As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

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Warning for this story: This does not have the ending you are looking for.

Present Time  - San Francisco

He can't believe he's here. Can't believe he is actually facing the music and going through with this.

If only, he tells himself, running a shaky hand through his hair, a nervous habit that never went away. He saw all this going down a little bit differently in his head.

You did this, remember? He argues with himself, looking up from his seat as he feels her presence enter the room. Even to this day, she still manages to take his breath away. He swallows the green monster deep in his chest as he watches her interact with the guests.

Who would've thought that Kaycee Rice would be so social now? He watches her in amazement as her charisma practically oozes out of her as she socializes with the people filtering in for the rehearsal.

He feels a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he smiles at the familiar face staring back at him before turning his attention back to Kaycee.

"You're still her best friend, Sean. But not the way it could have been." Tahani tells him as he breaks his gaze from the happy couple.

He is suddenly reminded of the cold reality of why he's here. His best friend is getting married tomorrow and this rehearsal dinner is slowly killing him.

Maybe he deserves this. Karma is a bitch after all and karma's going to make him pay for the rest of his life.

Only if he had waited, he tells himself, letting out a painful sigh as he looks back at the couple; his thoughts elsewhere - back to a time when he had everything in his life.

Only if he trusted her and didn't doubt her promise. Yet, he chose someone younger - someone who was willing to be open about a relationship when all his best friend asked was for his patience. For his time.

Kaycee needed time. Looking back, he thought she was unsure of them, especially on how she would hesitate in public to show any affection towards him. She told him time and time again that the only people that should be in their relationship was the two of them, not the whole world.

Of course, she was okay with their close friends knowing, and didn't mind how loud they would be for them from time to time. An arms length away from the world was good for her, but he was too stubborn and selfish to see it.

She asked him for time, as well as his trust and patience; that one day, she will be ready.

"Sean, I love us. I love you. Please understand that this means so much to me. We don't owe them an explanation. If they can't figure it out by now, that's not our fault."  Kaycee tells him, remembering her pleading eyes - for him to understand.

He should have listened. Should have trusted her. It took him two years for her to finally let him in and allowed herself to be loved the way he always wanted to love her. He wanted to show her off to the world and his selfishness clouded his judgement.

Instead of listening to Tahani's cautions of how everyone around them was perceiving his friendship with Tate, he refused to listen. He ignored her warnings that the younger girl had another agenda. He refused to believe that what he thought were innocent meet ups between friends who barely see each other would cast doubt in Kaycee's heart.

Then one day, it all came crashing down on him. The words he uttered, he wished he could take back.

- Flashback-

"How much longer, Kayc? I've been patient." He asks her pointedly, irritated and upset.

"Sean, please. This question always comes up almost every time after you've hung out with Tate." She reasons with him, eyes pleading for him to trust her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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