Ados & Nunez

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down for a sesh?

The Adventures Of Ados and Nùnez

One day, Ados and Nunez were walking the streets of South Melbourne. They had just chucked up some sick tags near the Tram Stop. After munching down on some KFC, they walked back to Ados' crib. As they pulled up, a junkie stopped them.

" You got a spare ciggie brother???"

Ados told the junkie to fuck off. Before he could walk away, the junkie pulled out a shank.

" Give us a ciggie cunt or ill shank ya"

At this point Nunez pulled out his Bowie knife and said

" listen here you junkie cunt, if you don't fuck off ill carve a dick right on ya fucking forehead!"

The junkie got scared off and ran away down Clarendon St. Ados and Nunez kicked it for a sesh at the crib.

" Fuck cunt I could go for some fucking mushies mate" said Nunez

" Dont worry mate I've got a plug that can get us some fresh shit" said Ados

Nunez looked frustrated and said

" Yeah cunt but my Centrelink payment doesn't come till four o'clock!"
Ados grinned and said " lets roll some cunts."

They both finished their cones and strolled down to City Rd

They ran into some of the boys on the way there

" Gday Sammy K! Gday Pinnerz!" Said Ados

" We're about to roll some cunts and get some mushies, you down?

Sammy K said " Nah I've gotta go fuck me girl"

The boys said farewell to Sammy K as they continued on their mission

They passed the Bottle-O and saw that an old man had walked out

" Oi cunt!" Shouted Ados

"give us ya cash!"

The oldie cunt tried running but didn't get far, Ados took his wallet, Nunez took his hat and Pinnerz rolled his fresh kicks

" Score!" Said Pinnerz

"Some lit Air Max's!"

They now had enough cash for the mushies, and some bonus bud. Ados lit up a durry and cracked open an Dare ice coffee he racked from the servo.

They headed down to the underpass where they met Bryce, their stingey dealer

" Gday cunt, got some mushies?" Said Pinnerz

" Yeaaaaah" said Bryce

" Cheers cunt" said Ados

As they were about to leave Bryce called out to them

" boys, wanna kick a sesh in Kensington?'

The boys agreed and they made their way to Southern Cross Station. They didn't have myki's because myki's are for pussies, so they got stopped by the ticket inspectors. They told the inspectors to fuck off. They got chased onto the platform by the inspectors, so they had to train surf on the train to Williamstown. They painted some sick tags on the back of the train, and jumped off at Kensington. They headed to Bryce's crummy apartment and began kicking a sesh. Pinnerz crashed on the couch, and began hitting the billy. After about 30 minutes, Pinnerz started greening out

"oooooooh fuuuuck mate I'm tweaking cuuuunt!"

While Pinnerz was in the bathroom chucking up his guts, Ados and the boys were chomping down some mushies and watching some ABC4Kids. Just as Sesame St ended, the electricity went out

" FUCK I forgot to pay my bill" said Bryce. Ados and Nunez were triggered so they dipped, leaving Bryce and Pinnerz.

Ados and Nunez were tweaking on shrooms as they got off at South Melbourne. Ados was seeing rainbow dragons and Nunez was seeing three eyed monsters.

" Whoa bro some good shit" said Nunez as he stumbled down the street. They walked into the crib to see some of their gang chilling inside. Jet Sket, Randog, Mad Dog Vince and Fynny greeted them as they sat down

" So boys, we are gonna hit up the servo tonight, tax everything" said Mad Dog.

The boys were discussing the plan when Mick the local tranny knocked at the door.

" Hey guys, wanna kick a sesh?"

The boys explained that they couldn't cos they were gonna go jack the servo. He asked in and the boys agreed. The plan was Ados, Pinnerz and Nunez shared the durry's, Jet Sket, Mad Dog and Randog shared the piss, and fynny got all the twisties.

The boys kicked back til 2am, then they strolled down to the servo. Muhammed the local curry muncher was on duty that night. The boys walked in casually, and Ados walked up to the counter

" Oi muslim, this is a holdup"

Muhammed shat himself and began to hand Ados the cash and durries. Everyone else started loading up on piss, as fynny was chomping on some twisties and nerds. The boys heard sirens in the background and knew they had to dip quick.

" You fucking curry muncher you called the pigs!" Yelled Nunez.

Before the boys had a chance to dip, the pigs turned up. The boys knew they were in shit.

They all got taken to Southy Pig station and got put in cells.

In the end, Ados, Nunez and Pinnerz got charged with drug possession, Burglary, theft and being mad cunts. The others got charged with burglary, theft and being cool cunts. the morale of this story is not to be straight in life, its


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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