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Looking out the car window I watched the road move under the car faster and faster as we approached the airport . For some reason I was not being told why we where moving from the gloomy middle of nowhere England countryside to bustling California it seemed utterly pointless . My mum said it was for a change and my step dad said it was to make life easier for the family, and I don't believe a word ether of them are saying.there was no way moving 3 children and all your shit across the world was easy might I add that when I say shit I mean 4 bends a lot of wardrobes and clothes 2 fucking cars that weren't cheep and a motorbike.
But hay I just gota get over it

I took my head phones out to see my step dad, mark waving his hand in my a bloody lunatic. My mum had insisted I referred to him as my step dad even though they where no where near getting married and they had only been dating for a year but boy did a lot happen in that one fucking year.
"Sorry ,what" I asked,it was only now I herd my younger sister crying and that Kane was yelling because of it. For what reason I don't care Kane could yell all he bloody wanted.
"Deal with the brat wold ya mate" mark asked still looking at the road.he was referring to Jess, yeah because his perfect offspring could do no wrong.
"Yeah sure"I sighed in defeat
Kane was marks kid from his ex wife, and guess where she is currently located. Sant Ann's home for the criminally insane. So mark got full custody.
Me and jess on the other hand both had different dads I was unsure of who mine was actually but I knew jesses he was a lovely guy. He just had a little bit of debt to one to meany gangs. What can I say my mum knows how to pick em'.

It had always confused me people saying girls wold be scared of someone with piercings and shockingly dark hair but no my sister.Jessica had no problem slapping my face and pulling my hair she didn't care that I had piercings, guess the Cristian's where wrong.
"Jess why you crying" I said to Jesica who immediately pouted and looked at me with her soft blue eyes . But before I could say much more I could feel a sticky five two year olds hand on my ear.i had quit a few piercings most of witch where on my face and especially my ears I had a single lobe piercing that seemed to interested Kane. It hung down and at the end looked like a black Cristal,and every so often he wold try and pull it out my god dam head.
"Kane stop" I muttered angrily
"I wannit" Kane mumerd. This small sentence set my mother off.
"Rider what have you taken from your brother" she yelled not even looking at me.
"Nothing, the little bugger isn't even my brother!"I yelled back in shock. All my mothers response was a grumbeled sentence I couldn't make out and a slow rub of her very large stomach.
She was 8 months pregnant which was another reason I didn't understand why we where moving house never mined country.Non of this made sense. We where being moved across the ocean from jesses biological father and the only friend I had made since primary school,but I had to get over it I was told it was better for everyone this way.bullshit.I simply put my headphones in and listend to campion by falling in revers.

There was only one good thing about this hole big move. Mark was working as some kind of big shot manger for a big time bank of some shit but anyway he was running Half his department and the other half was being run by a man named Charley Maverick who was constantly moving from country to country on trips for the company now the reason this was a positive was the fact that Charley's daughter, Cassandra had been my best friend since well since I was 6. She's actually the reason my mother met mark. But a few months ago she had moved to California. We where bing put in the same school thank god.

"My mums picking me up at 5" a younger slightly more innocent rider said jumping back onto his 14 year old besties bed that was to big for a girl her age.
"Ky ky Dad said we need to stay up hear and be quiet because he has an important meeting"Casandra giggled making a fake stern face to mimic her fathers words.
The two teens messed around listening to loud music and doing normal teen stuff.
"Truth or dare" Casandra laughed after a long argument of what band was better. Falling in revers, or escape the fate.
"truth" rider said rubbing his fake beard
"Who do you like in are class" Cassandra said jumping up at her lightbulb moment
Un anonsed to Casandra this was a question that rider was praying she wold not ask.
" know" rider stuttered.
Rider rememberd that day very clearly most people wold Asuum that rider was clearly in love with his best friend. The perfect love story his mother had called it, best frends since chilled hood get married and live happily ever after.
"Yes rider because I'm a fucking tellapth" Cassandra said sarcastically
"Cassy I'm....." the first thing to come to Cassandra head was that rider wold say 'cassy I'm in love with you' and that was not what she wanted.
"Spit it out" cassy said sounding move nervous then rider now
"Cassy I'm....I'm Gay"
There was a silence .
Then more silence .
"Oh thank god I thought you where in love with me"
Cassy replied falling backwards into the black bed sheets .
Before another word was spoke between the two best friends.
"River your mother is hear" Casandras dad yelled up the stears
"8 god damb years and he still can't remember my name is rider and not river" rider sighs
"Or rian or Rick or Rachel" Casandra followed up
"When did he call me Rachel" rider said in shock as the two walked down stairs
"Yesterday" Cassy burst out laughing
As the two reached the bottom steep rider clearly herd an un familia mails voice and the Clear sound of his mother over dramatically giggling at something the man had said.
After that the two went on a few dates and her we are today in a moving van on are way to fucking AMERICA.

It had been a about half an hour and I had apparently fallen asleep, as I was woken up by someone yelling at me to get up.
"Rider you literally shit bag get your girly ass up we're here" mark yelled
"I'm up I'm up"I mumbled looking down at my phone to see it was 12pm .
"Gospodi, trakhni menya v zadnitsu why did you get a night flight"I yelled pulling the sleeves of my baggy hoddy to my elbows
"Language"mark said
"Yes mark fucking Russian the native language of your girlfriend and two quote on quote step kids, it means god fuck me in the ass... because GOD FUCK ME IN THE ASS WHY DID YOU GET A NIgHT FLIgHt" I yelled as Mark simply rolled his eyes.
My grandma had lived in Russia most her life and had my mother in England the hole biological family speaks Russian and most of are holidays where spent sleeping the language.even Dave jesses dad began to learn some of the language for jesses sake who's English at a young age was mixed with Russian but no mark insisted on some rules.
No Russian at the diner table was the most annoying. Even jess who was 6 understood he was being a twat.
"Grab your sister wold you rider" my mother asked point with her full hands to a cold jess who mark had left on the street.
"Jess come hear" I said giving her my jacket that was big in me never mind her. I picked her up and grabbed both are carry on luggage. Walking down to the air port freezing my bolecs off.

It was going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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