Chapter 11 - The Last One

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Energia's POV

"Stay here love, remember the plan. If I don't come back, you know what to do." 

     I looked up at Andy, tears in my eyes. My thoughts were everywhere at once, and nowhere at all. There wasn't any time to think. Everything around us was in flames and F.E.A.R. troops were in every corner of our base. They had already taken CC, Jinxx, Ashley, and Jake. I knew it was only time before they caught both Andy and I as well. We should've been more careful on our supply run, I knew it was a bad idea for us to go, but we just wanted to get out into the field. Too late now. I knew what was going to happen, Andy would be ripped from my hands once more, but I would save him from whatever fate F.E.A.R. had planned for him.

"I love you, I'll find you." I said.

Andy kissed me one last, long kiss, and ran off into the blazes, distracting the troops from finding me. Sooner than later, Andy too, was taken, and I was left alone with the remainder of the troops. The flames died down, as did the sounds of shouting men and firing guns.

I emerged from my hiding spot under some rubble and looked out at what remained of the area around me. The buildings of the abandoned town we had been hiding in were burned to the ground, some still having little flames here and there. Members of the Legion of the Black, or at least what was left of us, emerged out of the rubble taking in everything. Once the shock had worn off, we rallied together to come up with a plan. We would save the guys, and take down F.E.A.R. if it was the last thing we did. For all we knew, it very well might've been.

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