First Encounter

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"Ava wake the hell up!" Emma screamed in my face pouring water on me. "Emma!" I jumped out of bed waving my hands around trying to grab her as water dripped down from my face. "Get a shower Ava we're filming with the twins today, and I know you don't wanna look like a rat who hasn't showered in a month in front Ethan," She teased me knowing that I was nervous to meet Ethan considering I have the biggest crush on him. "Emma I honestly hate you," I looked down at my bed where it had looked like I peed my self and I rolled my eyes while dragging myself to the bathroom. After I took my shower I realized that I didn't have any good clothes to wear considering Emma and I just moved to LA. So, I dug out a basic white shirt and ripped jeans, "This will do," I shrugged and postmated some Starbucks for us, so I could be extra basic today. I only had time to put on a little makeup so I looked like a train wreck but what's new?? All of the sudden I heard a knock at the door it was probably my postmates, so I ran to the door with one sock on and a makeup brush in my hand and whipped the door open to see the twins standing there. I quickly looked at myself and how I looked then at the twins and slammed the door in their faces. "Emma the twins are here and I just slammed the door in their faces!" I screamed from across the apartment. I heard her laughing, "Emma help or I will drink your coffee!" I threatened her knowing that coffee is her weakness. I saw Emma come running from around the corner, "How dare you to threaten my coffee!" She looked serious but I couldn't help from laughing. "I will open this door right now so shut the hell up and get ready you have 3 minutes before I come to get you," She looked me up and down waiting for me to run off. "Thanks, Emma just tell them something good okay," I said while running off to fix myself. I had almost no faith in Emma to come up with something that wouldn't embarrass me so I just focused on finding my shoes and finishing my make-up with the 3 minutes I had. I heard another knock at the door, but I looked a little decent so I went to go get it. When I walked past I saw the twins and I instantly felt my stomach turn remembering how awkward our last encounter was. I opened the door to see my postmates and I took the coffee and closed the door. I told myself to play it cool it doesn't really matter.. right? I'm officially in panic mode walking over there looking like I just shit myself which I wouldn't be surprised if I did. I quickly shut my nerves down and went to the bar in the kitchen where they were all standing. I handed Emma her coffee, "Hey guys I'm Ava sorry about earlier, what did Emma tell happened?" They both laughed and I felt my ears getting hot as I got nervous and look down at my feet. But, I quickly looked up as Emma elbowed me. "Hey I'm Grayson and this is Ethan, Emma didn't say anything but we didn't want to ask..." Grayson smiled as he introduced himself, and Ethan put his hand on his neck while looking me in the eyes and smirking. "You said not to say anything stupid, so I just didn't say anything." Emma put her hands up making a valid point. "Well, I guess that was smart but what happened was I was rushing and I thought I heard my phone ring so I went to go get it not thinking. "Oh!" Ethan said laughing. "So what are we filming for your guys' channel today?" I asked as all of my nerves calmed down... or at least that was until I would see Ethan continuously staring at me. Then Emma noticed it and made a face that I knew exactly what it meant. It was that face when your friend sees you and your crush from across the room and I hated it so much. But, I wasn't going to die so for the twins channel we made a video of Emma and I adapting to the LA lifestyle. Then for our channel, we made a challenge video for buying the cheapest thing we saw and making a good outfit out of it.

Ethan's POV: "Bro wake up we gotta go make those videos today," Grayson said trying to wake me up. It didn't work though I just rolled over and covered my head like I usually do. Then all of the sudden I felt a big breeze on my body as I realized he threw my blanket off of the bed. I slowly lifted myself up, "Ok Gray I'm up now get out," I got ready quick and so did Gray, "I hope they don't mind us being early," I told Grayson as we got into my car. "We'll be fine they were probably ready an hour ago," He reassured me because he's usually right about everything, not that I'll ever tell him that though. When we got there we went up to there apartment and I knocked on the door. A minute later this beautiful girl swung the door open, and I blushed not even noticing that she was still not ready. I was about to say hi until the door slammed in front of my face and then I wondered if I did something but I could hear Emma come up behind the door, and I could hear them arguing just not about what. Until the door opened to reveal Emma standing there looking frustrated. "Ummm what happened?" Grayson asked before I could say anything. "Don't ask me because I don't know, but come inside I have all of the cameras in the kitchen by the bar. Ava will be out shortly," We walked in and started talking while I heard a knock at the door. Ava came running out again except this time she looked calmer. She got her coffee and joined us. This is the first time I got to have a good look at her face and I was speechless. Grayson introduced me and when she was talking she seemed super chill and funny. At some point, I think she noticed me staring a little too much because her and Emma started making weird faces like they were reading each other's mind, so I quickly joined the conversation so it would become less awkward. We talked more and more and had a great time shooting the videos and I think I was started to like Ava a lot. Later when we were done shooting the videos I pulled Ava aside while Emma and Grayson were deep into conversation and distracted. "Hey Ava it was pretty fun hanging out with everyone today," I smiled at her looking into her eyes. Ava smiled back, "Yeah it really was besides from the first part," she laughed. "so since it was so fun wanna hang out sometime again with just you and me?" I asked Ava suddenly watching her intently waiting for her response. "Yeah that sounds fun," She bit her lip and smirked at me. "Let's go get back to them because Gray and I gotta go home. Oh, but before I forgot here's my phone put your number in and send me a contact photo." I handed her my phone. "Okay," She started typing and we walked towards the kitchen. "Oh there you are, Ethan, we gotta go it was fun shooting with you guys, we should collab again some other time," Grayson said while walking towards the door. Emma and I walked them to the door and waved bye. Once they left we closed the door and Emma's eyes widened preparing to scream. "So tell me everythingggggg!" She screamed in my face demanding answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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