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p r o l o g u e

"I've always wanted to be a singer, it's my passion, ever since I was a little girl. I sung in all the school plays, I joined the choir I even competed in a few battle of the bands. There's nothing I love more than singing. It's my life and I'm willing to do anything to achieve my goal of becoming a singer." I announce, smiling broadly.

"It sucks," my brother replies through the computer, grinning cheekily.

"You suck," I shoot back before adding, "off David!"

"Enough with the puns jeez," he sighs, "it's been years and you're seventeen now, grow up."

"I'm okay thanks," I grin, "how is David?"

"He's good," Neil smiles fondly, "we're good."

"I'm so happy for you bro," I smile with him, "but anyway, how was my speech?"

"S'good," he nods, "when's the auditions?"

"This weekend," I remind him, "are you coming home?"

You see, my brother is in England doing shows on Broadway. We're both singers and although he's eight years older than me, we're good friends. He's also an actor, a famous one. I try to keep my famous brother a secret from my friends because he is well known. My name is Chantelle Harris, and my brother is Neil Patrick Harris. That's right, my big bro is How I Met Your Mother's very own Barney Stinson. After that finished last year he auditioned for theatre production and now he's touring Britain.

"My last show is tomorrow night so I'll be home on Wednesday," he grins, our whole family loves when he comes home. When I say our whole family I mean me and our dad.

"Is David coming?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah," Neil nods, "and our kids, they miss you. They're out with David at the moment, I literally just got in before I skyped you."

"Oh I can't wait!" I cheer, "I love them so much, they're adorable."

Harper and Gideon are the cutest twins ever.

"What time does school start?" Neil asks, looking at something I can't see, I assume it's a clock, "I swear it's Monday over there?"

"It is," I nod, "dad's just getting ready, getting plans together and stuff then we're leaving."

"Don't you mean Mr Harris," Neil laughs. That's right, my dad is also my English teacher, which is totally embarrassing and Neil always takes the piss.

"Oh shut up," I sigh, I hear a door open and I look behind me to see my door still closed.

"It's on my end," Neil says, standing up, "David and the kids are back."

Seconds later, two grinning faces are on my screen.

"Hey there!" I grin.

"We're coming home Wednesday!" Harper says.

"I know," I smile, "I can't wait to see you."

"Right come on let's go Telle!" Dad calls, walking into my room, "oh hey Harper, hey Gideon."

"Hello grandad," the chorus. They seriously are adorable.

"We gotta get to school," dad says, "we'll see you all Wednesday."

"Can't wait," David grins, appearing on screen along with Neil. No doubt they were kissing.

I stand up and straighten out my skirt which David notes on.

"Loving the skirt babe," he says winking, he's not camp but he sometimes makes comments where he sounds extra gay, but it's nice. Neil does the same. It's like having two fashion experts, they both have impeccable taste, majority of my wardrobe has been picked out by them.

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