The uncertainty 2

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Blaire balked at the suggestion and shook her head vehemently.
"Why not? Come on Blaire , it's the roaring 21'st century and these days guys don't mind".
" I can't", Blaire said.
Anne sighed and shook her head . "Wrong answer".
" It's not so much the answer that's the problem, it's asking the question"
"Well if you can't bring yourself to ask him out , what you need is an opportunity to impress him", Anne said.
Anne's eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers .Got it!"
"The annual quiz, of course!!"
For the past five years the company had held an annual quiz competition, ovet which Blaire reigned supreme.Much as she was looking forward to the event , Blaire wasn't sure her ability to answer a few questions was that impressive yes
"Do you really think?"
"Absolutely!" Anne exclaimed enthusiastically ."Besides , the girls are relying on you this year."
"What do you mean ?" Blaire asked confused.
Anne's eyes narrowed and her jaw tightened "Jace."
Jace Benton had joined the company at roughly the same time as James. He quickly proved to be one of those individuals who was difficult to like, largely because no one could possibly like him more than he like himself. His hair was perfect , his teeth were perfect and oozed charm, self-confidence and smarminess  in equal measures . Upon hearing of the quiz he confidently announced his intention of winning ; after all , he had won the top prize on a TV quiz show no less.

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