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-one: love me

I stared out into the cold, my hands shivering as I looked at the empty umbrella racks. Someone took mine. I sighed. I elevated my palm to test the tumbling rain's forte. It is not that dreading, maybe a dash would not be so bad. After inhaling for courage, I readied myself to dart when someone seized my rucksack's handle attached at the top. I glared mercilessly into whoever it is that halted my bravery from coursing.

"I am not one to mess with, you brat." I spat at the seemingly smaller boy who still gripped onto the lever.

"only wanted to help, Mr grumpypants." He answered as he offered a brolly.

My eyes lingered on the ground-hued parasol as my hand reached for it only for it to be distanced by that brat. "did you not say you wanted to help?"

"well, I did. But since you acted pretty cruelly, I might take back the proposal." He pouted as he accented on each term.

I smiled before turning my back to him, preparing for a run.

"jez, you really want to catch a cold?" he asked as I merely neglected him. I despise it when someone teases me.

I took a deep breath in, before seeping into the hammering rain.

"wait!" the same irritating voice shouted as I simply gushed faster.

Why is today so lengthy- ah I know. It is due to that shorty's appearance at the end of an elongated study session.

Attaining my bus shop, I shielded myself from further drainage by slipping under the shade of the block.

"-h-hey." A panting boy sounded, as I eyed him, doubting his mentality.

He straightened his posture afore handing me it, "take it. You might need it."

I rolled my eyes, "not anymore."

"you never know." He worded, "just give me back it tomorrow or something."

I shook my head at him, "you take it. I don't like owing people."

"don't worry, I hate being payable." He uttered as he shoved his procession to my chest as he vanished into the heavying rain.

"hold up!" I screamed as I clung onto his property, "name and form!"

He paused as he gazed back at me with a slightly ingenuous smile. His orange hair soaking more in the outpour. "Jimin! Park Jimin! M!"

I smiled a jiffy at his childishness. "thanks! Get home safely, brat!"

And with that call, his frame grew smaller into afar.


He was correct, I ended up using the bare-tinted umbrella. In fact- it helped me very much. My house's nearest stop was closed so I had to walk back from the woods. I wonder if he is alright, if he managed to get home quicker than I did.

"I'm home."

"welcome home, Taehyung sweetheart." My mother's tone resonated in the house.

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