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The Braeden Household, 4:00 AM, August 8st. 

Ben woke up with a scream. 

He had constant nightmares since he was eight, and his mother, Lisa, had him see a counselor at school. They lived in Beacon Hills, California, and Ben attended Beacon Hills High School with his best friends Mason and Liam, he was on the lacrosse team, he was a B+ student, he was able to keep his room clean and get his chores done every night, and he was a hunter in disguise. 

Ben still had nightmares of the things he had seen, the things that were classified as Supernatural. His father Dean, who his mother had forgotten all about because of an angel (?), was one of the most famous hunters in the world. 

Lisa burst into her son's room and was at his side immediately, stroking his hair and soothing him as he clung to her for dear life. "Ben, honey, you have to tell me what's wrong." she cooed sadly, kissing his head. 

"I'm fine mom. Just a bad dream again." he assured her, inhaling her familiar perfume with a deep breath. 

Lisa didn't remember anything about the supernatural, she didn't know what her son did. She was worried though, as any mother might be if her son hadn't gotten a peaceful night's rest in nine years. 

Ben let out a weary sigh and closed his eyes, before he rubbed his eyes. "Mom I'm gonna shower and get ready for school." 

Lisa sighed too and nodded, letting her son get up from his bed and close the bathroom door behind him.

The Stilinski Household, 6:30 PM, August 3rd

Noah Stilinski had a lot of secrets. 

He was hiding the fact that he was actually named Noah Campbell, the younger brother of Mary Campbell, he was the one that John Winchester, his brother-in-law, gave his grandson to for safety, he was the one who had happily joined his father as a hunter, he was the one that had been keeping tabs on his nephews since his sister died, he was the one who had educated John on the Supernatural, and he was the one that John called when he needed help. But John hadn't called in years, and Noah knew that wasn't a good sign for hunters. Noah knew better than anyone what things meant for hunters. John called once a month at least, and once a week at most. 

He hadn't called in years and while Noah could finally relax and raise his 'son' in peace, he was filled with grief for his brother-in-law, and sadness for his nephews becoming orphans. 

It was a night like most others. Stiles was out with his friends, Noah had just come home from work and was having a beer, and the house was quiet. So quiet that Noah didn't hear the intruder, and didn't hear the sound of a blade being pulled from a sheath. 

Noah (Campbell) Stilinski was murdered in his home by a demon, leaving a son and two nephews behind. And when Stiles came home, he screamed. 

The Dunbar Household, 9:00 AM, August 8th. 

Liam was shocked, as were most of the pack, when Stiles's father was killed. 

Stiles was a wreck, and Liam felt his heart hurt for the older teen he'd come to think of as a friend. Stiles was hurting big time, and Liam had lost his own father to a murderer and he could relate. 

Not even Liam knew much about Liam's father Gabriel. Gabriel hadn't stuck around much, but Liam remembered enough of him to know they shared the same height, the same eyes, and his father had had an addiction to sweets. 

Liam was pondering over this as he got ready for school, his mom and step-dad already off at work. 

Ben was waiting for him outside, Liam smirked to himself at the sound of his friend's impatient curses. 

He suddenly felt a shrieking pain in his head, and his knees buckled, sending him to the floor. 

He screamed, his eyes glowed white-gold, and he passed out. 

The Men of Letters Bunker, 10:00 PM, August 7th.

Jack curled up in his bed. 

He was lonely, and as a 16 year old boy with a mind as old as an infant's, he was confused, scared, guilty, terrified and frustrated all at once. Gabriel and Sam both helped a little, Gabriel more so. The Archangel was doting on Jack, teaching him, listening to him, comforting him. 

Jack shivered under his light blanket and let out a soft whimper, before getting up and walking down the hall to Gabriel's room. 

He knocked lightly on the door and it opened, the light turning on. "Hey kiddo, what's up?" Gabriel looked at him with concern. 

Jack bit his lip. ''I can't sleep." he mumbled, suddenly thinking this was a bad idea. 

Dean would tell him to suck it up, Castiel would tell him to go back to sleep, and Sam would ask if he wanted a better blanket or more pillows. But Gabriel smiled softly. "I can't sleep either. Wanna stay with me?" 

Jack was a little startled at the offer and hesitantly nodded. 

He saw Gabriel extend his six magnificent wings, which apparently only Gabriel and Jack could see, and Jack crawled onto the bed beside him. Snuggling close to his uncle, Jack smiled softly as the strong, soft, warm wings wrapped around him like a blanket, and Gabriel pressed a kiss to his nephew's head. 

"Can you tell me a story?" Jack asked quietly. 

Gabriel hummed. "Once upon a time, there were four brothers. Mikha'el, the warrior, Sammāʾēl, the light-bringer, Rafa'el, the healer, and Gavri'el, the messenger. Mikha'el was the oldest, and he raised all three of his younger brothers, though he loved Sammāʾēl the most." 

Gabriel ran his fingers through Jack's gold hair. "Why did he love Sammāʾēl the most?" Jack asked quietly, struggling a bit to pronounce the Hebrew name. "Because for a very long time, it was just Mikha'el and Sammāʾēl. Rafa'el and Gavri'el were much younger." Gabriel explained patiently. Jack nodded, understanding. 

"Gavri'el was the youngest of the four, and when his brothers began to grow up and distance themselves, he grew sad. So he ran away from home, and met a boy named Loki, who brought him home to his mother, father and brothers, and hid Gavri'el from his brothers, who had become mean and cold." Jack gasped softly, feeling sad for the four brothers. "Years and years passed, and Gavri'el met yet another boy, a tall and handsome stranger who made Gavri'el question everything he'd done in his life. Gavri'el fell in love, and he had a baby with the stranger, a little boy of his own." 

Gabriel saw Jack smile brightly at the twist. "Sadly, Gavri'el's brothers would not let him keep his baby, so Gavri'el chose to hide him away where no one would hurt him. For one day, the baby boy would rise up and become something very special, and maybe, if Gavri'el was careful, they would be reunited. And they could finally live happily ever after." 

Beacon Hills Hospital, 9:30 AM, August 8th

"Happily ever after..." 

Liam woke up, his eyes still a bright, vivid white-gold. "Gabriel." He said, finally understanding. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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