Fucked up family

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Maskie walked into the old sewage draining room towards the man tied to a rusted pipe. "Hey wake up fucknut." He said nudging the guy with his crowbar who woke up frantically screaming "You still with me sunshine?" Maskie asked manically "Good, now I know your probably scared shitless, pissed yourself a bit." He said before the sound of the door opening caught his attention. Turning away from the bound and gagged man he saw his rival as far as he was concerned, Ticci Toby stood in the door way with two bloodied hatchets. "You gonna k-kill  him or just keep p-playing with h-h-him?" Toby asked waiting to see how Maskie would respond "Well if it aint mister Rogers am I t-ticking you o-off." Maskie said mimicing Toby's stutter. "Dont call m-me that *twitch* name you k-know I hate it." Toby said looking over towards the man tied to the pipe. Slowly he approached making the man flail frantically trying to escape the two masked individuals. Slenderman had sent Toby, Maskie, Hoodie, Jeff and Sally out to make a few hits and leave their mark on the world. "Why h-havent you killed him yet?" Toby asked "Because its fucking funny to watch them squirm and squeal before I finish him off." Maskie retorted making the man scream through his gag. "I-Its pointless to try and s-scream, no one can hear you down here." Toby said to the man who didnt stop flailing despite what the young man said.

(Toby's POV)
This was completely stupid of Maskie to do. We are suppossed to kill these fucks, not play torture with them. True we were merciless killers but we had standards and one that Maskie always seemed to not understand was that we dont revel in the affliction of killing people. We kill people and send a message with our work but Maskie seemed happy in the torture he put people through. It was like watching a cat play with a mouse and frankly he's burning moonlight. So I grabbed Maskies crowbar and thrusted it into the mans chest. I watched as the life left his eyes and the blood covered the weapon lodged in his torso.

"What the fuck he was mine to kill." Maskie said as I walked away to the door "You were wasting time, remember we dont toy with our victims, we kill them." I said putting my hatchets into the holsters on my thighs but was pushed against the wall by Maskie "Alright golden boy thats it, Ive had it." He said holding my shoulder trying to keep me against the wall. But I didnt finish putting my hatchets away so I hit his right leg leaving a nasty gash. "Ow, damn it!" Maskie yelled falling back "Stop fucking around in there guys we have work to do." Jeff yelled from the hallway. He was right mine and Maskies petie bickering would have to wait. Besides he was mad that I took his place as leader of the Proxies because he was a loose cannon.

Anyway we made our way back to street level meeting Sally and Hoodie at the park. Only the lights of streetlamps illuminated light, barely any at that. The cold air was calming and refreshing at least rather than a hot muggy night. The full moon light was illuminating better than the lights of this sleepy Wisconsin town. "J-jeff any luck on your end?" Toby asked "Yeah I killed three, Hoodie whacked two, Sally how many did you kill?" Jeff asked "Four, people need to learn a little girl isnt always sweet and innocent." Sally said as she cleaned the blood off of a knife she was carrying. Sally was fun to have around, watching how people kept falling for the sweet lost little girl routine. At home she was generally sweet unless you pissed her off. One time Ben angered her and she trapped him in a computer for two weeks. "I-I think we made our m-mark lets head h-h-home." I said "Sometime t-t-today junior." Maskie laughed, damn I cant fucking stand him at times, luckily for him he's a co-worker otherwise I'd butchered him a long time ago. With Hoodie leading, Maskie and Jeff following Sally hopped up on my shoulders and we dissapeared into the forest.

(Authors POV)
As the group finally arrived home by about nine in the morning and they were met by Slenderman at the door "How'd your assignment go?" He asked looking to see them all with satisfied faces except Hoodie, Maskie, and Tobby whos faces were covered by their masks. "Well, very well." Maskie said watching Toby go inside with Sally on his shoulder. He was jealous, ever since Toby showed up last year he'd been the top dog of Slender's proxies. Sally jumped down from Tobys shoulder and ran into the kitchen where Smiledog layed chewing on a deer leg. "I brought you a special treat." Sally said pulling a large groundhog out of a brown satchel bag. "Here you go, a nice playmate." She said before the demented Husky took off after the helpless critter.

Toby stood watching with Clockwork from the upstairs banister laughing at the morbid game beneath them. "How long do you think this one will last?" Clockwork asked "F-five to ten m-minutes." Toby betted looking at her. "What do I get if I'm right?" Clockwork asked smirking at Toby who backed up and tripped over Ben who swore. "What are y-you doing?" Toby asked rubbing his head in annoyance "And in my room of all places." Clockwork said as Ben tried to back away from the two who cornered him in Clockworks room. Ben had known Toby and Clockwork were a thing even though they tried to keep it professional. Though at home it was harder and even the air could be filled with the fact.

Out in the field Ben knew they had to put on the serious facade as the job required. But here they could vent, talk and be somewhat normal, as if normal was any concept to them. They were as far from normal as could be. An eightfoot tall slenderman with no face, a demonic murdered little girl, an eyeless canibal, a drowned college student, a sexually abused teen girl, an abused boy who felt no pain, a guy who burnt his eyelids off, two masked pyschopaths and a basic hellhound along with many others. A more natural fucked up band of misfits there had never been. Though they never mind that, they all loved their new lives better than the old ones that Slender saved them from. Still despite being the lead proxy Toby still had been a great friend to have and the guys were like the brothers Ben never had. Before Toby could act or Clockwork could strangle him he dissapeared into the computer and vanished. "Good riddance pervert." Clockwork said as a loud screech was heard and Jane came running down the hall in a towel still dripping wet chasing Jeff with a knife. "Im so gonna cut your head off when I get ahold of you Jeff!" She screamed as Jeff dived under Clockworks bed.

Only his eyes were visable as he cowered under the bed from the female. "L-let me g-guess he walked in on y-you in the s-shower?" Toby asked shielding Jeff as Clockwork tried to hold the livid teen back. "No, he watched me from the closet, he didnt bother to try and leave beforehand." She said "Well if I came out you would have killed me anyway." Jeff said "Exactly the point." Jane yelled throwing the knife missing Toby by centimeters. This made Toby duck away and slink out of the room "S-sorry Jeff good luck." Toby said as he bolted down the hall to his room followed by Clockwork leaving Jeff to the fury of Jane. "You think he'll be okay?" Clockwork asked "J-Jeff is a big boy h-he can care for h-himself." Toby said as he took off his face guard and goggles laying them on his dresser. "So how was Maskie?" Clockwork asked as she sat down beside him on the bed. "H-he drives me c-crazy, he always has to do it h-his way and he's p-pissed still because I t-took his place as leader of t-the proxies." Toby said, Toby still didnt understand why Maskie had to act like a such child over the whole thing, it was over a year ago. However a bloodcurdling scream alerted everyone in the house and they were up on their feet.

Toby ran out into the front yard followed by Masky and Hoodie armed. In the distance they saw someone holding Sally by the throat choking her. Smiledog layed still on the ground bleeding prefusely from a wound on his side. "H-HEY!" Toby yelled as the figure dropped Sally and fled into the woods. Slenderman came to Sally's side as the Proxies sprinted angrily after the figure retreating into the woods. 'Whoever the fucker was wouldnt get away with attacking the youngest of the family.' Toby thought as he and Maskie split up going left and right as Hoodie went straight forward ready to find the attacker, and to kill him.

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