Chapter 1 - Back in Business

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In order to understand the storyline and references of this book, I highly suggest you read the first book in this story - The Boy From Another World. After reading that you'll be able to understand this book properly. The link is right here:

If the link doesn't work, just click on my profile and it will be right next to this book.

That being said, enjoy chapter one of The Masked Hero!


12 days later...

Today was the first day of season 6. The island was buzzing with excitement and caution. Nobody knew what secrets Season 6 were to hold.

Every season, something bigger and better happens. Season 4 with the meteor and rocket launch, and season 5 with the rift and the cube. What crazy stuff was going to happen to the island with the coming of the new season?

John Wick had spent the past few days preparing the island for possible disaster. After season 4's meteor strike calamity, it was better to be safe than sorry.

John looked at his watch and sighed deeply.
00:02:38:11 is what it read. Two hours until the season hit.

Every time the new season started, almost immediately the island would change. Buildings would appear and be destroyed, whole knew locations were added, crazy new things such as hop rocks and rifts would appear out of nowhere, and more. Every time it was always a mystery, which is why John was so worried.

The phone by John's desk began to ring. He groaned, not impressed with being interrupted - again. Slamming his pencil down onto the desk, he picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey, John. Y/n wasn't picking up her phone. Are she and Drift still coming to help Sun Tan and I at the Lake?" Sun Strider asked on the other line.

"Shit," John cursed, "I forgot to tell them about that... Thank you for reminding me, Sun Strider. I'm sorry about that. I'll tell them to get going now," John replied.

"Thanks! So many defaults keep wandering over to the Lake attempting to swim in it. I guess they're too stupid to remember it's literally like jello," she laughed.

"Yeah, those darn defaults," John muttered, writing something down on a paper beside him. He was preoccupied with planning an emergency escape plan for the island, so he wasn't really paying attention to the girl.

"I'll tell them now. Good luck," John ended the phone call quickly, setting it back down. Though it was 2018, John still liked to use the old landline telephones. He claimed it added a sense of timelessness to the HQ.

He sat up from his chair and smoothed down his suit, swiping off the excess pencil shavings from his pants. He walked out of his office and up the stairs into the living room.

He collided with Raptor as he was walking out of the kitchen, nearly knocking himself over.

"Ahh! Sorry, John! I didn't see you there," Raptor mumbled.

"Maybe next time don't walk and play Minecraft or whatever you were doing on your phone," John sighed, shaking his head. "Have you seen the teens?"

"They're upstairs in the gym," Raptor said, looking back on his phone.

John rolled his eyes, "Take a break, you've been on that damn device all morning," he grumbled, walking up the stairs.

Raptor shook his head, "Old man don't know what he's talking about... I've only been on it 5 hours straight!"

"I may be 54 but at least I act my age!" John called from the staircase above.

John walked up another flight of stairs when he heard laughing and music. He reached the top floor and saw Y/n and Drift working out together. Drift was lifting weights while Y/n was sprinting on the treadmill.

She wore her (h/l) (h/c) hair in a high ponytail, it swaying back and forth as she ran. She wore a (f/c) sports bra and black leggings, with matching converse.

Drift, on the other hand, had his normal pants on but no shirt. His usual spiky blonde hair was falling to the sides and stuck to his forehead, most likely due from working so hard and breaking a sweat.

"Hey, kids," John said from the staircase. Drift and Y/n look over and stopped what they were doing to listen.

"What's up Mr. Wick?" Y/n asked, turning the treadmill off. She picked up her water bottle from the floor beside the treadmill and took a long sip as Drift set down the weights.

"Sun Strider just called. I forgot to tell you that she requested help fortifying part of Loot Lake. They're having a vast amount of defaults trying to bounce on it and it's driving Sun Tan insane," John said, crossing his arms.
"I would like you two to go and help them out as soon as possible. But please, make it quick, the season starts in 2 hours," he sighed.

"Uhhh, sure," Y/n looked over at Drift. He shrugged, and she turned her attention back to John. "We can help. Do we need anything?"

"More suitable clothes," John sighed, "that's all. Be careful, and bring weapons!" He turned around and walked downstairs again to continue working.

Y/n sighed and grabbed her bottle, "I guess I know how we're spending the rest of the day," she said, helping Drift put away everything in their proper spot.

"Yep," Drift said putting away the weights, "Kinda embarrassing he saw me working out without a shirt, though," Drift frowned, "He's like the father I never had."

"Yeah, but I wouldn't blame you. If I was a guy and had a body like that, I would flaunt it at any chance I'd get," Y/n smirked before laughing. She walked over and pecked his lip, smiling up at her boyfriend.

Drift chuckled, "I could say the same for you, baby," he pat her bum playfully and walked away, while she squealed in response, "Drifttt!" she laughed.

"I'm going to take a shower, you're welcome to join me if you want," she winked at him.

"Please," he laughed. "I hate how sweaty I am."

After getting showered and dressed in their normal everyday wear, the two hopped in an ATK and headed to Loot Lake.


I am so excited to start this book! I am flooded with ideas and hey, I have another original storyline! 😅 Last book was heavily based around the Road Trip aspect with my own twist. This time, Y/n and Drift take the lead with their own story as their relationship continues to grow in many, many ways. They'll meet new friends and old faces and maybe even have a furry friend to help them along the way 🐶🐾

Let me know what you guys think so far! I was going to double update tonight but I will do that later on in the day. I know I'm a full season behind since season 7 starts in literally 2 days now, but I promise this book will be just as interesting 💓

Love you all!

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