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Sometimes I wonder how could I be different or how could I change the world to make it a better place. The crazy part about my first sentence is how can I do this if the change has to begin within me? Have you ever looked in the mirror and wonder how did you get here? I know I do because I'm not a perfect person. I'm just somebody trying to live through my imperfections while my face shows perfections. Reread that again and let me know if that makes sense. Someone once told me to smile through my pain but how if my pain has overtaken my happiness? If the saying happiness begin within is real does that make my heart cold? Time waits on no one so am I running out of time to love myself? First thing people do is call me weird but did they take the time to ask me what's wrong? question...why do I have to live for people? Why am I afraid to live for myself? Don't I have that right? Isn't this breath in my body the breath God has given me? As I look in the mirror I see someone who has lost their faith on the wrong pathway. As days go by I feel sorrow and horrible endings. Then one day I met one person out of a million that told me they believed in me. I was uplifted instead of judged it was defiantly a different feeling than what I was used to. I thought to myself maybe just maybe I am somebody. I take time to write out my issues until I see a changing in the color of my pin. I know that was a curve ball but just hear me out. It just takes a little faith to believe within yourself. Sometimes pain is good because it helps you gain the strength you need. I can look in the mirror now and smile because I know my worries won't last forever. One thing I refuse to do now is live for people. The same people you choose to live for are the same people hiding behind masks themselves. It's time to reveal the new me and guess what? I won't let nobody stop me! I am breathing for a purpose I don't need a reason. I am a warrior that had to fight through the storms to get my rainbow. I know each chapter won't be perfect but I know I can make it through. To the people of the world you don't know how much a hello can make someone's day. Today December 3rd 2018 I start with ME and I love ME! Take my hand so we can shine our light together! I believe in my faith do you?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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