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"Order up." Devon said before shooting you his dimpled smile.

He sat the plate of sunny side-up eggs, bacon and hash browns on the counter and hit the bell you had told him to get rid of. You rolled your eyes as you took the food wondering why he liked the stupid thing in the first place. Supposedly, someone had bought it at Thrift shop and given it to him as a gift. Since he thought it added "an old fashioned feel" to the place, Devon refused to throw it out.

"One day, you're going to come to work and find that stupid thing gone."You yelled to him before walking toward the customer's table.

"Y/N, that "stupid thing" is our good luck charm. You see how business has boomed."

Even though you guys had seen an increase in patrons since the bells arrival, you weren't superstitious like Devon was. Unlike him, you were a sane and rational person. That's why you knew the success was due to the recent remodel and his amazing cooking skills.

As you were preparing to take another customers order, your mother walked in. She was a beautiful woman who had kept her shape over the years, but boy, was she ever a problem. Perhaps if the two of you were the typical mother and daughter, you would have been happy to see her, but you weren't. Although she owned the restaurant, she was never there. She only dropped by to ask for money. You couldn't remember the last time she cared enough to work a table or even ask about the business.

"Y/N!" Come to the back a sec." She said as she began walking through the 'Employees Only' door.

"Fuck!" You thought.

"Let me get you guys some complimentary sodas while I take care of something."

You then called Jenny; the only other waitress; to come over.

"Please give these nice people free sodas while I run to the back. I won't be long." You instructed.

Jenny knew exactly what was going on so she didn't bother you with any questions. She instantly went to chatting-up the customers before getting their drinks.


As you made your way into the back office, the smell of tobacco hit you right away. As expected, your mom was already seated at the desk, smoking a cigarette.

"Mom, you can't smoke back here so please put that out"

"Why?" She jeered. "Because of these fancy signs you put up everywhere? Honey, I ran this place before you came along, alright. So don't go acting like you know more about it than me."

"Mom! Smoking is only permitted outside of the premises." You said as you went into your purse. "And you know that it's not my's the law so stop being difficult."

Your mother kept smoking as she watched you count out the two hundred dollars you had withdrawn that morning. She always wanted and "advance" on her so-called pay, but you couldn't do it much longer. After all, it wasn't your fault that she blew through money because of drugs.

"This is the last time I'm going to give you an advance. You're messing up the accounting and payroll."

Your mom mumbled some type of response as she took the money from you.

"How's your sister?" She asked, almost surprising you.

It wasn't like your mother to ask about anyone, especially when she was on a binge.

"You know, it would be nice if you would just call her yourself."

"I will but just tell me how she's holding up. Is she still depressed about Mason?"

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