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Being a guest star on a TV show was stressful. Kary had only been acting for two and half years, so it still amazed her that she landed a spot on such a long-running series. Supernatural had a huge fan-base, and she'd be lying if she said she hadn't heard of it. Watching the actual show was another story. She had meant to sit down and crank out the available seasons on Netflix, she really did, but her schedule was just too booked.

If she had known how drop dead gorgeous the cast members were she probably would have canceled some plans and watched it sooner. She swore they were all hand carved by Michelangelo himself. Kary followed one of the PAs, Stephanie she thought her name was, into the Bunker's kitchen. Even though her part wasn't meant to be re-occurring, she still loved getting the tour of the place.

Just as she was about to get the rundown of what a day was like on set, Jared walked into the room sporting gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Kary couldn't help but stare as he stood talking to one of the producers. Her mouth watered at the way his pants hung low on his hips, and how his arm muscles seemed to almost burst through the sleeves of his shirt. Her mind drifted off to thought after dirty thought of him fucking her repeatedly against the nearest hard surface. Stephanie followed her gaze and chuckled.

"So, you like Jared hm?"

Kary blushed furiously and prayed to whoever was listening that Jared nor the producer had heard the comment.

"Yeah ... I mean he's umm ... really tall."

Steph giggled and took her arm, pulling her towards the two men.

"C'mon, let me introduce you. Jared always likes to meet the guest stars. Well, all the boys do, but Jared especially does."

Karyne could feel her heart thudding hard against her chest as Stephanie approached them. It looked like they were reading over part of the script, but she couldn't be sure since they were whispering. Jared turned and smiled at both of them once they got in their line of sight. He looked down at her warmly and extended his hand toward her.

"Well hi there! You must be the new guest star. Karyne is it?"

Kary took his hand in hers and admired how his fingers almost completely covered her smaller ones. His skin was warm and calloused, and she couldn't stop the image of him pressing three of his thick digits into her aching pussy flashing through her mind. She bit her lip to stop a moan and didn't miss how his eyes traveled down to her mouth.

"Yes I'm Karyne, but uhh everyone just calls me Kary. It's umm ... very nice to meet you, Jared."

She took her hand back and nervously played with the hem of her shirt feeling his eyes on her. Even though she didn't think he was meaning to, he really emanated dominance. Jared looked her up and down quickly before turning his attention to another crew member whom she hadn't noticed until now.

"Hey Jare, they need you in hair and makeup. We start shooting in forty-five minutes."

Kary watched as he gave her a little smirk and a wave before heading off down the hallway. Stephanie led her to the costume trailer so she could get fitted for her proper demon attire. She would be playing one of Crowley's minions who had information on his whereabouts. Her character would get kidnapped by the Winchesters and get tortured for said info. If she was being honest, it's the torture she was most excited for. She'd heard stories from her friends about how sexy Sam and Dean were when they were the least bit authoritative.

Soon she was sporting her character's edgy outfit and was being led to the threshold of the Bunker's cellar. Kary was fitted with some black skinny jeans that hugged her waist perfectly. The red tank top showed a smidgen of her midriff and accentuated her cleavage nicely. A pair of black stilettos and her hair falling in loose curls down her shoulders completed her look. Neither of the boys were there yet, but they couldn't be far behind. The anticipation of acting out this scene with them, especially Jared, was making her heart race.

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