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"Tick, tick, tick" Was the simple movement and sound heard, made from him. Toby Erin Rogers. A mystery and a murderer. Of course, the public knew that already since he was the infamous boy who murdered his father and basically burned the neighborhood down. Yet, no one knew what happened after he ran into the woods with the fire there, thus resulting in never finding his body. It's exactly why he's a mystery. Some still believing he's alive since the last news involved a murder, the weapon being a old, dull, bladed hatchet. This leading to suspect it was him because of the weapon. Now, why leave a weapon there at a crime scene? Who knows?

This is the sign that the murderer intentionally included. Maybe they did want to be found, hell, they may seem careless too. Well, that's the reality. Toby really didn't care, he knew well that he wouldn't be found anyways. The tall creature has already taken care of that problem. One thing that he has a problem about though is one of his partners. He hated working with his partner. Now, don't get me wrong. His partner was actually somewhat of a "professional" with their job, pleasing the faceless, creature whom had saved them from near death experiences.

They all knew they owed it, anyways, who did he hate? Masky, also known as Timothy Wright. Always bickering with the twitchy, young boy. They'd always be at each others throats. Especially when Masky learned that Toby was second in command, now that's when it was really going to go down. Thankfully, their faceless master was there to stop their "pity bickering." Now that, that's out of the way. Here in the present, Toby had a mission. Granted this mission was important as said by his faceless master. Now, Toby already had to deal with the carved smiled, maniac. But a console?

This was something surprising to even him, he was making his way to the location that was given to him using a map. It's already been two in a half hours since his journey to the location, he didn't feel tired though. Another hour had passed by and he finally made it to an abandoned, old house. How cliché. He folded and put the map in his pocket, grabbing his hatchet, and opened the door making a loud 'Creaking' sound. He looked around the old, dusty place. Trash littered, rats running while squeaking, and the place smelling a bit. He cautiously made it up the stairs, turning to the left then going to right, halting at one door.

He stayed in place, debating if this would be the correct room that he would find it but he shrugged and clenched onto his hatchet, turning the knob of the door then entering. He smiled with satisfaction that in fact, it was the right room. He went towards the Nintendo 64, opening it and finding a game. "Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask" He wasn't sure what to do, but..he wanted to test it out, he didn't really remember Slender being specific about it besides just bringing the console. He put the game in the console again, and turned the tv on.

He grabbed a controller and was met with the files of the game, file one being named "BEN" paying no mind to it. while the other one was empty, he clicked on the empty one and started to play for a while, forgetting somewhat the reasoning why he even came here. Halfway in and the game began to mess up, lag, and such. He frustratedly threw the controller across the room and stared at the tv intensely. "What the hell.." He muttered, soon the tv shut off, but then a text box came up in bold words: "You shouldn't have done that." Out of instinct, he got up and grabbed his hatchet again, ready.

A pair of ruby colored eyes showed while a hand sticked out using the sides of the tv as a support to get him out. He then crawled out, a devilish grin settled on his features, staring at Toby with the eyes that gave out signs of danger.

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

-/Hope you enjoyed, may continue on this, cya for now crackheads.-/

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