Information technology (TI) or in english known as information technology (TI) is general term for any technology that helps humans to make, change, store, facilitate, communicate and/or disseminate information.
Technology is a form of human creation that is realized by means of.
So that everyono can find information easily and also can make it easier to complete workInformation is messenger, sayying or expressions, or a set of messanges, and also information can also be recorded, this can be recorded as signs, or as signals based on waves.
Information technology is a system that is carried out by humans so that all humans can easily relate to one another and can also carry out an axchange of messenges through our five senses. therefore examples of information and communication tools. Handphone, laptops so on.
Information features
Information has the following characteristics
a. True or false, in this care information relates to truth or error to reality.
b. Only. information must be completely new to the recipient.
c. In addition, information can update or provide changes to existing information.
d. Corrective, information can be used to make corrections to previous information that is wrong or incorrect.
e. Strictly speaking, information can reinforce existing information so that confidence in information is increasing.From year to year the information technology is very rapid and easily accessible to all people in the wider community, before only part of the city and now accesible in the village