The car.

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He was very tall. And handsome. Maybe thats Why i went with him. I know he mentioned his name but i cant remember much from the night. I can remember the morning after very clearly though.

It's a memory i can't forget.

It started with my car breaking down in the middle of nowhere. My phone was out of Battery and had no choice but to ask a stranger for help,so i stepped out of my car and waited for stomebody to stop. But nobody did. Excgept this one car. A car with what i cvcall the devil inside.
His car wasn't too fancy and quite dirty. I can't remember what type of car it was but does that matter anyway? No. All that matters is what was inside. A man. A very beautiful man with a charming smile. He asked if i was from around here and i said no. And i wasn't lying. I was on a holiday.

The worst holiday of my life.

He told me there was a garage nearby and he could take me there, ofcourse i Said yes. I didn't have a choice and he seemed trustworthy,so i got into the car.

I remember  that he was very social. He always knew how to keep a conversation going. Until he suddenly stopped the car,and forced himself upon me.

I managed to kick him in the stomach and i atleast expected him to gasp for breath. But he didn't. He just kept on pulling my clothes of. His face at that moment is a memory ill never get out of my brain.
His expression was emotionless. Oh so emotionless. It scared the hell out of me,if it didn't already when he Said he was going to kill me,while taking my virginity.

I lost alot of things that night.
My virginity.
My diginity.
My sanity.
And my Wallet.

After he used me,he punched me against my sleep,and i became unconcious.

I woke up the next morning. I don't know Why i didn't wake up earlier. I guess he did something with the cola he gave me last evening.

I had a terrible headache and felt like i was gonna throw up. And i did. Everything was so blurry but  i could see his expression clearly,probably because it scared me so much. He looked at me with the same emotionless face from the night before. In his hand was a box of matches. Around me probably gasoline. "You are dirty. You need to be clean. And the best way to do that is with fire." He Said. His clothes were wet. I didn't know from what until later on. He lighted on of the matches and i remember feeling oh so afraid back then. I screamed my lungs out and was beging him to stop. I Said sorry a million times,even though i didn't do anything wrong.

Except for stepping in that damn car. He stepped towards me,with the same emotionless face he had last night. Then he dropped the match.
But it landed on his shoe.
And the fire crawled up his leg,very fast. He looked at me and smiled with lifeless eyes. He wasn't dead yet but it looked like he already was.
The fire ate him alive and he didn't respond to it. I screamed and screamed cried. I cried so much because i was oh so afraid. It truly is a scary moment when you think youre about to lose your life. But i didn't because here i am. The fire didn't come close enough to react the gasoline that was poured over and around me. I am so thankfull for that.

The man didn't lie though,there was indeed a garage nearby. And someone,a young man who worked there heard my screams and decided to check if everything was okay. I can still see the look on his face when he saw me tied to a tree and the burned body in front of me. Poor kid.
Probably almost as traumatised as i am.
He managed to call the police. The police arrived quickly and they questioned me and the boy. I wasn't able to form a proper sentence and i realised i didn't remember everything and it Made me panic even more. They put a blanket around me but ofcourse that didn't calm me down. Years of therapy did though. At the police station they told me that his DNA matched with the DNA found on a body that was killed a week earlier. She was stabbed to death. He probably planned to kill many more,but he stopped himself i guess.

And although i still don't know everything from that Day,i know one thing for sure.

I'm never getting into a strangers car ever again.

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