10th grade year

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My first day of school started today. im so happy because get to see all of my friends today! I've missed them so much during the summer! Oh I forgot to tell you guys who I am. My name is Angela, I'm 15, I live in Columbus, Ohio.

My dad left when i was 12 years old, and my mom died when I was born because of the stress I put her through. I blame myself for it because it literally was my fault. I live by myself and my grandma pays for my parents house so I can live there, she tries to get me to move in with her but I refuse to. I have scars...deep scars. I tried to quit thinking about my mom so all of my pain will go somewhat away, and I succeeded.

I haven't cut myself for two years now and I'm happy that I quit. I didn't cut my arms because if I wore short sleeves everyone would call me a freak and emo. I cut my hips so no one would see. It took the pain away big time. I had no worries until today. I wore my high waisted shorts cream colored shorts, my forever and always crop top, and my american eagle sandals.

                   ~30 minutes later~

Once I got to the bus stop my three best friends were already there, Ariel, Alyssa, and Nicole. Ariel and I had a special bond that no one else has with either of us, I know what's wrong with her and when there's something up, and she knows when I'm upset and when I was crying last. I snapped out of my thought when I heard them squealing and then I felt them bear hug me. I could barely breath but I squeezed some words out "this hurts" and they let go "sorry" they said in unison. we all laughed. I love how they are on the first day, all jumpy and excited.

Out of nowhere we started talking about guys. Ariel is dating one of the jocks in our school(Luke) and the rest of us are single. I looked over at Ariel and seen that her big toothy smile went to a frown.

Me."hey guys I'm gonna talk to Ariel in private for like two minutes okay?". they both said okay and so I took Ariel's arm and lead her over to the bushes a couple feet away so they wouldn't hear us.

Ariel:"what are you doing?"

Me:" tell me what's wrong."

Ariel:"well I might as well tell you since you know something's wrong with me like always.." she drifted off.

Me:"okay spill." was what I said before she bursted into tears. after about 10 minutes she stopped crying and Nicole and Alyssa were over here comforting her as well.

"Ariel please tell us what's wrong." Alyssa said trying to calm her down.

Ariel:" Luke broke up with me yesterday." she said in between sobs and started uncontrollably crying again.

Me:" I'm so sorry Ariel, if I would've known that you were gonna cry I wouldn't of asked what was wrong. I didn't mean to."

Ariel:" i-its okay.. I needed t-to get that o-out anyway" she said in between more of her sobs.

Alyssa:"Well the bus is gonna be here any minute. Who do you want to sit by to comfort you Ariel?"

Ariel:" is it okay if I sit with Angela today Nicole?"

Nicole:" Yeah that's fine. I understand that you need someone who has went through a tough  break up like this."


Nick:" I love you Angela, but this, us, isn't working out at all... I'm in love with Marisa now...I'm sorry, but its over." Marisa was my best friend at the time. She knew everything about me(except for my cuts). now we aren't anything. she moved in with nick and had two kids and then they moved to California.

                 *End Of Flashback*

"ANGELA! ARE YOU OKAY? ANSWER ME PLEASE I DONT WAN TO LOOSE YOU!" Alyssa cried before I snapped back to reality. I was laying on the seat, the nurse over me and checking my pulse. "Ow! What is wrong with you people?!" I said holding my neck and trying to crack it to make it feel better. "oh my god I thought you were brain dead or something, DONT EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" She yelled in my face. "Okay sorry geez calm down." I said trying to calm her down.

"Okay Angela you're good to go to your class. Here Alyssa here's your schedule, and here's your Angela.. go to your homeroom you still have about five minutes there." she said while getting everything ready to leave. "Thanks Nurse Lisa" we both said in unison.

We started walking back when Alyssa dropped all of her books. I kneeled down to help her pick them up and when I came back up all I seen were eyes locked with mine. I felt something...unusual. Lips. Lips were on my lips. And tight. I kissed back not not thinking and then I realized i didn't even know who this person was. I bit his lip really hard and backed up.

"Ouch! That hurt!" the guy said while holding his lip. I noticed his bandana, so colorful. and his hair....his hair was perfect, it looked so soft and cute.  his shirt was ty dye like his bandana and he was wearing caprees. He has to be new I know it.

He finally spoke which snapped me out of my thoughts "I've never had a person not let me kiss them or bite my lip so it bleeds to get me off of them." he laughed. "I'm sorry, I didn't know who you were." I said shyly while blushing. "its okay. I understand." he said staring at me. " Did you know that if you take a picture it lasts longer." I laughed looking at him cause he was staring at me.

"Oh yeah." he said pulling out his phone and taking a picture of me. " I didn't mean literally." I laughed again at his stupidity. "sorry do you want me to delete it?" he said seriously. "its fine just don't post it on instagram or anything like that." I replied. "Okay I won't I promise." he said smiling big. "what classes do you have?" I asked him. He took out his schedule and handed it to me.

              Homeroom: Weaver

1st&2nd PD.: Tech Ed, Mr. Rhodes

3rd&4th PD.: Math, Mrs D'Accione

5th PD.: Gym, Ms. Moreland (half)


5th PD.: Gym, Ms. Moreland(half)

6th PD.: L.arts, Mrs. Sisley

7th PD.: reading, Mrs. Eary

8th PD.: Social Studies, Mrs. Eary

      "We have every class together for the whole school year. So you can just follow me." I said handing him back his schedule. "okay. that's good. umm...sorry for kissing you. I was dared to by my friends and then when I seen you I knew I actually wanted to. you're stunningly beautiful. Its, Its addicting somehow.

I had blonde, straight hair. blue eyes with green splattered in them and a little yellow too. but I don't see how I'm addicting. "thanks. do you want to go to homeroom now?" I said blushing. "yeah, that'd be great." he said smiling. his smile melts me. his big gorgeous smile. he broke my staring and thoughts by saying " Is it okay if I sit by you in all of the classes or at least some?" he said looking into my eyes. "y-yeah that'd be okay." I said smiling, he smiled again. I'm gonna die.

      we walked into homeroom and the teacher motion end us to go up to him. "Mrs. Lesley and Mr. Caniff, you are very late... good thing we held our homerooms up because of it being the first day. sit in the back there are two empty seats beside each other right there." he said angry and pointing to the chairs.

"Great. this is going to be the best year of my life!" I said sarcasticly while walking in front of Taylor heading to our seats. All of a sudden I felt something hit my butt and I stopped. I looked at him...him. my worst nightmare. Luke. Ariel's ex now. Luke just smacked my butt and whistled at me. I smacked him in the face and kept walking. Taylor told him to never do it again and walked back to me. "Who was that? your boyfriend?" Taylor asked quietly so we wouldn't get in trouble.

Heyy  so do you guys like the story so far? its my first time writing so if it sucks I think that's why lol but vote and comment if you like it plzz ! thanks (:


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