1.Out Tonight

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SN- Singer Name
YN- your name


I finished my make up and smiled in the mirror. Tonight was another rich people night. I always go the best tips on these Friday nights. 

"YN! You're up next!" My manager said as I walked out on stage.

"Hi, I'm SN. This is Out Tonight from RENT."

What's the time?
Well, it's gotta be close to midnight
My body's talking to me
It says, "Time for danger"

I danced around the stage smirking at the crowd.

It says, "I wanna commit a crime
Wanna be the cause of a fight
I wanna put on a tight skirt
and flirt with a stranger"

I swayed side to side as a guy with black hair and blue eyes smiled but not with a hint of perverts like the other guys.

I've had a knack from way back
At breaking the rules once I learn the games
Get up, life's too quick, I know someplace sick
Where this chick dance in the flames

He nodded his head to the music and was watching me.

We don't need any money
I always get in for free
You can get in too
If you get in with me

I said and slide down the pole behind me like Esmerelda from hunchback of Notre Dame.

Let's go out tonight
I have to go out tonight
You wanna play? Let's run away
We won't be back before it's New Years Day
Take me out tonight

The guys were cheering as I danced more.

When I get a wink from the doorman
Do you know how lucky you'll be?
That you're online with the feline of Avenue B

I sang louder dancing from side to side.

Let's go out tonight
I have to go out tonight
You wanna prowl, be my night owl
Well, take my hand, we're gonna howl out tonight

I winked at him and he blushed.

In the evening I've got to roam
Can't sleep in the city of neon and chrome
Feels too damn much like home
When the Spanish babies cry  

I grabbed a flower from a vase and threw it to the crowd.

So let's find a bar
So dark we forget who we are
But all the scars from the nerves and maybes die  

I sang and moved my hips as ladies behind me danced more. guys throwing money at them.

Let's go out tonight
I have to go out tonight
You're sweet, wanna hit the streets?
Wanna wail at the moon like a cat in heat?
Just take me out tonight  

I sang louder and did the rock and roll thing was I slide down the catwalk.

Please take me out tonight
Don't forsake me out tonight
I'll let you make me out tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight  

The crowd cheered as I walked off stage grabbing a drink.

"You did great out there!" The black haired guy said. I scanned his outfit now that I had a better view. Gorgeous man. I blushed slightly looking away. 

"Thanks. I'm YN, you?" I said sipping on my coke.

"Richard but, you can call me Dick." He said. 

"Cool, Dick. So what brings you to the club?" I asked.

"My brother made me come. Said it would be fun and it has been so far but outta my element. Ya know?" He said laughing

"You're Todd's brother? He told me about you, I understand trust me." I said smiling. A few drinks later and I had a great night...

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