jamie & reece

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~•~•~•~~•Jaime + Reece ~•~•~•~•~• In the modern digital world where flat screens were old school and the new screens were just light an old box tv lay in ancient ruins...this old tv box was abandoned in the polluted part of the world where no one lived in but it was special it had a girl inside (gumi maybe the girl and Reece the boy who finds her !!!!omg! So cute! Ok back to the story ^-^) magic...no one ever believes in it now a days i mean cuz it doesn't exist only ignorance does...or so a boy thought...but long ago a girl was trapped inside this old tv by magic nd couldn't get out! She was cursed nd stuck in the tv her family still cared for her she was about 16 she was a nice girl who obeyed her parents she was the eldest a jewel of the village most beautiful with long hair and she had a kind mother and father both hard working she was beautiful she had a younger sister and a baby brother they were twins u can say she loved them both dearly they were about 7 anyways she was smart, got good grades and was plain perfect u could say she had long green hair like an emerald she got along with everyone and someone one of the girls at her school who was jealous called out an evil witch from ancient times using black magic evilly she summoned her by giving up her body in exchange for getting rid of the beautiful emerald girl they were best freinds at school but she grew angry and heart broken when she found out that the boy she liked loved the girl with green hair....with anger in her heart she summoned the evil witch who took over her body...the friend lost control and the witch took over she was suffering now but the witch would keep her promise she caused destruction throughout the village mesmerizing people spreading greed which the people easily fell for enjoying the outside world, greed caused destruction of the society pollution destroyed the village, everything in the once happy village was going wrong! Sirens went off ppl went wild stealing with uncontrollable greed and so there was chaos! The girl in green prayed for her humble home to be saved but she forgot about the others only wishing for her humble home...did greed get to her too!?! Well the witch found her/she was her target and once she fulfilled her mission she can go back to her slumber since she's caused chaos n would finish her job she got rid of the girl by throwing a spell but her mother flashed it back with a mirror trying to save the girl in the green unfortunately the spell hit their boxed tv and when the green girl turned to the tv since the spell targeted her she was absorbed into the tv! She turned around and found herself trapped in a glass screen the witch angry killed the mother and children for interrupting her job and getting in the way of her slumber! The father stepped in and he too was killed all in front of the girl with green in the fight with the which the first spell the whitch threw at her was dodged by her but her hair was cut! And so she was stuck in the screen short hair small in a little screen it was bright! The tv was on it was supposed to be family night! The witch disappeared back into her slumber and took the freind's body...the friend was gone...the green haired girl's family was killed in front of her and she was stuck in a tv while everyone else continued with chaos! Years passed nothing changed until the greed settled, a girl broke through the spell with hope and wisdom she freed the people and the people cheered her as their queen but she refused to take such place warning that those with too much power would fall into greed and what they needed to move on with was intelligence so they moved away leaving behind the old broken down isolated small village in search for a new fresh start the warrior girl was not a queen but a tactful leader of her people and so the girl with red hair led her ppl out of the polluted area and they settled far off this was years after the incident tho...the old forgotten tv lay in ruins in the humble house forgotten...desolated area it's been for years....nature purified that land after decades...pollution vanished as plants grew....rain washed away the impurities and the land became full of lushes green plant! But the village had left! Far far away they were reestablishing themselves with another community! The one they were in was actually an old village desolated far away from the actual city and their biggest and best present was a tv at the time but not anymore once they got to the city it grew more houses more technology a better and richer society free of pollution but artificial in a way...it expanded and slowly it spread back to the old village which was no longer recognizable just a few miles off it was a forest now/ new land they thought but it became protected by some hippies who kept protesting "leave the forests alone!" So it was, there was a probable cause and it was left alone...no one entered it, it had a creepy touch to it anyways....it was thick and impenetrable a few miles of desert separated it from the city and a river encircled the forest so no one went by it anyways and the old tv was left untouched....until one day out of shear luck a boy comes into the picture destined....ancestry was from the broken down village...he was son of a lineage filled with powerful girls! He was the first boy! It was a big deal for his family ^-^ they thought he was a treasure but all he felt was pressure to be something he didn't want to be he had freinds but with wrong crowd influence his freinds were trouble makers! A boy and a girl the girl was a punk and the boy a rebel, the boy with Garnett colored hair kinda orange was the supposed good boy his ace srry by the way goes back to the warrior girl with red hair that saved the village! She had a girl who had a girl who had a girl who had a girl for hundreds of generations of pure red headed girls but...he was the first boy, it was a great tresure he despised it and would run off with his rebel freinds! One night after arguing with his mom he ran off with his freinds who were planning to go over the artificial barrier into the forest! It was gonna be their adventure since his freinds were orphans no one cared where they went but they cared where the garnet boy went, the boy grew up with the orphans as freinds in school and cared for them greatly since they stuck up for him once when bullied at school for being the only boy in his family..."well at least he has a family!" Is what they said...the three became inceperable...so they planned to go into the forest and garnet boy decided to follow he too wanted to go into the forest it seemed enchanting in a creepy way nd it was ...the witches magic could be sensed in the atmosphere...the orphans weren't going alone they were heading with bandits there well actually they just looked that way but they were actually sellers of antique stuff that some rich people found amusing...so one night they headed off into the forest, they weren't allowed to go cuz of the new law but they went anyways...nd the orphans followed along with the Garnett boy in his exciting adventure when they got there they found the village and then the green girl's house! They raided it the tv was plugged off and in the darkness of the tv was still the trapped girl who could not be seen unless the tv was turned on and only on the channel she was out in...the girl was sleeping after a tearful day in a dark place she didn't know when there was day or night but she counted one time and decided that after that much time it was day it really didn't matter anymore she was awfully disorientated stuck in a black void she felt herself going insane her only escape being sleep she tried talking once but felt that if she did talk to herself she would turn crazy but if she didn't talk...what if she sang she felt crazy after a while too so she just thought she no longer knew what to do what if her thoughts betrayed her she lost trust in herself and counted silently waiting for night to come trying to keep herself sane...outside the bandits were looting her house and took the tv while the kids were playing in the foliage...once they went back to the city,the Garnett's boy mother went out to shop and bought the atuque tv, she bought it as a present for the Garnett boy since it was going to be his bday which he had completley forgot , it was the only day the orphans didn't go looking for him to his house for they knew his mom would get mad...plus they felt bad they didn't have any bdays themselves...they were about 12...and as years passed the tv was lost in the mothers garage for she forgot to give it to the boy but it was wrapped there with a card collecting dust unfortunately the mother never got a chance to give the boy the present because she was murdered...right in front of the Garnett boy....his mother had many enemies since she was gorgeous/his father left her before having Garnett boy and that is how he related to the orphans...but now that his mother was gone he was a true orphan she was killed right infront of him on his bday...it was awful and bloody red like her hair...the boy lost emotion and he was sent away with his aunt but the house was under his name...he left to live with his aunt far away...and never got to say goodbye to his orphan freinds...he took his family for granted or at least his mother...he lived with his aunt for five years, when he was 17 he decided to go back to his house and live on his own convincing his caring aunt who always checked on him thru the phone but he would always put on a cheerful face...he thought himself ready to go home, he missed the rich scent of his town...and his freinds...he went into the city and was met by the orphans who were overjoyed to see him!
"Welcome home bud!" 👤
"Where the heck have u been u didn't even say good bye!!"🙎
"Well i see u guys haven't changed a bit have ya"🙇
"We heard about your mom"👤
"Yeah well it's fine now "🙇
"Are you sure?!?"🙎
"Don't sweat it I'm fine and ...ahhh...just so glad to be home"stretching after sitting in a cramped train...🙇
"Hahaha these streets will forever be our home bro" 👤
"Hahaha yeah"🙇
"You got that right...>-<"🙎
He spent the whole day with his freinds and found out the orphans were living in a house with the bandits who eventually took them in...Garnett boy offered his house but they declined...they found a family and rather stayed with them to help them out with selling and working to live was much better for them they said their goodbyes and Garnett boy was off to his house...it was late he went in...it was exactly the same ...nothing changed...he went into his room and slept...the next day he got up and decided to remodel the house. He cleaned the whole day! And when he went down to the garage he decided to clean that up too...he was almost done, all he needed now was tht corner..,he picked up his mothers' coat and found a present underneath...it was his bday present ...he stared emotionless...it was a weird present, a medium box he lifted it. It was heavy, he took off the letter and read his mom's sweet words...tears fell...first it was just a few then uncontrollably...he never cried even when his mom died he kept hearing her last words...be strong ...he just stared at her being killed...he didn't cry ...just stood motionless and wide eyed...the doctors diagnosed emotionless ness in him but seeing him now he was full of emotion he hasn't let out....uncontrollable tears poured down his face as he wept for the first time all his regrets and sorrowful memories of his mother... He cried in his knees for hours...he looked so fragile...the sound...it reached the girl inside the tv she heard his cries and she wad convinced she was turning crazy hearing voices but something about that sound seemed so broken full of despair and no hope just like her...she cried...the sound of the Garnett boy set her to tears...she wasn't frightened tho this time she was sad...the boy got up after a few hours it was evening when he went into the garage and now it was midnight...he went inside his room after passing by the fridge for something to eat...he hugged his pillow and cried himself to sleep the next morning he awoke but didn't get out of bed...he stayed in bed he slept as if he never slept in his life he didn't feel like getting up. Another day passed it was dark again another morning and another day...he didn't get out of bed to answer the door...he just stayed put...sorrow in his eyes...tears crawling out at times after the third day he decided to at least get up for something to eat once he came back to his room he sat on his bed starring at the present his mother got him. It sat on his desk it was an oddly shaped box. it was a rectangle sort of...he reached out to open it...it was a tv...a mini. Small one...it was tiny...an antique must have been...the screen seemed 4"4" it was like a box screen made of glass and a big back part to it along with an antenna...he stared at it and went back to sleep...the next day he woke up and saw the tv again he decided to see if it worked atleast...his mother called it a treasure just like him and so he plugged it in to see if it worked...surprisingly the tv turned on...in the girls world the black void became bright and colorful! She thought it was a dream! But the colors were so bright she sprang onto her feet full of joy someone turned on the tv! The boy sat and stared at the old tv...he changed the channels but it all seemed out of signal except for Chanel 39...all other channels where black and white static no signal screens...he set it to channel 39 and stared at what was going on...it was a house setting and a family was playing...the mother was cooking and the father was reading the newspaper...and the children were sitting on the table ready to eat it, seemed like a commercial for syrup...the girl in the screen saw the figures full of light moving around her she was so glad to see them! Humans! She was amazed!!!...the boy watched the tv show...something was off...something in the picture didn't belong...there was a girl with emerald green hair on her knees on the floor that just didn't go with the commercial...he stared oddly at the girl...she was crying...there was something seriously wrong with the commercial....the scene changed but the girl didn't...was the tv broken? A glitch maybe? It seemed to be working fine except for that green haired girl...he got up to hit the back of the tv and that's when the girl turned...she saw the boy and stared amazed...the boy checked to see if the tv was fixed and caught the girl's eyes, he starred and gave the tv another smack...the girl stood still looking at the boy and knocked in the glass screen this was her chance somehow maybe she had hope that somehow the boy could get her out! The boy looked back at the screen shocked and sat back down on the bed...the girl was banging on the glass screen trying to say something but unsure of the words she was using...in truth she hadn't spoken for a while a long while and so she was at a loss for words mixed with feelings of joy...the boy starred...he couldn't decide whether there was really a girl in the screen trying to get his attention or he was loosing his mind...him dreaming was also a possibility...he plugged off the tv...it went dark again...the girl's heart almost dropped to rock bottom she felt as if her heart was torn out through her throught and dropped into a dark black pit...she stood hopeless but then the colors came back! The boy turne the tv back on! She banged on the screen uncontrollably now in tears afraid of the dark she no longer wanted to be turned off she could no longer take tht life she screamed then words formed and she spoke..."dont turn it off! Please dont turn me off! I beg you! I'll go crazy!please dont turn me off!"she yelled full of tears...the boy couldn't believe his mind he was so confused and decided to go back to the kitchen downstairs to drink fresh cold water he decided to take a shower after that and left the tv on out of curiosity and curtecy...after the showers he decided he was fully awake and could no longer be in a dream he went back to see the tv and looked for the girl...she was walking around the screen and saw him coming through the corner of her eye yelling for him to come! She seemed so happy...he couldn't believe his eyes ...he moved to another side and the girl followed him still telling him to come near...he started in disbelief there was a girl in his tv...he sat down on his bed and turned up the volume a little..the girl full of joy in her eyes thanked the boy...
"Oh my goodness...young man...thank you! Thank you! My my you haven't! You wouldn't believe what had happened to me!i i dont believe myself i must still be in a dream! My my what a wonderful dream! Please oh please i beg of you sir dont ever turn off this tv! I beg of you...you don't understand how long I've been in here in this dark empty void all by myself! I wished I died! I have been stuck in this tv for such a long long unbelievably long time!"👒Her eyes filled with tears...
"Am I dreaming..."🙇
"Oh sir idk idek if I'm dreaming but whatever it is plz dont turn off this tv i beg of u i can no longer take another moment of darkness!i thank u so very much i...i...I am forever in you debt sir...plz be kind and promise you'll never unplug this tv until I find a way out plz sir help me!"👒
"What...i dont even know you...I'm sorry I'm so confused i never knew too much sleep can...nvm...I won't turn off the tv but i...are you real"🙇
"Oh sir thank you and I assure you I'm as real as you are sir I was cursed by a witch and put into this tv but i once lived just like you sir outside of this tv in that world u do so right now oh my I'm so happy...thank you so very much sir..."👒
"Uh u could stop calling me that I'm not even that old it's kinna weird..."🙇
"Oh I'm sorry...what should I call u then..."👒
"Uh..i dunno..."🙇
"Well dont your kind have names anymore...we are living on planet earth right?hmm well your things do look different but it's still a room i assume..."👒
"Oh yeah...uh my name is Reece"🙇(for now it'll be a Reece gumi's story😜)he felt weird saying his name, only his adults called him by that name all his freinds called him ishy a name stuck to him since his hair was kind of a oringishy brownishy redishy  mess according to the orphan girl orchid.nd so then it stuck...
"Well it's really nice to meet you Reece  my name is Jaimie, it's a real pleasure ^-^ honest!"👒
"Uh yeah..."🙇
*knocks at the door*
"Aye! Yo! Are you home!!!hello!!"👤
"Oh um those are my friends...uhh..."🙇
"Oh um...you can go just as long as you don't turn off the tv.."👒
"D..d..do you mind if they like know? They um keep me sane..."🙇
"Uhh...i...I'd be honored" 👒
"Right...umm I'll be back then..."🙇
Walked down stairs opened the door
"Uh guys..."🙇
"Hey man where have u been!?!"👤
"Um...i...is this a dream"🙇
"Whaaayyy...hold up man are u doin drugs!?!"👤
"What no!"🙇
"Then where have u been punk!?"🙎
By this time they've already welcomed themselves in and were sitting in the couch...
"Hey u cleaned up huh?"👤
"Oh...um okay...i see so u weren't over it...we could have helped!"🙎understandingly said dropping the were has he been issue...
"No um...I'm okay"🙇
"Dont say it if u dont mean it your eyes are all red"🙎
"No I mean it"🙇
"Well if u say so...let's go out!"🙎
"Well actually..."🙇
"Yeah let's go out! Your choice man!"👤
"About tht..."🙇
"Come on...no time for gloominess let's go!"👤
They shoved him out the door and dragged him out to go to the carnival in town to keep him from dwelling over the past...he decided he'd keep the Jaimie incident to himself until he found out more about her and decided not to worry his freinds and just enjoy himself...after long day at the carnival they sat down to eat their shlushies...
"Hey ishy...did u have fun?"🙎
"Yeah thanks..."🙇
"Mhm"🙎blushed...they were alone...dex had gone to get another slushy...orchid really liked Reece, she loved him...he was more than a freind to her...her heart flung out when she found out Reece left...she went insane for a while...but she still had dex...he was there and helped her get through it...Reece was gone and she thought she'd never see him again...but she did and she didn't want to waste another moment without my telling him how she felt...he might be gone the next day and he'll never know...she had to tell him...she was determined
"Ishy...I thought I lost u forever..."🙎
"Hmm..srry for making u worry..."🙇
"Ishy...I love you and I don't ever want to lose you!"🙎cried
"Hey...I'm not leavin anymore...I'm sorry ok...u both know i love you too"-Reece went sit next to orchid and embraced her tightly...he wasn't getting the memo orchid thought but at least he won't leave she thought and curled up in his arms...dex came and Reece let go...orchid wiped her tears...
"What I miss?"👤
"Nothin bro...srry for making u too worry but I promise I won't leave without a goodbye best time"🙇
"Yea u better not! This girl was about to-..."-dex stopped as orchid starred him down,she didn't want to screw anything up and didn't want Reece to know her embarresing moments,luckily dex got the memo and kept his mouth shut
"Y'all want another slushy?"👤
"Nahh I'm good"🙇
Orchid was an orphan at 6 her parents left her one day and never came home they were killed while they were out thts why Reece understood nd promised never to leave without saying goodbye too..the day ended and they split to their houses..
"Latez man!"👤
"See ya"🙎
"Oh btw we gonna work tommorrow, so we ain't comin tommorrow but the day after to check on you"👤
"Kay mom 😂"🙇
"Wat!? I just worry might...alright Latez man"👤
"See ya"🙇
"Good bye!"🙎
Reece smiled and watched them go off then went back inside into his room...Jaimie was asleep on the screen... Or so it seemed he stepped in his room and she turned...she immediately stood up
"Hello, freinds of Reece, it's a pleasure to meet you my name is Jaimie!"👒She said as if she's rehearsed it for a million times!
"Oh srry Jaimie it's just me..."🙇
"Uhhhgghh...where have u been! I thought you abandoned me! It's an awful feeling u know! It's not nice to do such things to ppl! I'm real u know real heart real feelings!"-Jaimie sniveled
"Srry...I get where your comin from...but uh i was thinking we should talk"🙇
"Yeah thtd be great...I haven't had a decent conversation in ages😪"👒
"Ok um can u start where u come from?"🙇
"Oh sure i come from a village named so and so ....(explained everything that happened to her) and so I was stuck here in this dark place until u turned in the lights^-^"👒
"Wow it must've been really awaful...how old did u say you were?"🙇
"17...nd it seems i haven't grown since 1968"👒
"Wow so u like went through a time machine huh..."🙇
"I guess except i actually feel and live through the time that passes in empty darkness..."👒
"Wow Jaimie it seems like i know u now ^-^ ur really good at telling stories you know"🙇
"Thank you except this isn't really a story im not lying it's honestly true"👒
"Right sorry i didn't mean it that way..."🙇
"Oh it's fine...so what about u?"👒
"Uh well I've never time traveled that doesn't really exist yet"🙇
"No silly i mean ur life...where are ur parents do u have any siblings? You look pretty young but u live alone? Did u move out? And if u did where's your wife?"👒
"Oh hold up i dont have a wife I'm bearly 17 ^-^"🙇
"Well that's about the age to be getting married Reece"👒
"Oh no not in this time your still considered under age ^-^"🙇
"Oh oh...oh goodness gracious thts good I'm not ready for such commitment like that either...at what age do u have to at this time?"👒
"Uh actually u choose whenever u want after 18 if u even want to...i mean it's not like u have to u could be single i guess"🙇
"Single?! That sounds amazing! I absolutley love this era! I totally found my stop! Ahhh I'm so happy! I guess things do happen for a better reason!"*sigh of relief*👒
"Well my mum also died when I was 12...i never met my dad nd I'm an only child..."🙇
"Oh...I'm so sorry for your loss..."👒
"Yeah me too about yours..."🙇
"I'm hear to listen if u ever need to talk about it...I've talked about it with u and feel a lot better now thanks..."👒
"Yeah...*silence for a while*...my mum...uh she was murdered too...it was my twelfth bday and some guy came and just murdered her outta jealousy...she's a red head...nd ppl hated her for being a good person i guess..."🙇
"...bad things happen to good people...but thts why u gotta move forward...something better will come ^-^"👒
"Yeah...but I'm not a good person"🙇
"Sure u are u saved me...heroes are good people and your a hero...umm hey what are u hey Reece! What are u doing!"👒
"I could pull the plug if I want and won't feel a thing...I'm made of stone u could go back to the miserable life u lived and I'll still go on with that...I'm really a bad person"-🙇holding the plug started to cry...
"I dont believe that...I may not know u as much as u know me but I still believe in you...i trust you...your not a bad person...u didn't turn me off when u left...u could have then but u didn't...even if it was just out of curiosity u could have turned me off came back and turned me back on but u didn't...i dont know what u did to make yourself feel so guilty but I know your not made of stone cuz u wouldn't be crying if u were...people with freinds aren't heartless...you have freinds...and your human...u have a heart...u can feel...even if I'm in a tv screen i can too! Don't doubt yourself or your feelings! Be happy u could feel dont deny them cuz u dont like them...I know my life lays in your hands but that's why I have faith...in you...i just know you wouldn't shut me out! I studied your room while you were away! Your a good person...i trust u...please dont scare me like that...nd dont cry so lonely either! I'll cry with you...your not alone!"*👒sniveled and cried....while Reece surprised with tears in his eyes...
"I'm not crying"🙇
"Show yourself!"👒
He sat back on his bed...with misty eyes he saw her's full of tears...
"You were...i heard u before too...before u turned me on i thought I was going crazy hearing voices but I wasn't! It was u wasn't it...you were the broken soul crying uncontrollably who awoke me from my slumber!"👒
Reece cried...I'm not myself lately...my eyes can't stop leaking...I've never done so before not even when my mom died but now i just can't help myself"🙇
"It's ok Reece....once you've cried and talked it out...you'll feel better promise..."👒said crying herself
After a long while of tears Reece finally stopped...he chuckled a little then laughed...Jaimie saw and smiled then laughed too! Somehow they had bonded...connected...it seemed so normal...as if they knew each other since forever...
"Hahahahahahaha....I feel crazier with u then when I was alone right about now....hhehehehehe...."👒
"Hmmphghmhgmphg....hahahhaahha...same here...it's crazy...i just thought u must be the good thing that happened to me if I'm really a good person and my moms death was the bad part...Jaimie your just so funny....u made me so happy! Hahahaha"🙇
"Hahahahaha i haven't done nothin funny but....I'm glad...u too have made me happy...u know if I had to marry someone id marry you😂 but too bad u didn't exist at the time....Hahahahaha"👒
"Hahahahaha...I feel like I've known u forever Jaimie..."🙇
"Yea i get the same feeling..."👒
"Btw how are u gonna get outta there?"🙇
"Hmmm...that's a good question...have any ideas?"👒
"What? No! I still don't even understand how u got in there!"🙇
"I told u it was the witch!"👒
"Well I mean is there some good whitch that I can call to get u out? If they even exist?"🙇
"Sure they do! She put me in here! Nd no! I'd never let u call any kind if whitch for my sake! You'd die! My freind is lost cuz of that whitch u know...I told u ..."👒
"Well yeah but...how else will u get out..."🙇
"well that's not an option anyways i dont know a whitch...nd i dont want u to risk your life for me..."👒
"I wouldn't mind..."🙇
"You see you are a good person..."👒
"Hmp, i just don't believe in witches...so u got into the tv cuz of a mirror that reflected a spell targeting u landed in the tv while it was on ch39..."🙇
"Yes that's correct"👒
"Hmmm....are u hungry?"🙇
"What? Umm no i dont think so..."👒
"When's the last time u ate?"🙇
"Umm...in the morning at breakfast on December 21st 1968"👒
"Uhu...it's April 9 2729...so about 761 years and 4 months ago...gosh just thinking of how long that is nd it's makin me hungry😅"🙇
"Oh u can go eat...I'm not exactly hungry it seems like my body is currently not functioning properly but yet I can still move it 😛"👒
"Hmmm...probably cuz your just light and wavelengths in there..."🙇
"Well imma go get something to eat I'll be back"🙇
🙇Went to the kitchen and made a sandwitch...I wonder what light is...she's been stuck in the same channel forever...if she never gets out of there...she'll never get to see outside ever again...wow i take for granted the air i breath...the food i eat...all the things i see...looked at the clock it's 3am...it's been 5 hours talking to her but it don't feel like that...I guess she's lucky since time doesn't pass for her she won't have to die...but still it must be nice to go outside...Reece goes back to his room...
"Hey do u get tired" 🙇
"Sure do ^-^ but it doesn't matter i dont exactly need sleep😛"👒
"Thts cool i guess...so about how we'll get u out..."🙇
"What will u do when your out?"🙇
"Everything! I want to see the time you live in and live normally like everyone else if I can...I'll live to not regret!^-^"👒
"U want to get old..."🙇
"That'd be nice"👒
"And die...."🙇
"Your so pessimistic aren't you...i too want to die but I'm not exactly looking forward to it I want to live first^-^ i dont exactly wanna stay here forever you know my life depending on you...I want to be free and try to make people happy all on my own!"👒
"Yeah I guess your right..."🙇
"Hmmm...would you like to be my friend?Rather...can I be your friend?"👒
"Oh umm old school huh...yeah I guess...let's be friends i mean we are gonna be together for a while...i mean until your out...and free... hehehe"🙇
"No I mean let's be real friends not just cuz we have to i am under your will but friendship is not exactly like that..."👒
"Yeah I get it, now a days it's implied... Once you start talking to someone and it gets personal u kinna just know your both friends"🙇
"Oh so we were freinds already!?!?"👒
"I wouldn't have shared such things with a stranger i mean unless it's another you cuz I could make u stay quiet forever"*chuckles*🙇
"You wouldn't...anyway u should get some sleep.."👒
"Yeah well think about this tommorrow...that is later today 😅"🙇
"Oh it's today? Wait what day is it?"👒
"April 10 3029^-^"🙇
"Wow it seems like a dream...I'm in the future ^-^"👒
"Hmm yeah..."🙇
Lowered the volume of the tv and laid on his bed under his covers...
"Sweet dreams Reece"👒
"Goodnight Jaimie..."
Reece looked at the screen and stared at Jaimie...he closed his eyes and hoped he wasn't dreaming...he looked forward to tomorrow... Jaimie watched him sleep...amazed by how peaceful he looked...somehow peace came to her and she felt calm...the next morning or afternoon, Reece didn't wake up until 2pm!
"Good morning sleepy head!"👒
He smiled it wasn't a dream...or it was a really long dream...
"You sleep like my baby brother and sister^-^"👒
"Do I?...imma go shower and eat breakfast later we can study about old TVs and witches"🙇
"Hahahah...I'll be here waiting..."👒
"It's not like i can move anywhere else.."👒
Reece took his clothes out and went out of the room...Jaimie stayed alone...but she was happy greatful ...reliefed ...her dark days seemed far away...Reece came back after a while with old books and a computer...
"These are old books my mom bought...she likes antiques specially if they're about mystical creatures and luckily she had a whitch encyclopedia in the thousands of books she has! Nd if we need other info we could just look it up..."🙇
"Oh...look it up? Does that computer thing have all the books in the world?"👒
"Uh yea kinna...I'll show u how to use it sometime...well actually here um"🙇
Reece sat on his desk and turned the tv around careful not to unplug it...
"here can u see?"🙇
"Oh yeah! Perfectly!"👒
"So umm this computer is kinna really old fashion, now a days it's just a light screen but i kinna just moved in so it's gonna take a while for me to get new tech...here u just type in what u wanna know and links pop up, u click one and u get to read info after that...so well search up...to practice...the beach...have u ever Been there?"🙇
"Oh i really dont know what that is..."👒
"Really? You've never been there...there must have been beaches back then!"🙇
"Maybe but we didn't exactly go anywhere far away...."👒
"Oh...well here u see...it's a beach"🙇
"Wow! It's so blue! And beautiful!... it's like a really wide river isn't it !"👒
"Uhh something like that just that it's not actually a river look see...."🙇
"Oh my the beach is quite big if that's the comparative size!"👒
"Oh well yeah it is pretty big...u lived near a river right..."🙇
"Yes! Yes I did, it was really long"👒
"Yeah...uh look this is how your place looks right now...it's actually a forest..."🙇
"Wow....that's not my place.... national Hipi forest, yeah no my place was called...Yuhosu..."👒
"Hmmm let's see if we can find history about that...though tht was a real long time ago...here it says Yuhosu is a flower village from thousands of years ago it produced the rarest flowers and became the forest of hipis now after a tragic pollution incident where the people were forced out of the village...there's actually a story about it that the people turned savage it says here due to being away from civilization and losing their morals caused them to excessively create waste products toxic to the world due to wanting more than the other..,"🙇
Days passed and they continued to research Jaimie's history about the village studying about light and a way to absorb light out of a tv in human form and with the new technology he had he figured that the device that creates a light screen if he found out how it worked maybe he could make it work backwards where instead of portraying light it absorbs light...months passed,he had to buy many devices and dissect them...he got the money from his mothers inheritance left behind to him...overall it would be a great investment if he made it to work....it took time lots of studying working with mechanics...all through April time passed into May...June... July...August...September...October...7 months passed...it flew by like nothing to him...it was fun he showed Jaimie many places through the computer later showed her how to use a light screens she was smart and picked up fast...he went out sometimes...to buy market and came back with posters...around the aniversery of his parents murder...his bday the prior week to it he would get nightmares...terrible ones...but Jaimie was always there across the screen...
Reece would wake up crying kept telling himself he should have protected her...he should have spend more time with her...he shouldn't have made her life difficult...he should have obeyed.... but there was nothing he could do time traveling wasn't invented for him...but he did have Jaimie...he awakes and Jaimie would always be there to sooth him...even across a screen they made a connection...they grew a strong bond and learned to work with eachother...
"Hey Reece...its ok it was just a dream...your mother wouldn't have wanted you to feel guilty about yourself...now that your alive...you have to enjoy it and live to not regret...you have to live for your mother...when my younger sibling had scary dreams i would sing them to sleep...maybe it will help you too ok just listen to the sound of my voice your ok...you'll be fine ok..."👒
Even though she was across the screen she sang to him soothing songs, he would give her his back, he would be too ashamed to face her but he was greatful and he would turn when he was finally asleep and Jaimie would stop...they cried together when they missed their family...they laughed together...discovered and learned new things together...she would sometimes give him recipes to cook and he would follow them precisely and he ended up being a pretty good cook even across the screen Jaimie could teach him all she knew ...sometimes they would disagree on something and fight about who had a better life but they always made up, at the end of the day they both been through so much and got better along with eachother than anyone else...they respected appreciated and lived eachother...even if it's just across a tv screen...all while working on how they were going to get her out of course...though they still celebrated some days...holidays together since gumi would insist, the tv had its own kinna wall were it had a calendar and posters of really cool places...at night Jaimie would dream about being in those places one day...and she would watch Reece sleep...she was always there...I mean she couldn't have gone anywhere else and she also had company, Reece got Jaimie a white Persian fluffy cat with blue eyes..it was super cute and a baby when they got it. Thankfully it liked tv...they got it around May
"Hey Jaimie I got u a present... Someone to keep you company while I'm gone😛"🙇
"It's a cat...see"🙇
"Waaahhh....it's so fluffy it's like a white cloud! Reece it's alive! Is that a kitten?the ones u showed me from last time on the light screen?!???"👒
"Yeah^-^its a girl kitten...so"🙇
Purrrrr🐱the tiny kitten was on top of the kitten curling around the tv!
"It likes you^-^"🙇
"I wanna touch it!!!!"👒Jaimie tried reaching beyond the screen but could only get as far as the glass
"Wat is her name?"👒
"She doesn't have one yet...what do u think?"🙇
"I could name her?!?"👒
"She's yours.and she seems to agree look at her purring all over come here fluff"🙇
"It's so cute! It meowed!"👒
Jamie looked around the room...she wanted to make her name special... With a part of Reece too since he got it for her...she thought of naming her Reeces like a choclate but that'd be too weird...she wanted a simple name...she looked around at Reece's posters...there was one in the far corner of a girl with green hair just like her...it said "Gumi" and so she decided that was perfect!
The kitten purred on the tv again putting its paw on the screen🐱
"Gumi? I doubt you knew about that kinna stuff in your years...where's u get that from?"🙇
"Your poster ^-^"👒
"Oh lol Dex's favorite character...idek why I have it here...hahaha"🙇
"Oh really you dont like it?😳"👒
"No i like it...it's a cute name for this fluff"🙇
"Or maybe we should call it fluff?"👒
"No no i like Gumi nd fluff ball...I mean gumi likes her name too...right!"🙇
"Ok then it's settled gumi it is!"🙇
"Hahahaha...one question is it always mad?"👒
"No that's just it's face hmpfh😂"🙇
...on October they made some advances, Reece fixed/upgraded the tv to be able to have a few more channels...now it had five with color and gumi was able to walk through them, they were like unlocked doors for her she went through and would be in a different channel...Reece regretted it sometimes cuz now when she was mad at him she would walk into another channel that he would have to look for to apolagize...it scared the death out of him once, the last fight they had it lasted more than a day...she left onto another channel and he went to bed when he woke up he freaked...use to seeing Jaimie first thing on his tv this time it was blank! He though it was really all a dream and that she was gone! He switched the channels and couldn't find her...he was so scared... Scared of losing her...scared of it all being just a dream... He questioned her existence sometimes and realized how much she ment to him...she was more than just in his tv screen, she was in his heart...that time Jaimie forgot about the fight and actually found a new part inside the tv she never seen before since she didn't really explore she was mad and just started to wander around and it was actually a kinna control center of the tv...Reece asked her to describe it and she did..it was a type of weird boxish chip sorta thing with weird light, well everything is just different colored lights but this seemed kinna organized...by November they had an idea about what they were working with...they had plans...diagrams...Reece new that magic didn't exist and Jaimie maybe out of ignorance back then thought it was magic or so he believed that so he knew there would be a way to get her out...meanwhile in his other life...orchid was getting worried...
"He doesn't even come out as much anymore...he spent 7 months in there already he might not have left but this is as if it was before!"🙎
"Hey well at least u get to see him more often than before..."👤
"He hardly comes out and when he does he's always so happy and cheerful i can't say anything is wrong but something is definearly off! He hardly even comes outside!"🙎
"Maybe he got into a new video game!?"👤
"For 7 months!!!"🙎
"Hey video games these days are pretty addicting i know this kid who played it for 3 years straight!"👤
"Yeah but this is Reece were talkin about! i just feel like something is wrong....he's either suffering all on his own...doin drugs...or maybe...he's forgotten about us...he was away for such a long time i mean thts possible right what if he no longer feels were freinds...maybe he doesn't trust us"🙎with tears welling up in her eyes
"If were talking about the same Reece than I know that's not possible he might just be busy u know.."👤
"Doing what!!!??!"🙎
"Wel if it kills u that much well go ask him tommorrow...I'll come with u so it won't be weird alone"👤
"Hmmm...thanks dex..."🙎
So they did go and Reece was currently conversing and concluding what would happen to gumi if it did work and if it didn't...the worst that can happen was her disappearing and that was one chance Reece couldn't take, so he was scared and didn't try anything for all this time unless he was completely certain it would work...gumi would complain about how long it took and how hope with no answer was terrible cuz it just left you on the edge...but Reece wouldn't risk it!not yet...
*knock knock knock*
"Hmm...that must be...wait it's Wednesday...they should be working..."-Reece🙇
"Oh your freinds huh!^-^ that I never got to meet that is..."Jaimie👒
"Uh yeah idk how they'd feel about me spending most of my time with a girl inside a tv..."🙇
"Wats so wrong with that 😂😛"👒
Reece went down stairs to open the door leaving gumi inside the room with Jaimie and found out it was his freinds!
"Hey guys!"🙇
"We need to talk."🙎
"Hope u don't mind the intrusion!"👤
"Uh no ...but is something wrong...I thought u guys worked today?"🙇
"We came to see u...since you've forgotten us...is there something wrong with that?"🙎
"What! Of course! I haven't forgotten about u guys!"🙇
"Ishy...ever since the incident with your mom you just seem so distant i mean u got back and havent come out of your house for days at a time some times and u just...u can't stay locked inside this house forever!"🙎
Reece didn't like leaving Jaimie. for too long on her own even if she was with gumi...he tried not to...he could somehow understand her loneliness and wanted to make it up to her...he kinna snapped when he knew this conversation would take too long..
"I could stay home as long as I want..your not my mother..."🙇
"Hey man were just worried about u"👤
"What's going on ishy! Your hiding something i can sense it!"🙎
"What are u a cop now?!"🙇
"Do we have to bring in cops!?"🙎
"Ishy are u doing drugs or something!"🙎
"People dont just stay in their house for seven months straight! It's bad to lose social contact for so long!"🙎
Reece thought about Jaimie..for years she was all alone in a dark place she had to feel that long time go by and trying to stay sane all by herself...
"I know...but I'm not alone"🙇
"Liar! No ones come visit u except us sometimes when there's not much work to be done and when boss is in the mood to let us out!"🙎
"We stole a day today Man U better tell us what's going in!"👤
Reece thought about it for a moment...maybe it'd be ok..I mean they are his freinds since child good after all...felt like siblings even! Surely they could keep gumi secret..
Plus gumi could use more friends and she seemed excited about meeting her freind one day...he decided...I mean it's not like he could lie to him
"Fine but I won't show u unless you believe me...and I'm not crazy!Truth is I've been spending my time with this girl..."-Reece
"You liar i know everyone around here nd no girl has ever came to ur house beside orchid!"-dex
"No I mean not..well the tripy part is that she's inside an old tv.."
"Oh my goodness!!! He's gone insane! I told u we should have come sooner! He's become so antisocial hes made freinds with a robot girl!😭...you know we've always been here when u needed us ishy!!"-orchid
"Gumi is not a robot girl she's real!"
"Yo man...u need to be real with us...can't u tell real life vs tv stuff...ur jokin huh"-dex
"No I'm not...she's real...nd I wanted u guys to meet her before but I was afraid of this I'm honestly telling the truth!"-Reece
"and that's what I'm so afraid of! He thinks he's telling the truth and he's so convinced about it😭"-orchid
"Cuz it is! Here let me explain"Reece
He told them about how gumi became stuck in a tv and how they were trying to figure out a way to get her out of the tv and all about how he came to get the tv...
"So then if your not lying were is this girl..."-dex
"She's in my room"-Reece
"Oh dex you were always so gulible.. Reece the only reason I'm giving this a chance is cuz i trust u but u gotta admit this is a real funky story"-orchid
"I know it sounds crazy...I didn't believe it myself at first either but I mean she's real...she's so real...she's as real as me and u she feels she honestly understands me"
Orchid felt a hint of jealousy
"We understand u too"-orchid
Reece didn't wanna push it
"I know"-Reece
"So then let's meet this old tv chick"dex
"She doesn't know u guys are coming so plz be nice.."-Reece
"It's not like were your parents meeting you gf ishy..."-orchid
Somehow it sure felt that way...they went into the room and were stunned by all the papers and diagrams on the board and everywhere!
"Wow dude what a mess...n u keeping a girl in here.."-dex
"Were working...and she can't exactly see the mess you know"-Reece
She'd probably made him clean it if she did!
"Uh yeah my freinds wanna meet u"-Reece
"Oohh...ummm...oh my r-r-right nnnow right now?!?"-gumi
"Uh yeah i though you'd like to meet em come on guys sit on my bed"- Reece
"Ahh...hi little lady..."-dex
"Oh um hi hello it's a real pleasure too meet the freinds of Reece it's a real pleasure to meet you...hahaha you must be dex...he's mentioned lots about u ^-^ it's a real honor sir"-gumi
"Well either your not jokin ishy or she's really well programmed to act so human like!"-dex
"Oh no sit I am human..I was just trapped in here cuz.."
"Of a witch yeah ishy told us"-orchid
"Oh you must be orchid it's also a real pleasure to meet you i am very honored to meet u both truly!"-gumi
She poked the screen and gumi tried backing away...orchid sent dex and Reece to get drinks and orchid vole teeters to stay and keep gumi company...she was strictly warned by Reece several times not to pull the plug! Orchid talked to gumi about their childhood and long history together and how she was very special to him
"I've always been there with Reece... I still can't believe this is the reason he neglected us for so long"-orchid
"My apologies he's been really nice trying to help me and all I'm sorry it's my fault for keeping him from you"-gumi
"Yeah it is...he's my boy genius so when ur out just make sure u know that is if u get out alive since your ancient history..that u dont get between us and u stop bothering him...appreciate how needy u are of him and make his life easier by diss appearing one day got it... U shouldn't come between us...after all your only a picture on the screen"-orchid
"I'm real...nd i do appreciate Reece...he's been so kind to me..."-gumi
"So do him a favor and leave when u have the chance got it!"-orchid
"Are u his gf? "-gumi
Orchid got red
"Uuhhhmmn nooo but y y you know um it i maybe in the future y y you know...I mean I deserve him I've known him all his life and...dont u dare say anything to him!"-orchid
"Hahaha...dont worry your secrets safe with me...but idk i mean u sure act like one...and if that's how it is i sure he only sees u a special way...I mean I might not even be a girl to him just a picture on the screen you know"-gumi
Gumi hoped that not to be true..deep inside she knew she was betraying her own feelings...she loved Reece but the truth is how could she ever be with someone whose done so much for her already!
The boys came back with the drinks and they all chatted for a while and said their goodbyes
At the end of the day Reece and gumi were alone...gumi a bit troubled with herself she started seeing Reece differently...blushing even...
"Ahhhh...well what u think..."-Reece
"Well they were nice ppl...but Ugghh I felt so embarrassed i mean I had no time to prepare!"-gumi
"Hahaha well u wanted to meat em"-Reece
"Mhm...nd I'm glad I did...faces I will recognize when I'm outta here..hahaha"-gumi
"Gumi...will u stay with me once your out...."-Reece
"...."-gumi blushed...she was so red luckily Reece had already laid down sand was looking up at the Celling
"I mean...uhh...wat if...it takes longer than expected you know..."-Reece
"Reece were almost done.."-gumi
"Yeah but u know I'm scared i dont want to mess this up ...I mean ur life is on the line"-Reece
"Reece...I want u to know that whatever happens please dont ever feel bad about it I'd rather die a million times in you hands than go back to were I was I wouldn't ever regret it...meeting u is more than I could ever ask for...Reece I am truly greatful for u dont ever feel bad about any results ok...I'm totally ok with this...and will accept all consequences and results ok...the one thing i won't accept is u bearing yourself up about it !"-gumi
A tear left the corner of Reece's eye
"Goodnight gumi..."
"Sweet dreams Reece"
First test was tried right after halloween... He turned on the light screen it was a little plate sort of thing like a UFO with a touch screen and camera like things were the light screen would come out and u could see what u search up in the touch screen section on the bottom this device was usually connected to a keyboard and projected not a glass with nothing behind it so what Reece was trying to do is that instead of projecting light it absorbed it.... They prayed for it to work, if it did she would be out of the tv and into the projection device or out of the projection device if shut down before she gets into it...Reece turned it on gumi was hopeful and excited
The device started generating  it absorbed light alright...it absorbed the lamp light on his desk and he shut it down....
"*sigh* well this is it...it's doing its job..."-Reece
"Great! I'm finally gonna get out of here ^-^ and remember I'm not your responsibility and I will face my own consequences!"-gumi
He turned on the light device and aimed lt in the tv...gumi felt it absorbing the light around her...the colors around her like a big swoosh passed her leaving her behind...she tried to go along but just bumped herself on the glass...the device was absorbing the actual tv light but gumi was being left behind....Reece shut it down once all the light was absorbed and the tv went black and blank,...gumi went nuts! It was a black void again...she started to panic...she couldn't even speak...Reece stoped the absorption device and pressed another button to release the light all that came out was the tv shows...ch.39 and the other five he added then the black and white static signals went off he succesfly absorbed the old tv but gumi wasn't in there..
He panicked! Wondered if he killed her...she disappeared! He turned back to the tv and banged on it with his fist!
"Gumi!gumi! Please answer! Are u still in there!?!?"-Reece
He turned up the volume to max and then jumped when he heard a loud answer!
"Yyy es Reece! I'm still in here but it's all black! It looks like a void again...i I'm in the control center of the tv...plz keep trying I'm not as scared of the dark rn cuz it's not an empty void the colorful lines are still here..."-gumi
"Oh thank god gumi! I'm so sorry i promise I'll get you out of there u must be seeing a spectrum...damm it I'm so sorry gumi"-Reece
Gumi felt his sorrow but couldn't make him worry to much he had to know she was ok to continue working!so in her cheerful eat voice no matter how frightened she was she said ...
"Reece I'm so happy! Were getting somwhere! I'm still here u know body and everything u just can't see me cuz it's too dark but dont u worry ok just keep working on a stronger absorption thingy and I'll be out in no time it didn't take y that long to make anyways! So were good ok...thank you Reece...thank u so much for what your doing for me!"-gumi
Reece felt better a bit but was determined to get her out of there he immideatly ran to the store and bought all the materials he needed for a new device the best kind and bought super absorber for the new device... It was the day before thanksgiving that they tried their second test and this time it sorta worked! Not as expected but gumi was taken out of the tv! Gumi felt being pulled to the screen but this time in the speed of light in a flash she felt her neck would brake she was absorbed into the little device!
Reece projected what he absorbed and it was her...gumi she was taller than on the little screen...a full sized girl now on his device she reached the ceiling and he hoisted her up...he was so happy to see her there but how was she going to get out of there now?!
"Oh my goodness I'm out! I'm out! I'm out! I'm out! Oh Reece thank goodness!!!!im taller now!hahahaha"-gumi
"Oh um..."-Reece put the device on the floor and now gumi was a bit shorter than he was like a real life girl
"Oh Reece thank you so much!" She tried to lean in to hug him but she couldn't there was a light barrier that wouldn't let her get through....
"Oh sorry it seems like I've only managed to get u out of the tv and now your stuck in here which is portable but we need to find out a way to get u out now..."
"Oh still I'm so excited! Thank you thank you so much! It feels a lot spacious here! I mean I could practically touch u just that I can't but oh my i could turn around now and see everything not just a tv! I got a 360 view! Yay! On my own will! I would see everything!!!gosh i so happy thank you Reece so much!"-gumi
"Hahahaha "-Reece was enjoying the joyous face of hers that was so lit up like a child who's dream is to go to Disney land and finally got his wish on his bday!
"We should celebrate! Oh Reece! Let's celebrate!!! Oh! Oh! U could carry me can't you! Oh my I'll be able to see you house and kitchen now!!!! Oh please do take me on a tour of your house!"-gumi
The whole day Reece  took a tour of his house and showed gumi around...he had to hold the device real low so she wouldn't hit the ceiling and she went on her knees so she could be at his height...the next day was thanks giving...that day they told eachother stories about past thanksgivings...gumi's were the funniest with the twins always watching eachother so one could try to eat more than the other...she told him about how in thanksgiving everyone would gather round from the whole community and it would be at her house ...it was a great party and ppl did very funny stuff when they drank black flower...
They laughed so much on thanks giving evening...
"i wish I were there to see u then..."-Reece
"Hahahha it was a laugh really...we were so happy,I'm glad and greatful for the good times and I'm grateful for u too Reece I've had such a wonderful tine with you!"-gumi
"Yeah me too"-Reece said laughing
*knock knock knock*
"Your friends!^-^"-gumi
"Yeah...I'll be back"-Reece left to get the door...btw his family dont forget about him his aunt she definearly calls very often even today in the morning!!
"Hey guys"-Reece
"Hey man! We came to feed you cuz you probably just eatin cup a noodles huh.."-dex
"Hahahaha...you know me so well but actually I'm making mash potatoes..."-Reece
"Wat they teach u to cook over there!?"-orchid referring to living with his aunt
"No gumi is teaching me "-Reece
"Oh the cyber chick"-dex
"Actually she's out of the tv now but she's now inside a device projector so she's not exactly free yet..."-Reece led them to the kitchen where gumi was on the table on her knees
"What is she doing on top of a table"-orchid
Gumi turned instantly and stood up greeting them and wishing them a happy thanksgiving.... They did the same then...laid all the food they brought on the table and helped Reece finish the mash potatoes under gumi's directions... When they sat on the table orchid got gumi and put her on a chair next to her and they all ate gracefully and happily! It was a great freinds giving diner!
". Oh my god! Gumi these mash potatoes are amazing u must have been a cook huh"-dex
" well no actually I learned some of my mothers recipes but she definearly cold way better than me "-gumi
"So were is your mother..."-orchid
"Same place all our mothers are.."-Reece
"Umm...yeah she um died when I was enchanted in here..the tv i mean.."-gumi
" oh ...seems like Reece passed down his bad habit of umming huh"-orchid laughed
"Hahaha for real! Gumi u gotta be stronger than that! I had it for a while too😂"-dex
"Hahaha I guess he has...i honestly didn't know if that was a word or not but your right it sort of sticked 😂"-gumi
" what not even! I'm not contagious"-Reece laughed
Nd that's how that went by.. The freinds started to come more often into December helping Reece with the whole thing brainstorming ideas and gumi would help too...to their surprise she caught up with the new world real quick and was really smart about techno...sometimes she would even shut down automatically on her own and look at the cool things inside the weird device she herself like Reece became a technician and so did his freinds...they would order pizza have sleep overs it was all pretty fun...orchid and gumi would stay some times alone while Reece and dex went out to get supplies and she got better along with gumi as a freind but was still a little jealous...gumi worried a little ...she knew this was a different era but what if orchid turned as bad as her past feeing full of envy and hatred...gumi didn't want to lose orchid...but she couldn't stop loving Reece... So she tried to make her friendship with orchid stronger! And it did grow! Dec first was gumi's bday but everyday was so fun that she forgot all about it and didn't exactly mention it to anyone...It was Christmas and they gave eachother presents! Gumi's present was to get out of there and with more brains they hoped to get her out! Christmas magic they claimed would do the trick! Dec 24...they finished the device and all through the night they generated it to finally get gumi out! On Christmas Day they tried it...gumi was absorbed out of there finally! She was absorbed by a sucker and this time it was a robot body generator... But they figured if they projected gumi into this machine...a robot wouldn't be made but rather gumi herself since she didn't lose her body it just changed into different particles...it was a sort of glass incubator that had a touch screen on top of the glass...they turned it on and it gave out a blue light...they gave their good lucks and  on Christmas Day she was projected onto the incubator and it worked slowly! She was slowly transferred particle by particle into the incubator her exact size which they measured her to make! Reece worried if that was supposed to happen but was reassured by orchid and dex that everything was going good...Reece didn't dare open the glass if he did it might let off some particle tht could be her hand or something...the blue light slowly turned green and by the end of three days she was complete...she didn't talk it was as if she was in a coma she laid so still...but gumi was conscious of what was going on...it would take time even though her body was complete to actually function..I mean it had to get use to gravity and all that the atmosphere and stuff since it's been a while since she actually was in the world that isn't light...her clothes were the first things to be created cuz they weren't alive but gumi herself took longer...Reece was given the signal that the process was complete on the third day late at night and he was sleeping on top of the glass never ever leaving her side for nothing...when the process was complete he woke up and expected her to say something first but nothing ...she was still asleep...he decided to give her time maybe she was still sleeping so he went back to sleep after a restless night...fourth day and nothing...he awoke completley now looking to his freind for answers but they just gave him hopeful looks...he hadn't heard gumi's voice in a while now...another and thn another day passed....tommorrow would be New Years and gumi still hadn't woken up Reece by this time was frustrated he went through first anger checking and rechecking about what was wrong he was desperate he felt ashamed what if she died...he opened the glass...and she was cold like a dead body and that's when he lost it...he freaked...he killed her...he tried to warm her up he cried on her he couldn't believe it he would never hear her again! He sobbed till he fell asleep on her he was inconsolable and his freinds knew it...they had to get back to work and knew that if they stayed it wouldn't help at all...he held gumi's hands and lay his head on her chest as a son would do to a mother...guilt creeped in again...his mother ...now gumi...he couldn't believe it....he was a disaster...and just when he was determined to do the insanity thing possible...New Years came...his freinds were over sittin on his bed...he hadn't move of his place he stayed pitiful in his position...12am...gumi awoke in 3030! Gumi slowly opened her eyes in shock...she batted them...she looked around darting her eyes all across the room...Reece's freinds had their heads hanging low looking down...she recognized them and smiled....she felt something on her...she turned her view to a mop of oringishy redishy brownishy hair...it looked so soft...it was Reece's...her smile grew...something was detaining her hand...in a tight grip...it was also Reece...she lifted up her left hand and was thrilled to be able to move it...outside! She was real! She softly ran her fingers through Reece's hair and his grip just tightened on her right hand...then he lifted his head suddenly and caught here in a tight embrace...the freinds looked up at the sudden commotion and wide grins flowered on their mouths they were cheering! And Reece was hugging her...she could feel him! She was alive! Like him! She was human agin no longer in a tv! It was amazing! In an unexpected move...Reece instinctually took gumi and kissed her! Her eyes grew wide and so did orchid's...a full three seconds passed till he let go...the longest it seemed to gumi...she blushed...had no words to speak...Reece was sting something and hugging her tight but she was so blanked out the first thing she had to process while alive blew her mind!

Orchid-scared for ishy who spends all the time in his house now and is always coming out with such a happy smile she feels she's being abandoned and as if he might be suffering a lot under his fake smile and lame excuses but dex says he's fine....
It's April when gumi comes into his life gumi-guilt has her insane

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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