Dream #1

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I walk down a dark and cold street, were the only source of light was the big tall lamps that hung above. It was so quiet you could hear my breaths from houses away. In till I heard a man groaning in an allyway, from the sounds of it I think be was in pain. I quickly ran down one of the ways and there I was a man all dressed in black with his hand clutching his chest. I approached the man with caution. "Are you okay sir?" He looked up at me with bewildering scared eyes. I took a closer look at what on his chest he was holding and it appeared to be blood oozing all over.  And where is heart is supposed to be, There's a hole. He opened his mouth and the only thing he said was, "They're after me."  I started to panic "who is after you?" He looked down at the ground in sadness, and then he closed his eyes and started to become even nore pale then he already was. I pulled his head back and tapped on his face hoping he was still alive at this point. "H-hey, wake up sir!" He made a small noise and wiggled his foot. Then he whispers "Helllp m-me into mmy apa-rtmment p-p-pleasee.." Without second hesitation I grabbed his arm and slung him across my back and carried him. He then gave me directions to his apartment after I got him conscious enough.
                 ~TIME SKIIP~
After getting him some rest and cleaned up most of his wounds I come to the last one, which was on his chest.. I had to take off his shirt in order to get to it, and when I did- it was such a mess of blood and broken bones that I almost vomited into my mouth. The hole was much worse that it was with the shirt on.  There had to be something around the house to treat it. I looked everywhere until I stumbled upon a safe that was luckily unlocked. When I opened it, it had a not saying; 'In case of Emergency, use when wounds cannot be treated alone with aidkit'. I then took a small syringe all ready with a glowing white liquid inside. I came back to him still unconscious on the couch and ejected it into his vein hoping I gave him the right dose. Then a miracle happened. All the blood came back like a reverse video, and his flesh started to heal like spiderwebs until there wasn't a wound anymore-it looked as if he never got injured. Right after that happened I shook him trying to wake him up to ask him some questions. That was a mistake. He became conscious and as he did, with me off guard he and snatched me up by my collar and yelled in a quick tone; "What have you Done!!?!"  
And with that my alarm clock went off loudly and I jumped out of my skin from the action that just occurred in the dream. I look at my alarm clock to see that I'm late for the bus amd now have to ask for a ride by my parents.

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