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{Alex's POV}

I coughed up blood and spit it onto the ground. 

"That all you got?"

Saliva shot out of my mouth near the man's feet. He looked at me with a newfound rage in eyes but something else. Was it... pity? 

I try to punch him but he easily dodged. As he was focused on the punch, I swiftly kicked him in the side. 'No one pities me!' I thought angrily.

He countered with a swift jab to the jaw. I stumbled to the side, disoriented. He then went in for a full body tackle, shoving me to the ground and knocking the wind out of me. He stayed on top of me, pinning my wrists to the cold stone floor. He lowered his head next to mine. 

"Listen carefully... you would be dead now if I wanted it." He whispered into my ear. "So keep your mouth shut and go along with it. I'm gonna knock you out ok?" He smacks my head to the ground and my vision fades.

Consciousness slowly returned. I felt weak, and my muscles were sore. My side burned wildly with a pain I had never felt before. I attempted to scream, but something on my face muffled the sound. 

I shifted my weight, trying to see what it was, but I came to the realization that someone was still on top of me. They were pinning me down with their hand on my mouth. I looked up at their face. It was the same man that knocked me out not too long ago. 

'No.' I thought. 'This can't be happening!' I tried once more to struggle and scream. 'I couldn't be captured already!' 

"Shut up and stop moving." he snapped. I continued to struggle, doing everything I could to break free. In response, he put more pressure on my side and I screamed, the sound still kept hidden. He immediately released the pressure off my side. 

'That hurt like the devil', I thought, slowly regaining my composure. I stopped struggling, and looked at him, questions in my eyes. But he didn't look at me. His attention must be elsewhere. He kept his hand on my mouth. 

"We need to stay quiet or they will find us, and if that happens, well... we're both dead." He spoke softly, still not looking at me.

My arm wiggled free and pointed aggressively to his hand, still covering my mouth. "Only if you promise to be quiet." He stated clearly. I nodded slightly in compliance. His hand slowly lifted. 

"Okay," I said softly, trying to organize my thoughts. "First off, who are you? Second, why did you think it was necessary to KNOCK. ME. OUT. And third, why the-" He covered my mouth again, because my voice had raised.

 "Shhh! I don't have all the answers. But for starters, my name is Jordan, I'm a soldier for the Empire of Verrüct, and I need your help." The last statement sounded like a plea. He moved his hand away again.

 "What would you need my help for?" I asked plainly. He thought about his response. "Well... me and a couple hundred people are planning to leave the camp and join the King's Alliance. We had scheduled it to happen in a few months, but with you here to give us intel, it may only be a matter of days." 

He smiled, but seeing my intense frown and sending my anger, he returned to a straight face. He continued. "I could tell the day you showed up that you weren't from here." My cheeks glowed red. I obviously wasn't a very good spy.

 "What makes you think I'll tell you anything. You're the enemy." My words were laced with venom." For starters..." The lights flashed on, and as my eyes adjusted, the tips of about twenty guns came into view. They were held by what looked like fellow soldiers. Each and every one was trained on my head.

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