10 Years. (Au)

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Rosetta walked hastly to– wait, what exactly was she in a hury for? Whatever it is, it didn't really mater, she just has to go somewhere.

She was always like this, her gut would have a feeling, any feeling, and she'd unknowingly follow along. This time, this feeling was a mix of excitement and fear. Whatever this has to be, it better not land me in a bad place. She growled to herself, but then Shook her head. It can't be bad, that wouldn't make sense of the excitement.

She always reasoned with herself, fought with her mind, she wanted to go wherever this place was– but also not at the same time...

The more she continued onward the less people there were, she was heading closer to the nearly abandoned parts of town, where only the poor, cruel, rebellious, and strange are. "Goddamnit." She spat to herself, her expression did not fit her look at all.

She clutched her hands, she bit her lip, fucking damnit.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted my stupid impulse." She breathed in heavily, she relaxed and looked around. No one's here.

She took another breath in; this time, calmer. Rosetta turned around and was just about to take a step before...


Rosetta's eyes widened, the voice was familiar, yet no where near that in the slightest. "It's been a while..." The voice murmured out, that's when it clicked, it was Ruby.

Silence fell upon the two teens, nearly adults. The quiet stayed for a moment longer before Ruby spoke up again. "Uh– look, I know it's been sometime since we last..."

"Ruby..." Rosetta let the slight taste of bitterness and salt leak out in her voice. I thought you were dead, you fucking idiot. She thought to herself. Is this where she's been? In dusttown street (a name the children called this part)?

"You remember me? Wow, that's a surprise..." Ruby's voice had a slight hint of worry in it, Rosetta didn't know why though. "Just, here's the thing– get out." Ruby's tone turned worried to commanding in a snap.

"Why?" Why? She knew the answer, but... But this feeling of betrayal was the only thing her mind could really care about at the moment. "Goddamnit– look I know I left with a bitter taste remaining, but, god, please just go." Desperation.

"No, I know the reason for that, I'm asking: why did you fake your own death?" Rosetta snapped her head to her old bestfriend. God, did she look horrible. Rosetta's eyes widened even more, was this her best friend?

"Oh, you look the same..." Ruby quietly commented, eyes slightly wide. "Leriana, what in the name of the gods happened?" Rosetta questioned, her voice was soft, but definitely loud for a place like this.

"Long story–" she started only to be cut off. "Nevermind," and like that, Ruby closed her mouth. "Answer my first question."

"It's– uh... Because–"

"Because we were too much of a problem." Rosetta completed the sentence for her, Ruby's face was all kinds of schocked. "What? Fuck, NO! of course not! What made you think that?" Ruby replied, heavens and hells no! Ruby loved her friends! Loved her life with them! Loved her life with her...

"Then why?"

"It's because... " Ruby silently took a breather, whatever the reason, Rosetta probably wouldn't have liked it. "Because they threatened to hurt you... guys... " Ruby said with a shake, 'guys' felt like it was added, like a second thought.


Rosetta, get your ass out of this situation. She begged to herself, but it didn't work.

"Them." Ruby's brows furrowed, clearly this 'them' was a gang. No need to dig deeper. "You got yourself in a gang...?" Rosetta's bitterness and anger left with just that realization, how in the name of Leraina did that happen?

Ruby sighed, she nodded guiltly. "I understand if you wanna get yourself away from me now, I really do." She looked at Rosetta eyes filled with hurt and sadness. "Please, I don't mind at all, just get running." Ruby begged again.

"Ruby– no. I'm not leaving." Rosetta took a stand at where she was. "Not until you tell me why you joined."

"Didn't I already say? They threatened to hurt you all... They would, they could, that's why. I don't want to see the people who cared about me on the floor, bloodied and bruised." Ruby crossed her arms, hunching over slightly. "I didn't want to see all of you gutted and skinned." Rosetta made her way to the taller girl, god, what is this gang she was forced to join?

"And they told me to do it that way, to erase myself from records, to make sure I'm no longer on the lists." Ruby murmured, voice shaky.

"I couldn't just–" suddenly, the sound of motorcycles in the distance made both of the teens snao their heads. "Oh no..." Ruby murmured. She dried the little tears that started to flow and put on a face that spoke 'don't fuck with me, and there's a chance I won't kill you', she looked at Rosetta and and mouthed the words:

"I'm sorry..."

"Wha–?!" Rosetta was about to question, before she quickly got her answer after Ruby put on a mask that was tucked away in the large Grey gacket. "Please just try and pretend..." The face she originally put was swept aside to be replaced with a look of regret only to be put back on.

Rosetta immediately understood, and with some hesitance, played her part.

She cowered and covered her face with her hands, pleading quiet 'sorry''s and soft whatever's. "Now, now, dear~" Ruby said in a tone that would've brought someone to their knees, I mean, Rosetta would've dropped down to her knees if it weren't for the fact Ruby was so close–

"Ruby!" A loud obnoxious voice came in, they both shot their heads towards it. Rosetta could tell the slight- and I mean slight - shiver from fear from Ruby. Rosetta is intimidated, but something kind of told her they weren't gonna be much problem. She (mostly)face of fear.

"I see you cought a cute one~" Rosetta tensed up, Leraina, what was he thinking? "Don't worry kitty, you'll be in good hands~" the boy, a deathly pale skined redhead with big ass bagss under his eyes growler.

"Hey," Ruby growed back, but more defensive. "Remember our deal?" She scowled at him, tge boy raised his eyebrows and nodded after a second or two. "Oh, yeah."

"Well, then. Since you got this place covered, we'll be on our way, ok?" Wait, what? "Yeah, yeah. Now get lost. I'm about to do something crazy~" Rosetta shivered and sinked down, Ruby was finally more than an inch away from her face. But Ruby quickly slammed her hand on tge wall causing Rosetta to pause.

Witha Huff, the boy said, "you always get the submissive ones, wished I had your luck." He put his hand in his pocjets and turned around. "Alright, I'll be going. But remember this, alright?"

"We will kill them if you Dare try to escape us."

"Yeah, whatever."

After sometime, now both positive that he was gone, they left eachother circle of personal space and backed up from eachother. "Don't come back to this part of town again, ok?"

The wind was tge only sound before, "no promises."

Ruby smirked, still the same ol'Rosetta.

Rosetta humed, I really do mean that.

And they both walked3d seperate ways.

[A/N: So sorry if it's kinda rushed! I'm a bit tired and the idea just poped out of nowhwere! Sorry!

Feel free to correct spelling erorros, give criticism, and maybe share. All are appreciated! (Especially votes). Oh, and btw, thiswassomewhatinspiredbythegachavids.

Also, these are not the ocs in their original universe, it's an au.

Anyways, hope you all have/had a good day! And if not, than hope you one tommorow!]

Dec. 7, 2018 – Friday.

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