just the same part one

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Tap,tap,tap,tap. Yet another boring day taping away at the glass wall that separates them from me, their afraid off me I can see it in their eyes. They fear me and I don't blame them. I hate them all of them since the first day I absolutely despise them, and they know it damn well so they stay on the other side of the glass or outside of the room all together.

My name is (y/n) and I am now 20 so I have been here for 11 years now meaning I was admitted to this hell hole by my parents when I was 9 years old .

~~~~ flash back to age 9~~~~

"Wait for me!" I yelled as I chased a butterfly around the back yard . my father laughs as I trip on a rock and tumble to the ground " I told you to watch where your going didn't I" he chuckles but soon stops when I don't get up " are you ok?" worry rising in his voice as he quickly makes his way over to me " i-i think so...." I respond quietly . as my father approaches me let's out a horrified gasp whilst looking down at my small figure that has been impaled a old rusted rake a dark liquid forming "b-baby don't move I'm gonna go get mama and have her call an ambulance " I hear him say as he runs to the house screaming for my mother " what is he talking about " I think as I push myself up off the ground and on to my feet to find a rake sticking out of me I let out a scream and make a scramble for the back door tears blurring my vision screaming for my mom and dad to help me. soon both of them rush out to me as sirens fill the air and paramedics come around the house dragging me into the ambulance with my parents not far behind, we are soon speeding off to the hospital .* time skip to 3 hours later* . I lay on a hospital bed with the rake now removed from my body while the doctor explains my " condition " to my mom and dad." well she has been under a close watch since she arrived and it appears as if her body made a full recovery an hour ago " he let's out a sigh before continuing  " in my 36 years of working here I have never seen this before , she had a huge hole in her body and a rip in her lungs " my parents exchange worried glances . " but how is that possible" my mother chocked out. " well we believe it to be the work of this black tar like substance that runs through her vains in place of blood , it also seems that she felt no pain what's so ever during the removal ........I'll give you three some time alone " afterwards he left the room as soon as the door clicked shut my father looked to me with something in his eyes I've never seen, pure hate.

~~~~ end of flash back~~~~

I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I remember every hateful thing he yelled at me that day till he could rid himself of me here. pushing the painful memory out of my head I turn my head to look out at the man walking by my cell "well looks like dinners here " I say to myself well standing up and walking over to my meal .

~~~~ at the front door of the hospital from some other view point~~~~

a women is escorted into the building by two big men in white clothes . she is the sister of the mysterious Michael Myers and little dose anyone working that night in that wing of the institution know that only two people will be leaving alive.

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