My childhood

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I've always been too big for my age. I used to blame my mom because anything I wanted she gave me but she just wanted to give me the world. I grew up getting bullied, they would call me names like Misses.Piggy, Fattysnuck, and would refer to me as FattyBliss. They called me everything except Melody which is my actual name. My dad wasn't around, I just wish he was. I always believed that he would come back. In my teen years I started eating away my pain. Why didn't he come back, was I not good enough? Who had his attention? Did he have kids with another woman? But it's okay I'm grown now, I have no pain, at least that's what I like to think. I can't blame them anymore I'm grown, I make my own decisions,I live alone, and food should've never been my way out.

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