1 - Micah

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Monday morning and his alarm clock starts blaring the usual tone. *Beep beep beep*

"Fuck this stupid ass alarm.. if I have to listen to it one more time-"

His eyes flicker open to the darkroom his dorm has become. His roommate Stephen, still fast asleep as Micah starts his morning routine. He starts off his mornings with a long, cold shower. He had heard once that a cold shower is better for your prostate and in being the horny young man he is, he needed to do everything in his power to protect his body's pleasure system.

He turns on the water and lets it run for about 30 seconds before stripping down and getting in. With one swift motion, Micah entered the shower, closed the curtain and winced as the cold water began flowing over his body. Micah would always be the first person awake in his dorm, often by hours, allowing him to take as long a shower as he wanted. He generally would use this time to reflect on the day prior, plan out what he was going to do for the day, and then - if he was in the mood - get off, so to speak.

Micah had a very strong imagination, especially when it came to sexual thoughts and ideas. He would consistently envision himself with some of his new friends. Just the thought of being with people he was so close with in a sexual manner was very appealing to him. Seemingly every time he was in the shower, his mind would wander off into the realm of lust as he would get lost to the rhythm of his hand moving up and down his erect member. Before he knew it, he would be near painting the walls of the shower with his thick ejaculate. Of course in doing this, he would then need to spend another minute or so cleaning himself up as well as the shower itself. This also allowed him time to catch his breath and let his remaining hardness go down.

Micah proceeded to turn off the shower, grab a towel and make his way to his room to get dressed for his day ahead. Normally, he would enter the common room only to be greeted by the soothing sound of silence. Sharing a dorm with three other rambunctious boys (sometimes four if Mateo was staying the night) silence was a rare commodity that Micah came to appreciate. But today wasn't like most days. Even though he was the first person to wake up, he certainly wasn't the only person awake by the time he had gotten out of the shower.

When he entered the common room after his shower, seemingly everyone in his friend group was either sitting on the couch or on the floor. Stephen, Grace and Rachel were sitting on the couch, Miles was sitting in the single armchair in the corner, Erin, Ben, Ira and Hager were sitting on the floor, and Sarah was sitting in the inflatable lounge chair that she usually brought in. Micah had been so preoccupied with his self-pleasure that he had neglected to realize how long he was actually in the shower for, and while it wasn't an extreme amount of time, it was enough time for all of his friends to show up. Granted they were all still in pajamas and with a nasty case of bed head, Micah still felt very underdressed. For goodness sake, the only thing that was preventing his naked body from being viewed by all of his friends was a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Morning Micah!" Stephen said in his usual peppy tone.

"About time he got out of the shower.. would you hurry up and put some clothes on? We're discussing our drinking night, and I want to make sure we're all on the same page" Miles retorted.

Micah blushed a bright, firetruck red. His mind was sent into panic mode as he realized he was virtually nude in front of the people he constantly masturbated to.

 "Shit! My bad y'all!" Micah shouted, obviously sounding a bit embarrassed. "I didn't realize we were gonna plan this early in the day."

Micah without hesitation jumped into his room and shut the door. With a sigh of relief, he leaned up against the door and tried to calm himself down. His heart was racing from the slight embarrassment and he needed to slow his mind down if he was going to be any help in the planning of their kick-back. He didn't know how to calm down though. With the increase in adrenaline and the feeling of being slightly exposed he started to feel a bit aroused. Even though he had just gotten off no less than 10 minutes ago, his body was already ready to go again. All his mind could think about now was the fictional scenario of him dropping his towel, exposing himself to his friends, and having them worship his cock. Just the idea of that happening made his dick harder than it had ever been before, literally lifting the towel off of his waistline.

"Goddamnit, not now!" he whispered to himself as his bodies arousal slowly began to shift even more into a panic. Realizing that he was quickly approaching a suspicious amount of time in his room, Micah began to kick it into overdrive. He rushed over to his dresser, hastily ruffled through all of his drawers and picked out an outfit that would do a good job of hiding any unwanted erections that would come his way, while also having the standard 'Micah style'.

"Micah, what the fuck is taking you so long?" Miles shouted from the other side of the door.

"I'll be out in a second, Jesus fucking christ!" Micah responded, sounding more annoyed than anything else.

Micah took one last look in the mirror, combed his hair, and went to join his friends in the common room.

"Took you long enough," Ben said. This took Micah slightly by surprise as normally Miles is the one who makes the snappy comments.

"So for the kickback, we're thinking that Friday night is probably the best night, seeing as we'll all be done with classes for the next couple of days, and we won't have to worry about that many people being in Erickson. Sound good to you?" Rachel had taken charge of planning their drinking adventure, probably because she was really the only one who had done something similar to this before.

"Yeah, yeah that sounds fine to me. I still don't know why you guys need my input all that much, especially since I'm probably not gonna do much drinking anyway,"

Grace jumped in, "Micah, you're part of this group and we want to make sure all of us agree to the terms of our kick-back,"

"We also wanted to get your input on drinks. Is there anything you'd want to drink specifically? Right now all we have is different flavors of vodka, and everyone else is okay with that. You want anything else?" Ira asked.

"No, no that should be fine for me" Micah scanned the room as he said this, looking at everyone's demeanor. Erin, Sarah, Hager and Miles were all half asleep and everyone else was sitting in a relaxed, layed back position. Micah was the only person dressed for the day. Everyone else as mentioned before was in their pajamas. Micah checked his phone for the time. Saturday, December 1st, 2018; 7:48 read the time on the screen of his phone.

"Okay, now that we have that all planned out, we can just relax," stated Rachel. Micah, having a rocky start to the day, wanted to do everything in his power to not be in that room anymore.

"I actually think I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll talk to you guys a little later," Micah said to the room. As he said this, his face morphed away from startled to uncomfortable. Stephen picked up on this and asked, "Everything alright, man?"

"Yeah yeah, I just need to clear my head a little bit, that's all."

Micah tied his shoes, grabbed his wallet, and headed out the door. He wanted to forget about the thought he had earlier about exposing himself to his friends. He felt.. guilty about it, and desperately wanted to hide that thought from his friends at all costs. In his mind, the best way to forget about it would be to just keep his distance for a bit. Once Micah had left the room, the tone changed from "Let's focus on planning this illegal event" to "Let's all just take a fucking nap right now, it's too early for this shit". All of the women in the room could tell something was going on with Micah but weren't too sure what it was exactly. They all kept to themselves though, as their feelings towards Micah prohibited them from being too close with him. But within a short amount of time, all of those barriers they had put up to protect themselves would come crashing down.

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