueled haired girl had started to hum and sway to the tune, twirling around gracefully, not caring if the others saw her. 'I probably look like an idiot...oh who am I kidding, Brie is setting the table up and Adam is still asleep! Neither of them will see me dancing'

(Brie's POV)

Brie finished setting the table and went back to check on Shade. She saw Shade twirling and smiled. "Ya having fun there?" Shade squeaked once more. "I thought you were at the table setting up!" she pouted " Yeah I WAS. I finished. Oh, but please don't stop at account of me. Please continue" Brie smirked smugly. "I-I...Just go and wake Adam up...B-baka!" Shade stuttered out before the heavenly smell of waffles alerted her that they were done. She immediately started to put the finished waffles onto the plates, waiting for the others to come join her at the table for breakfast.

(Adam's POV)

Adam yawned being awoken by Brie shaking his shoulder and the wonderful smell of waffles. "Mmmm Shade made waffles. I wonder what she uses to make them taste so damn good?" he said stretching slightly. Brie shrugged and smiled. "I tried asking her but she wouldn't tell me. Come on, she waiting for us to eat." Adam nodded, following Brie. Brie kicked the door and yelled " FOOD FOOD FOOD!!" Adam giggled and walked over to Shade. "Thank you for the food Shade" he said smiling. Brie walked to the table and scarfed down her special gluten-free waffles. "UHHHHHHG, this is so dang GOOD! Why won't you tell me the recipe!" The plump girl pouted "It's a secret." Shade giggled as Brie groaned. Adam laughed at Brie's response, but paused. "You're not putting your-" "ADAM!!!" Shade squeaks in embarrassment and started to eat her waffles. Adam took a bite of the waffles on his plate, moaning slightly. "They taste like cheesecake!" Brie nodded in agreement, tilting her head. "Yeah...they do, now that I think about it, they always have tasted like cheesecake, but there's something off about them today..." Shade looked away nervously. "R-really? I must of added too much sugar..." Shade shook her head, trying to distract herself from the ringing in her ears. "No...that can't be it..." She sighed the other two were chatting in the group chat with Sam, Rhiannon and Yuki. Laughter filled the air as the group call started, Sam was being his normal perverted self, Yuki was being random and Rhiannon was being flirty. Rhiannon smirked as Adam blushed at one of the comments that was made. "Guys! You ready for the halloween party? It's going to be at my family cabin." Everyone nodded, laughing. Shade smiled.

(Brie's POV)

Brie was honestly indifferent about the whole thing she's only going for Shade and Adam. "So what are y'all gonna wear to it?" Brie wondered. They all shrugged " i don't know, what about you?" Rhiannon asked " OOOOOoooo i hope it's a playboy bunny suit!" sam added. Shade hugged Brie protectively. "Screw you Sam!" the duled haired girl yelled "If anyone's going to see her in that, it's gonna be Ripley!" Brie blushed and chuckled as her pet the smaller girl. "So protective..." Brie laughed once more and ended the call.

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