College Acceptance Letters

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A/N: Hey Guys! So I know this has probably been done by like 10000000 people already, but I thought I'd give it a shot for fun lol. Anyway, this is based on the episode 'Act Your Age' told through Phineas' POV. There'll be some mature language but that's gonna be about it. Enjoy!

It was hard to believe summer was almost over already. It seems as though the older we got, the shorter our summers were. And not just summer, but high school just flew by in the blink of an eye. It seemed like it took forever, but it really didn't. And now we were all off to college—ya know, just as soon I picked one. I had been accepted into so many. I guess applying to a lot of colleges wasn't my best decision, but in my defense, I didn't think I'd be accepted into all of them!

Choosing the right one could make or break my future career. I was accepted into a lot of good schools, but I knew there was only one right one for me. The problem was; which one?

Two weeks to make a decision and I just couldn't. I laid in my bed, thinking endlessly to myself as I stared off at the ceiling. Ferb was chilling in his bed on the other side of the room. He was my stepbrother and best friend, surely he could help me come to a decision. He already knew how stressed I felt about it, so it wouldn't be entirely random of me to bring it up..again.

"Ugh, I'm running out of time, Ferb!" I said aloud, throwing my arms up in frustration, "I gotta choose a school! Do I stay local or go abroad? Trade school? Art school?" I sat up and looked over at him, "Come on, Ferb, help me make a decision!"

He turned over to me, then spoke bluntly, "Get in the booth."

I stood up and saw Ferb's old glass booth in the corner of the room. I took notice to what was inside, and I immediately knew what he was up to. "Oh cool! All of my college acceptance letters!" I said as I stepped in the booth, shutting the door. "I guess we're gonna let fate decide this one."

Ferb then pushed a button that activated the air machine, sending all the letters flying around me. I jumped up and grabbed a random one, which signaled him to turn the machine off. I looked at the envelope and read aloud, "Okay, Kjobstaad Academy. Uh, which one was that again?"

Ferb sat at the computer at our desk and searched the university on Google. After a brief moment, he told me, "Mmm..great physics department, Norway."

It seemed like a good school, but I wasn't sure about moving all the way to Norway. Going abroad seemed like a bold choice, but maybe a warmer country. I sighed, "Hmm..don't feel I'm ready for those cold winters."

He agreed and activated the booth again. This was fun and all but honestly, we could do this all day. I jumped up again and grabbed yet another random letter. I looked at it, immediately raising a brow at the choice. "Comedy Traffic School..." I looked up at him, "Well, if it's fate.."

He pushed the button a third time, giving me a knowing look. I was surprised, I didn't remember applying to a school like that. Guess I must've been desperate back in October. I didn't try grabbing another letter, though. "Yeah, things seemed a lot easier when we were  young and waiting for our voices to drop." I stated.

Baljeet suddenly entered the room, speaking in a rather deep voice, "Hey guys." He then cleared his throat, and he was back to his slightly higher voice (that happened to him often, we all chose not to question it), "Oh! Something was caught in my throat. So, still trying to figure out where to go to school?"

"Workin' on it." I said as I stepped out of the booth, now standing next to Ferb.

"I was just giving Buford some pointers on collegiate life. Since I've already graduated and have been accepted as a professor, I could pull some strings and get him into my school." He explained. And right on time, Buford entered holding a sandwich, "Just think, Buford. You could be my student! I would be the boss of you!"

I pictured Buford in a college classroom, having to obey Baljeet's rules and listen to him teach. It was kind of a funny image, actually. Buford was never an obedient student in high school, and I assumed it wouldn't change in college.

Buford flipped his longer brown hair, "Don't get too excited. I'm goin' to film school. I'm concentratin' on tragedies. The story of a struggling orphan's transcendental search for meaning in a post-apocalyptic society."

Baljeet scoffed, "It sounds pretentious."

"Thank you." Buf said, taking a bite of his sandwich. Even though Baljeet was right, I would still watch a film like that, especially if Buford made it.

Baljeet shook his head and changed the subject, "So Ferb, you're off to school in England?"

"Yeah. He's going to Camford on Oxbury." I answered for him, looking up at him proudly. But then I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, the name sounded so silly to me. "Hehe, 'Camford on Oxbury'. It sounds like a wizard school."

"It's not a wizard school." Ferb said to me, then paused and looked away, "Well, there is some wizarding.."

"Phineas, why don't you just go there?" Buford suggested. And I didn't hate the idea. I mean, moving to England and going to the same college as my brother? Sign me up any day!
Except for the fact I didn't apply and I would need to start packing immediately.

Thankfully before I could decline the suggestion, Baljeet spoke up with one of his own, "Or..why not go where Candace goes to school?"

"Law school? Hmm.." I thought about it before, but I wasn't so sure I wanted to be a lawyer or anything. But it would be nice to go to school with my older sister, I would get to see her and Jeremy more often, and she'd be there to guide me. But Candace had her own dreams, ones that weren't exactly for me.

"Yeah..I don't know if Candace's school is the place for me." I said, then grabbed two specific envelopes, "Forget the booth. I'm gonna go with my gut. It's between these two; Danville U and Tri-State State. Both really good schools." I sighed to myself, putting the letters in my back pockets, "Looks like I've got some thinkin' to do.."

Buford suddenly spoke up, staring off in awe, "Hey, the epic struggle of a triangle-headed boy to choose between two schools."

"Pretentious alert.." Baljeet warned him.

"And again, thank you." He nodded.

I had spent my entire summer and the majority of my senior year trying to think of where to go, and now I was almost out of time. I contemplated taking a gap year, but with everyone else going off to school, I would've been so bored. Maybe Baljeet was right, maybe I should just go to law school. But I couldn't choose between three schools right now.

Even back in middle school, I imagined myself stepping on the campus of Tri-State State. It wasn't far from Danville, I'd be close to home so I could come back for holidays. They had 100% graduation rate, and almost everybody that went there used their degrees and had promising careers. But then there was Danville University, I could still live at home and the graduation rate was also high.

Looks like I had done thinking to do.

What Might Have Been •Phinabella• |Phineas and Ferb Short Story| {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now