A very merry holiday

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Rory hadn't been home in two months. England, Greece then Italy. Being a travelling reporter was really starting to get to her and she felt it was taking a toll on her relationship because they were barely seeing each other anymore.

Finally she was on the plane headed home from Italy where she just finished writing about Santa Lucia Day. Started on December 13th and ended of December 20th after taking notes for 8 days she finally got her article started after the festivities and had sent in a two page spread all about it. She was very confident with this submission. She had been working with the New York Times writing about different world festivals and holidays for the past 2 years but she thought this was the best she had written yet. All through the plane ride this is what she was thinking about.

The second half of the plane ride all she could think about was surprising her love by being home Christmas Eve 'Eve'. He thought she wouldn't be there until late Christmas night. Here she was so excited she planned with her mom and Luke for them to arrive Christmas Eve after dinner so that she could spend Christmas Day with Logan.

Logan and Rory had gotten back in touch about a year after she graduated and have been together for the last 7 years, he hadn't proposed again yet but she felt it was coming.

Finally the plane touched down in New York and she was so excited as she walked off the plane to head to baggage she turned on her phone and saw she had a message from work. She immediately called her voicemail, her smile got bigger as she listened. After collecting her bags she headed out the doors and got into the town car that was waiting to take her home courtesy of The New York Times.


She walked into the foyer of the building marvelling at how long it had been since she had been home. As she made her way to the elevator she looked around noticing the giant tree that took up the centre where plain but fancy chairs use to sit. The entire place just sparkled with Christmas. She was so excited to get to be home for Christmas this year the last two years she had been pulled out last minute to do an article in some other country and this year was going to be the best she couldn't wait to tell Logan and her mom the exciting news!

She entered the elevator and put her key in turning it right to bring her straight to the pent house with no stops. She just wanted to see him it had been way to long and she was so excited that for once she'd be the one surprising him! She walked in quietly and set her bags down beside the door tip toeing towards the bedroom, it was pretty late when her flight landed and she didn't arrive home until 1am so she quietly went into the bathroom and changed into her pyjamas figuring she will wash the flight off in the morning. She gently crawled in next to him and whispered "Merry Christmas baby" into his ear as she pulled away she saw his sleepy face smile without opening his eyes he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer "Merry Christmas to you too" then suddenly his eyes popped open and she saw the surprise "oh my god! Your actually here! Your home!" His voice still laced with sleep but the excitement and surprise taking over. "I am". She replied with a smile to match his. He pulled her closer and hugged her peppering her face with light kisses. "I have missed you so much" he said.

They laid in silence smiling that she was finally home. They slowly fell asleep, wrapped up in each other's arms.


They spent all of Christmas Eve cuddled on the couch with take out, watching movies and talking about her trip, she was being very careful not to give away her surprise.

Finally Lorelai and Luke arrived at 8pm and they had a proper Gilmore Movie Night.


Christmas morning Rory and Logan we're starting breakfast, more Logan then Rory and they heard a sleepy Lorelai coming into the kitchen mumbling "hand over the coffee and no one gets hurt". Logan chuckled and filled a big mug with coffee handing it to Lorelai.

"Oh My! This is almost as good as Luke's!" She exclaimed after a big gulp. "Well I'd hope so it's the coffee Luke brought last night and told me to make sure was ready when you got up, I assume it's the same as what he uses at the diner". Logan said with a smile before continuing to make the eggs.

"How long is this breakfast thing going to take? I want to open presents." Lorelai said in a child like whine to Rory. Again Logan chuckled and Rory answered her mom " we are going to eat then open gifts 45 mins tops"

"Aw man I really want to open them now! I saw one for me from Luke and it looked like a shoe box!! I hope it's those pink and sparkly shoes I showed him in the catalog! Do you think he would have got the hint and got them for me?"  She said while the pouting face never left.

Luke arrived in the kitchen, asking for the second time that morning if Logan needed help with anything. Once again Logan's response was "Luke you cook all the time for tons of people now it's your turn to be served. Go relax." Luke reluctantly agreed took Lorelai's hand and said "come on, let them get breakfast finished you shouldn't be in a kitchen with knives." Lorelai huffed then followed behind Luke.


Finally breakfast was finished and all the gifts were open.

Lorelai got her shoes and an outfit to match from Luke and a beautiful necklace and bracelet from Rory and Logan.

Luke got a $200.00 gift card for his favourite tackle and fishing store from Logan and Rory. A new hat, flannel shirt and personalized coupons from Lorelai with things like "Get out of town meeting" "yell at Taylor no questions asked" etc..

Logan got a cigar humidor made in France from Rory. Steel ice cubes and glasses along with a bottle of 30 year MaCallans from Lorelai and Luke.

Rory got a new personalized leather bound notebook with 3 rings so she could add and take out whenever she needed from Lorelei and Luke. She got a sapphire necklace and tennis bracelet set from Logan.

As they were cleaning up the garbage Rory turned and faced everyone and announced she had one more "gift" for everyone. They all turned to look at her confusion written all over their faces.

"For a long time my dream job was to travel the world and write about it, recently I've become tired of it and applied for a new position. When I was collecting my baggage at the airport I was listening to voicemails and it turns out I won't be traveling anymore, you're looking at the new features editor of the New York Times!" She had a giant smile and Logan grabbed her pulling her in tight picking her up and spinning her around with excitement. After Logan set her back on the ground Lorelai and Luke both gave her hugs and congratulated her.

After the news they we're making a small lunch before heading to the Gilmore house for Christmas dinner. Logan turned to Rory and said "I am so happy that you won't be traveling anymore! I miss you so much when your gone, I have one more gift for you, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to be cliche and give it on Christmas Day but I can't think of a better time". Rory knee what was coming as he dropped to one knee pulled the ring box out of his pants pocket and continued talking "Rory I did this once before and I understand why you said no, but I'm risking it again 7 years later, will you marry me?" With extreme happiness she couldn't even talk because she would have looked a blubbering mess she nodded her head yes and he slid the ring onto her finger. He stood and they shared a sweet and passionate kiss. Sharing all their future hopes and dreams and all their love for each other.


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