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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail. Just a little one-shot I made. Do you like? 

Natsu thought everyone knew Lucy was his. He made sure to have his arm around her shoulder whenever he could. He went with her where ever she went most of the time. Whenever someone looked at her wrongly, he glared at that person with so much hate that the person ran away. So he doesn't understand how Lucy got a boyfriend.

No, her boyfriend was not in their guild. He wasn't even a mage. Natsu could beat him up in 10 seconds flat, so Natsu has no idea what she sees in him.

Today was his first time meeting the guy. Lucy had brought him to the guild. It was like she wanted him to kill her boyfriend. The whole time they were there, Lucy and the jerk were holding hands, hugging, anything you do to touch a person you love, besides kissing. Lucy isn't suppose to do that with her boyfriend. It's suppose to be Natsu she does that with.

Natsu sighed while starring at the couple. The blonde was Lucy, the girl he was in love with. The brunette was her boyfriend, the guy he wanted to kill. They were sitting at the bar, laughing. "I bet it wasn't even funny" Natsu grumbled. Lucy's boyfriend was the one who told a joke. If Lucy had told it, it would have been funny.

Natsu started taping his fingers against the wooden table. His glare was fierce and no one wanted it on them. He knew the guy could feel his glare, but he was ignoring Natsu. How does one do that? Oh, that's right! The most beautiful girl was sitting right in front of him. Added to the fact is that this girl was Natsu's partner and crush. There was no way Natsu would try to hurt the guy with Lucy right next to him.

Natsu was so engrossed with starring at Lucy and her, ugh, boyfriend (cue shutter from Natsu), that he didn't notice Gray and Mira sit down next to him smirking.

"Hey! Flame-brain! What are you starring at Lucy for?" Gray asked. This, of course, got Natsu to switch his position to glaring at the ice-stripper, aka Gray. He turned with a furious glare because Gray had made him turn away from Lucy. He had to make sure that bastard didn't so anything bad!

"Nothing, Droopy eyes!" Natsu growled. He teeth were clenched with aggravation. Why couldn't he pound that bastard? "Natsu, don't you think that Lucy and Takumi look nice together?" Mira questions. Natsu's fist clenched so hard together, his knuckles were bleach white. "Y-yeah, just perfect" Natsu said while glaring.

Mira giggled. "Natsu, calm down! It's obvious you're jealous" Mira whispered to him. His eyes widened. He didn't even notice. He had been so busy with glaring at Takumi, that he didn't notice itself showing signs that he was jealous. He gulped.

So, now Gray and Mira knew. He looked around. Oh, it seems that the whole guild knew. They were all looking at him, giving him looks of approval. They all wanted him to end up with Lucy. Not that Takumi. Natsu grinned. He looked up and his eyes scanned the room. He had lost sight of Lucy during his talk with Gray and Mira. He was looking for a blonde and a brunet- He froze.

They were inching towards each other. Both had their eyes close. "Awww... They're going to kiss!" Mira squealed, hoping they would hear and separate from embarrassment. But they didn't hear. They didn't separate. They kept on going. It was in slow-motion to Natsu. His eyes turning into slits of anger while watching. He fists waiting to crush someone's head in, preferably Takumi's. His teeth grounded together loudly. Mira was wondering how Lucy didn't hear this.

Just then, Lucy's eyes shot toward Natsu. She smirked at Mira, to let her know she wasn't doing it because she liked the guy. She was using him to see if Natsu really liked her. She knew it was inconsiderate of her, but she needed to know if Natsu liked her before she moved on. And now she knows she doesn't have to move on. She now knows that Natsu likes her.

She turned back to Takumi. She looked at him sadly and apologetically. "Takumi" she sighs apologetically. He looked up, hearing her tone. "I'm sorry. I can't kiss you. I like someone else" she said firmly, but softly. He looked at her, growing angry. "Why not? Am I not good enough? Wll?" He asked, not giving her anytime to speak. She opened her mouth to answer, but was cut off again. "Well, you know what? You're the most ugliness, meanest, anon-" Just then, he was cut off. Tears had started to run down Lucy's face.

Mira had seen the whole thing unfold. She was sitting at Natsu's table anyway. Natsu had grown tense at what Takumi was saying. And he had snapped when Lucy started crying. When he snapped, the glare his face held was the scariest thing Mira had ever seen.

"Shut up" Natsu said calmly. He was standing next to their table. Takumi looked toward him angrily. "Don't tell me-" "I don't think you heard me right, so I'll say it one more time. Shut up" Natsu said. Takumi then looked into his eyes and flinched back. His eyes promised pain, muder if it came to it. Natsu started to slowly walk toward Takumi. "You made Lucy cry" Natsu said as he cracked his knuckles. His eyes were covered by his hair. Most of the guild had quieted down when Takumi had started his rant.

Takumi guilped, and backed up. He could only go so far when he hit the back of the guild wall. A second later, Natsu stood over him, glaring down. He growled as Takumi pressed his back as far as he could against the wall. Natsu reached out and grabbed the front of his collar. "If you ever make Lucy cry again, I'll burn you to a crisp" Natsu said evilly, as he held onto Takumi with one hand, and a fire ball in the other.

Takumi nodded his head so fast that it looked like it could fall off. Natsu drops him. "Now get way from Lucy" he growls glaring. Takumi runs as fast as he can.

Natsu turns to find Lucy running into his arms. "Thank you Natsu" she sobs into his chest. Natsu hugs her back. "Lucy. Don't listen to him. You're the most beautiful, kindest, and most perfect girl"Natsu tells her. She nods into his chest. The guild had all turned to give them privacy, but they could still hear what was happening.

Luc finally pulls away from Natsu. "Thanks again, Natsu! I'm going to go take a bath" she says, and she exits the guild. "I hope I'll find someone soon" she whispers, but Natsu heard.

"Don't worry Luce, I'll always love you!" he whispers.

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