Prince Joshua's Return

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Fandom: Be My Princess (Love 365)

Pairing: Prince Joshua x Reader

Summary: Spending time apart from your prince is lonely, he makes up for lost time

You were so upset when Joshua had to leave for another week-long trip; it felt like he was only home for mere hours before he was unpacking and packing again. It's not like it was unexpected, you know it comes with his responsibility as Prince of DresVan, but there were just periods of time where the distance affected you. He called every day, just to talk about his day and yours. You would fill him in on your daily outings, the clothes you were designing, whatever could keep him on the phone longest with you before he had to go.

Prince Joshua returns on a Sunday, a few hours earlier than you had anticipated, so you were just getting out of the shower, trying to decide on what clothes you would be lounging in as you roamed through your closet when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your body. You jumped at first, not realizing it was Joshua until you turned around.

"Joshua!" you squealed, kissing him immediately, pulling away with a smile, "I missed you so much, you have no idea," you continue dreamily, hands remaining on his handsome face, grinning wide and your heart about to leap from your chest.

He laughed at you, looking you up and down as you were still wrapped in a damp towel, hair thrown into a wrap as well, "I missed you way more," he kisses your soft lips again, "I may or may not have jerked off in the shower to you," he admits boldly and you laugh as you lean up to kiss him again. That was just how your relationship was: painfully, sometimes embarrassingly, honest.

"Well, why don't we go for the real thing?" you ask suggestively, dropping a hand down below his waist in confidence, palming him through his slacks. He gasps and grins mischievously, ripping the towel away from your body so you're standing in front of him naked, and you gasp in return.
"Josh!" you squeal as he scoops you into his arms and throws you on the bed, your hair falling out of the towel, still wet as he clambers on top of you, kissing you hard and needy, moving his lips to nip at the gentle skin on your neck, marking you up with each bite, earning soft noises from you as you work the buttons at the top of his shirt, unbuttoning just a few before reaching for the hem and pulling it over his head.

He moves quickly as he moves to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, rubbing it between his teeth that has you gasping, before switching to the other, using a hand to play with your other breast before coming back up to kiss you, starting to undo his pants.

"Can we go slow?" you murmur against his lips, "I just wanna feel you inside me, just you and me."

Joshua's eyes are sparkling, staring at you with absolute admiration, "Of course, anything you want," he murmurs as he kicks his slacks from his legs along with his shoes, leaving him in just his underwear. You take the opportunity to reach a hand between the two of you, diving into his underwear to touch him properly, pumping him slowly a few times just enough to get his jaw slack so that when you kiss him his mouth his open for you, licking and fighting with his tongue. You love hearing your prince moan for you, it was the most glorious sound.

"Better than when you're doing it yourself?" you tease and he chuckles as you run your thumb over his slit, causing him to involuntarily jerk into your hand with another laugh.

"So much better," he breathes and then you're pulling his underwear down, letting him do the rest of the work so the two of you are both naked now. He drifts a hand to your mouth and you suck two of his fingers obscenely, holding his wrist firmly causing him to groan. You slick his fingers up with your own saliva before releasing them, his hand drifting between your legs, fingers first circling your clit a few times before driving inside you, causing you to arch into his hand, eyes on him the entire time.

"Mm, Josh," you sigh, trying to meet his fingers as they thrust inside you, thumb working your clit at a slow, gentle pace, enough for you to feel every movement throughout your entire body, spreading underneath your skin like a wildfire, "Could cum like this."

"So wet, _____, you been waiting for me?" he murmurs, removing his fingers and you grab his wrist, taking his soaked fingers into your mouth, tasting your own juices on his fingertips and he groans audibly, "Fuck, that's so hot,"

You smirk around his fingers, releasing them as he uses one hand to guide his cock to your entrance, one hand on the mattress, then he's pressing into you slowly, intense gaze on you as he watches your face contort in pleasure, eyes fluttering shut once he's completely inside you.

"Missed this, missed your cock," you mumble as the pleasure continues to course through your veins, Joshua thrusting his hips slowly in to you, gentle, making sure you feel every inch of his large cock inside you.

"Stop, you're making me blush," he whispers and you would roll your eyes if they weren't already staring at the back of your skull from how he's stroking deep inside you, rolling his hips up to brush the front of your pelvis, both hands pressing into the mattress on either side of your head. He leans down to kiss you, tongue slowly pushing your lips open gently to deepen the kiss.

You're moaning into his mouth, so overwhelmed by the moment, how he's kissing you and taking care of you, loving you like he hasn't seen you in months but, when you're this in love, a week feels like a year for the both of you.

"I love you," you sigh happily, nearing your peak, legs wrapping around his waist and fingers tingling with electricity, your hands holding on to his shoulders, pressing your fingers into his skin so hard that you wish you could leave your fingerprints on him forever.

"I love you," he's close too, you can see his face flush and hear his breaths becoming shorter, "You're so pretty like this, missed seeing my girl like this," and just the way he's talking about you, voice deep and thick, helps send you over the edge, initially putting your forehead against his shoulder until he's got a hand on your neck, pushing you back down on the pillow as you cum, eyes fluttering shut again, legs shaking around his strong body as you pulse under his touch.

"Wanna see your face, don't hide," his voice is soft, holding you down gently just like the rest of his movements and then he's coming too, high sound falling from his lips as he thrusts into you harder; once, twice, then he's trembling above you, hips slowing down to a lazy roll as he comes down, collapsing on top of you, your sweat-slick bodies pressed together.

You press gentle kisses to his neck as he twitches, the last waves of pleasure subsiding, nipping softly at the skin to leave light bruises that the other princes will ask about, but they'll all understand. "Hate when you leave me for that long," you murmur sadly, nuzzling your face into his neck before he rolls over and out of you, your pussy clenching around nothing and you whine softly.

"I hate it too," he says quietly, wrapping you up in his arms as you sling a leg over his hips, pressing yourself as close as you can to him, "But you can't say we don't have good sex the longer I'm gone," and of course that's what he's thinking about and you can't help but laugh as you cuddle into his chest.

"You're disgusting," you say as if you're not the one filled with your boyfriend's cum at that very moment.

"Whatever you say," Joshua rolls his eyes lovingly, kissing the top of your head, "You ok with staying here, like, all day? We can have dinner brought up, whatever you want."

You could never say no to such a tempting offer, offering your response in the form of a kiss, pulling him to hover over you again from where he lay, hands on the back of his neck, pushing all thoughts of him leaving again to the back of your mind. For right now, he was yours.

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