In the hot seat

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The smell of sulfur, and ash fill my nose as I stare into darkness, a warmth presses against my side like a lovers embrace. With the opening of my eyes, the numbing security fled my body as I become blinded by the sun at midnight. I sit up quickly, the sudden rush of blood to my head sends it spinning. My blurred vision subsides and the waves crashing against my skull calm, giving way to an incubus.
I try taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, only to grasp for breath as I choke down smoke . Feeling faint and disoriented I check my surroundings for a way out. With the gates of hell to my back I check off my escape, to my left is a man who's pearl ribs are protruding from charred viscera and two chests at the front with an indiscernible trade logo on them. Crawling to the man I scald my hands on embers, his eyes are glazed over and as I look on at him I can almost see his last breath flee his mortal husk.
Curious who this man is, I search his pockets to find but two copper coins and a small key. My head whips to the front of the wagon where the two chests sit emblazoned by the incubus. I crawl to them and fumble the key between my fingers as I hear the joist crack over my head, ensuing panic. I hear the key scraping rust off the metal plate of the lock, the key hits its mark and sinks in. I click it over to the side and in one fluent motion slam open the chest to scoop my arm through it, grabbing whatever touched my hand first and ramming it into my pocket before diving for the exit.
My chest smacks the ground freeing my breath, I roll to my back and gasp for air like a newborn child. Reaching into my pockets I discover a dire wolf hat and a jeweled necklace. Before I could gather my thoughts the wagon collapses sending ash and embers glistening into the air, I spin to my feet and back up as little fire flies land on my neck and back stinging my skin and consuming my cloak in flame.
I throw off my cape of flames and look up to see two moons suspended in a sea of black and white the winds blow the tall prairie grass around my legs scratching and tickling them bringing about an itch. There is nothing near me accept spires in the distance and behind me I see a light dancing against the trees, a shadow, like a candle flame flows majestically like the dance of a gypsy. With no other sign of civilization, I begin my trek toward the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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