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I im breaking up with my boyfriend tomorrow.

Turns out as he was dating me he was dating one of my friends and when asked about dating me he replied 'No' every time.

he treated me like a friend not as a girl friend.

I dont need sexual jokes about me i need affection.

Honestly im not surprised every relationship I've had before turned to shit either they threaten to kill me or they backstab me either way i cant date the people i choose to rant to, love on, show just a little bit of affection to i end up falling in love with but love to me isnt real love is just a beautiful lie to cover up the ugly truth.

Mabe you think differently mabe I'll find 'the one' mabe I'll be happy but as of right now im an unstable, unloved, unappreciated bipolar mess.
I wish i had somthing happy to post here and mabe you dont care but thank you for reading and if you have any advice I'll gladly take it.

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