Papa Roach - Scars

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Papa Roach - Scars


I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut

My weakness is that I care too much

And my scars remind me that the past is real

I tear my heart open just to feel


Drunk and I'm feeling down

And I just wanna be alone

I'm pissed cause you came around

Why don't you just go home

Cause you channel all your pain

And I can't help you fix yourself

You're making me insane

All I can say is


I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut

My weakness is that I care too much

And our scars remind us that the past is real

I tear my heart open just to feel


I’ve resorted to hurting myself because I don’t feel anything anymore. Drinking doesn’t lift me up, but it makes this hurt less. I want two seconds to myself, I want to be alone for once. This whole situation is driving me mad, I hurt myself and pick up the pieces and I keep doing this because I care even when I know I shouldn’t.


I tried to help you once

Against my own advice

I saw you going down

But you never realized

That you're drowning in the water

So I offered you my hand

Compassions in my nature

Tonight is our last stand


I'm drunk and I'm feeling down

And I just wanna be alone

You shouldn't ever come around

Why don't you just go home?

Cause you're drowning in the water

And I tried to grab your hand

And I left my heart open

But you didn't understand

But you didn't understand

Go fix yourself


I can't help you fix yourself

But at least I can say I tried

I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life

I can't help you fix yourself

But at least I can say I tried

I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life


I tried to help you so many god damn times. Every day for over a year, despite being told how useless my efforts would be. You don’t even see how bad you’re doing, no matter how many times I try to show you. You don’t understand how I feel and you don’t care. I can’t do this for you, you need to fix yourself. I can’t keep skipping out on things I want or need to do because you can’t take care of yourself for a short amount of time. I need to go to school, I need a job, I need time for myself and my family. I have to do something for myself. I can’t put my life on hold to try and keep you safe despite knowing that you’ll hurt yourself later anyway. I’ve tried everything I can and you don’t care.

I’m sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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