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It was quiet in the card castle, surprisingly. Lately is had been quite loud due to the particular few running around causing mayhem, and one lone man trying to calm them down.

The quiet was soon disrupted, as you heard many screams of joy and laughter echoing down the halls. It seemed Lancer and Jevil were playing their own game of 'tag' that day. There were no rules to that game, right then at least. Jevil was floating and using his magic to his advantage. 

Lancer pouted at the jester, not being able to catch up. Which only resulted in the other laughing at him, but extending his arm to the prince. 

"Hows about we make fair, fair rules!" The jester suggested, though not too keen on the idea himself. He liked having no boundaries in games, though sometimes it was necessary for others to participate properly

Lancer nodded, grinning himself. "Yeah! One, no flying!" He made that extra clear, pulling the other to the floor just for exaggeration. That gave a chuckle in return. 

The prince stuck his tongue out after that. "Two! Uh.. " He thought for a moment. "There's no other ways to make tag fair is there?"

"I suppose not, not!" Jevil answered, sticking out his tongue to mock the other in a way. Until he got smacked in the face with the others tiny hand. 

"Tag!" The other shouted, running straight after he did it. The action left Jevil still for a moment, not expecting that much impact, though it didn't stop him from chasing the prince. Laughing as he ran, it only caused more noise. At some point one of the Rudinns had to tell them to quiet down just a bit. Did they listen? Of course not, they were having fun and no one was going to stop them. 

So the chaos ensued, the castle noisy just from the two giggling away after repeatedly poking or hitting the other. All in good fun of course, none of it hurt.

 The two had managed to get higher up in the castle, which was a bad idea honestly. As Rouxls was currently in his office. They ran past, making sure to be louder when they did. 

And of course as they had imagined, Rouxls had joined the party. Though now playing with them, mostly just trying to get them to play something else so they wouldn't get hurt up at the top of the castle. 

Eventually they listened to him, too tired to play any more as they rested on the floor. Rouxls , tired himself, joined them there. 

"That was fun, fun!" Jevil chirped, grinning towards the other two.

It was quiet yet again after that, the three all huddled together tiredly. 

Just another average day in the castle for them all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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