Chapter 11

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Brianna's POV

Julia had got a push cart although we were not getting much it was still fun to have one just hop in, and have people push you. "Haha this is so much fun" I said as Julia pushed the cart to the candy section.

"What do you want?" She asked stopping in front of the candy. "Jolly Rancher, watermelon sour patch, dark side skittles-" "Brianna don't forget you have to buy for them too" Nia said walking up to us with bags of chips throwing them on top of me. "Ugh fine" I said as we continued to shop.

"Okay is that it?" Julia asked we reached the cashier. "Yes" I said getting out of the cart. "I'm going to the car" I said leaving them. I hopped back into the driver seat, and turned on Sleeping With Sirens, and took out my phone to check instagram. When I got a text from Harry.


Hey where are you guys?


We stopped for candy


Let me guess for you


Lol how did you know


You told me last night that the candy was almost finished and you wanted to cry


No I didn't I have no clue what your talking about


Brianna I even called you and you were sad that the candy was almost finished


What you called last night?????




Lol I'm kidding I'll see you later I have to drive


You can drive omg I didn't know


Haha very funny


Lol I'll see you when you get here

"Okay we're ready" Julia said both her and Nia hopped into the car. "Who were you texting?" Nia asked staring at me.

"Nobody I was on instagram"I replied not looking at her, and started to drive again.

"Yeah alright" Nia said leaving it at that.

Julia's POV

Brianna was blasting Pierce The Veil, I was jamming with them for a while when I got a text from Zayn.


Hey doll


Lol hey Z


You guys better hurry before Niall eats off all the pizza


Noo stop him


Lol I'll try

"Finally we're here" Brianna said parking the car. We all hopped out of the car, and Nia grabbed the bag that had candy and chips so Brianna won't steal any of the candy. "No fair I want to bring the bag" she said pouting "fine have this bag" Nia had Brianna the bag with the chips. "No I want to hold the bag with the candy not chips" "nope not happening" Nia said not looking back at her as I just laughed at the two of them. We walked up to Niall's door, Brianna had rang the door bell "who is it" we heard Niall shout "pizza deliver" Brianna responded as Nia had hit her shoulder. "Niall you ordered more pizza?" We heard Louis ask him "no" we heard Niall getting closer to the door, and he opened it. "Hiiii" we all said at the same time. Niall just laughed at us and let us in. "Who is it?" Harry asked walking from down the hall. "Sup" Brianna said doing a peace sign, and smiled at him "hey" he said smiling back. Brianna handed the bag with the chips to Niall and took the bag with the candy away from Nia.

"Brianna" Nia said giving her a death glare "what I'm just going to get my candy" she said innocently, hiding behind Harry while she took out her candy. "Here I'm gone" she said handing the bag back to Nia "thank you" she said taking the bag, and handing it to Niall. "Okay now that the candy thing is dealt with let's go watch a movie" Niall said taking Nia's hand, and leading us to the living room. Brianna gave me a look that meant ooo lala, and looked at their hands entwined with each other, and back at me. I just playfully rolled my eyes as a response to her look.

"Brianna are you going to share your candy?" I asked trying to change the subject off of them. "No" she said giving me a death glare "come on I'll buy you monster on the way home" her eyes lit up when I said that "maybe" she said turning to face Harry, who then took her candy. "Harreehhh" she whined trying to get it back from him. "Sharing is caring" he simply said holding the candy in the air so she won't be able to reach it. She tried jumping up to it to reach the candy, but that just made him hold it up higher. "Fine" she pouted and crossed her arms. We had reached Niall's living room I took a sit next to Zayn. "What's wrong with Brianna and Harry?" Zayn whispered as he put is arm around my shoulder trying not make it obvious. "Harry took her candy" I said getting closer to him. "Haha poor Brianna." Niall and Nia were cuddling, Brianna was in the couch with her arms still crossed not looking at Harry, while Harry was sitting right next to her. Louis was sitting next to Liam I heard they both had girlfriends, but I didn't see them so I guess they couldn't make it.

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