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Mackenzies Pov:

I was home alone for the next two weeks, my mother had decided she was going to go to California and leave me here in this cold state of NYC. 

I truly don't even wanna go to work, I thought to myself. I  was excited to meet the new hires we got though. I've been working at a clothing store in the city called "Hips" it's a short word for hipster... how lame? 

I laid in bed until 4:23pm realizing I had to be at work at 5:30 and anyone who lives in NYC knows the traffic is the worst thing possible. 

Once I finished putting on my mascara I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out to my Honda Civic. It's not a Jeep Wrangler but people cannot drive in NY so it's okay I guess. 

I pulled up to work and clocked in. I noticed someone in the corner of my eye looking at me, I turned and looked at the stranger and realizing it was a boy, he had brown hair, lots of freckles, and brown eyes. 

I gave him a slight smile and he smiled back before turning away to help a customer.

"Mack!! You weren't late again were you?", I hear my manager call. 

"Oh, Chase I wasn't late!" I say dramatically. 

I grab my lanyard from the hook and the keys they give all employees and hook it onto the lanyard. Next I grabbed my walkie-talkie and put it in my back pocket, then putting the microphone piece around my ear.

"Helloooo," I say into the mic.

"haha we can hear you," Chase says.

I start to walk out of the back room until I feel myself run into something, I hold my head as I look up and see it's the face I saw as I walked in earlier.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?," the guy says. 

"Yeah I'm fine, besides the huge headache I'm about to get"

"I'm Noah, I just started, what's your name?" he says laughing a little.

"I'm Mackenzie, Mack is easier and short," I say standing up. 

"Here let me help you", he lends out his hand but i kindly decline as I get up by myself and walk away rubbing my head. 

As the night goes on I ring tourist up on the cash register and slowly look around for Noah, i mean he was very cute, besides the fact he didn't apologize for running into me, or did i run into him? I don't know. Either way I know it was going to be a long night, and I couldn't help myself from trying to find him. 

As I make my way around the store, picking up things in spots where they weren't supposed to be, I see him. Noah was standing there helping out a girl with blonde hair, her ass hanging out of her shorts. I saw her laughing over dramatically and twirling her hair as he stood there and tried to help her. 

I roll my eyes and can only imagine what he's thinking right now, or does he think she's cute? I have no clue. I mean i'd hope not, i think to myself. I watch as she puts her hand on his shoulder but he smiles and backs away kindly.

We make eye contact after he backs away slowly and i duck behind the clothing rack. I am so stupid, i truly am. Why was i literally staring at him? It makes me seem like the creep now, not the blonde with her ass hanging out.


Please, Please, Please, I hope he's not talking to me.

I slowly peep my head over the rack to see him right in front of it smiling.

"What are you doing?" he smiles.

"Oh I was just putting some clothes back, some had fallen and I decided to put them back" I say nervously. 

"Are you sure? because I think I just saw you staring at me, or that blonde's ass".

"I was defiantly staring at her ass, brazilian butt lift?" I say laughing.

The night goes on and I have to be here bright and early in the morning, I go to clock out and look at the schedule to see who's working tomorrow. I cannot handle working with Jacey, she is literally the worst. 

I scan over the paper slowly and see Noah's name down for tomorrow. I feel butterflies in my stomach and hear the door to the employee room open.

I quickly look away from the paper and down at my phone and clicked my home button so the lock screen would appear.

"Well it's time to go home now". I hear a familiar voice from behind.

I turn around to see Noah all bundled up and smiling.

"Yeah thank gosh, I don't wanna be here another second". I say laughing.

"Do you wanna walk out together?"


I walk out to my car just to see he was parked behind me in a black Jeep wrangler. 

"wow cute car, it suits you", he says.

"what's that supposed to mean?" I say defensively. 

"nothing, don't take the compliment then, goodnight Mackenzie drive safe!". He gets into his Jeep and backs away.

I sit there in my car, cold as can be just smiling. I don't know, did he call me or my car cute?

I drive off listening to Halsey " Bad at love" in the background.

A/N: omg ok so I know this isn't the longest but I have so many ideas. This is my second book and the first I deleted because I was like 14 and didn't know how to type, i still don't :( but I feel like this will be a good book. I hope people read and enjoy it :)) pls let me know what u think and comment whatever u want!!!! tysm omg


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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